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Mics questionnaire for individual women

Honduras 2019

Woman's information panel: WM

WM1. Cluster number: _ _ _

WM2. Household number: _ _

WM3. Woman's name and line number:
Name ____ _ _

WM4. Supervisor's name and number:
Name ____ _ _ _

WM5. Interviewer's name and number:
Name ____ _ _ _

WM6. Day/month/year of interview:
_ _ / _ _ / 201 _

WM6A. Woman selected for the domestic violence module
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Check woman's age in HL6 in list of household members, household questionnaire: If age 15-17, verify in HH33 that adult consent for interview is obtained or not necessary (HL20=90). If consent is needed and not obtained, the interview must not commence and '06' should be recorded in WM17.

WM7. Record the time:
Hours : minutes _ _ : _ _

WM8. Check completed questionnaires in this household: Have you or another member of your team interviewed this respondent for another questionnaire?

[] 1 Yes, interviewed already (Go to WM9B)
[] 2 No, first interview (Go to WM9A)

WM9A. Hello, my name is (your name). We are from the National Statistical Institute. We are conducting a survey about the situation of children, families and households. I would like to talk to you about your health and other topics. This interview usually takes about [number minutes]. We are also interviewing mothers about their children. All the information we obtain will remain strictly confidential and anonymous. If you wish not to answer a question or wish to stop the interview, please let me know. May I start now?

WM9B. Now I would like to talk to you about your health and other topics in more detail. This interview will take about number minutes. Again, all the information we obtain will remain strictly confidential and anonymous. If you wish not to answer a question or wish to stop the interview, please let me know. May I start now?

[] 1 Yes (Go to woman's background module)
[] 2 No/not asked (Go to WM17)

WM17. Result of woman's interview.
Discuss any result not completed with Supervisor.

[] 01 Completed
[] 02 Not at home
[] 03 Refused
[] 04 Partly completed
[] 05 Incapacitated (specify) ____
[] 06 No adult consent for respondent age 15-17
[] 96 Other (specify) ____

Woman's background: WB

WB1. Check the respondent's line number (WM3) in woman's information panel and the respondent to the household questionnaire (HH47):
[] 1 WM3=HH47
[] 2 WM3 does not equal HH47 (Go to WB3)

WB2. Check ED5 in education module in the household questionnaire for this respondent: Highest level of school attended:
[] 1 ED5=2, 3 or 4 (Go to WB15)
[] 2 ED5=0, 1, 8 or blank (Go to WB14)

WB3. In what month and year were you born?

Date of birth
_ _ Month
[] 98 DK month
_ _ _ _ Year
[] 9998 DK year

WB4. How old are you?
Probe: How old were you at your last birthday? If responses to WB3 and WB4 are inconsistent, probe further and correct. Age must be recorded.
Age (in completed years) _ _

WB5. Have you ever attended school or any early childhood education programme?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to WB14)

WB6. What is the highest level and grade or year of school you have attended?

[] 000 Early childhood education (Go to WB14)
[] 1 Pre-basic (1-3) _ _
[] 2 Basic (1-9) _ _
[] 3 Common cycle (1-3)_ _
[] 4 Diversified (1-4) _ _
[] 5 Superior technical (1-3) _ _
[] 6 Superior non-universitary (1-4) _ _
[] 7 Superior universitary (1-8) _ _
[] 8 Graduate studies (1-5) _ _

WB7. Did you complete that (grade/year)?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

WB8. Check WB4: Age of respondent:
[] 1 Age 15-24
[] 2 Age 25-49 (Go to WB13)

WB9. At any time during the current school year did you attend school?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to WB11)

WB10. During the 2019 school year, which level and grade or year are you attending?

[] 1 Pre-basic (1-3) _ _
[] 2 Basic (1-9) _ _
[] 3 Common cycle (1-3)_ _
[] 4 Diversified (1-4) _ _
[] 5 Superior technical (1-3) _ _
[] 6 Superior non-universitary (1-4) _ _
[] 7 Superior universitary (1-8) _ _
[] 8 Graduate studies (1-5) _ _

WB11. At any time during the 2018 school year did you attend school?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to WB13)

WB12. During the 2018 school year, which level and grade or year did you attend?

[] 1 Pre-basic (1-3) _ _
[] 2 Basic (1-9) _ _
[] 3 Common cycle (1-3)_ _
[] 4 Diversified (1-4) _ _
[] 5 Superior technical (1-3) _ _
[] 6 Superior non-universitary (1-4) _ _
[] 7 Superior universitary (1-8) _ _
[] 8 Graduate studies (1-5) _ _

WB13. Check WB6: Highest level of school attended:
[] 1 WB6=2, 3 or 4 (Go to WB15)
[] 2 WB6=1

WB14. Now I would like you to read this sentence to me.
Show sentence on the card to the respondent. If respondent cannot read whole sentence, probe: Can you read part of the sentence to me?
[] 1 Cannot read at all
[] 2 Able to read only parts of sentence
[] 3 Able to read whole sentence
[] 4 No sentence in required language/braille (specify language) ____

WB15. How long have you been continuously living in (name of current city, town or village of residence)?
If less than one year, record '00' years.
Years _ _
[] 95 Always/since birth (Go to WB18)

WB16. Just before you moved here, did you live in a city, in a town, or in a rural area?
Probe to identify the type of place. If unable to determine whether the place is a city, a town or a rural area, write the name of the place and then temporarily record '9' until you learn the appropriate category for the response.
(Name of place) ____

[] 1 City
[] 2 Town
[] 3 Rural area

WB17. Before you moved here, in which region did you live in?

[] 01 Atlantida
[] 02 Colon
[] 03 Comayagua
[] 04 Copan
[] 05 Cortes
[] 06 Choluteca
[] 07 El Paraiso
[] 08 Francisco Morazan
[] 09 Gracias a Dios
[] 10 Intibuca
[] 11 Islas de la Bahia
[] 12 La Paz
[] 13 Lempira
[] 14 Ocotepeque
[] 15 Olancho
[] 16 Santa Barbara
[] 17 Valle
[] 18 Yoro
[] 19 San Pedro Sula
[] 20 Distrito Central
[] 96 Outside of country (specify) ____

Fertility/Birth history: CM

CM1. Now I would like to ask about all the births you have had during your life. Have you ever given birth?
This module and the birth history should only include children born alive. Any stillbirths should not be included in response to any question.
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to CM8)

CM2. Do you have any sons or daughters to whom you have given birth who are now living with you?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to CM5)

CM3. How many sons live with you?
If none, record '00'.
_ _ Sons at home

CM4. How many daughters live with you?
If none, record '00'.
_ _ Daughters at home

CM5. Do you have any sons or daughters to whom you have given birth who are alive but do not live with you?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to CM8)

CM6. How many sons are alive but do not live with you?
If none, record '00'.
_ _ Sons elsewhere

CM7. How many daughters are alive but do not live with you?
If none, record '00'.
_ _ Daughters elsewhere

CM8. Have you ever given birth to a boy or girl who was born alive but later died?
If 'No' probe by asking:
I mean, to any baby who cried, who made any movement, sound, or effort to breathe, or who showed any other signs of life even if for a very short time?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to CM11)

CM9. How many boys have died?
If none, record '00'.
_ _ Boys dead

CM10. How many girls have died?
If none, record '00'.
_ _ Girls dead

CM11. Sum answers to CM3, CM4, CM6, CM7, CM9 and CM10.
_ _ Sum

CM12. Just to make sure that I have this right, you have had in total (total number in CM11) births during your life. Is this correct?

[] 1 Yes (Go to CM14)
[] 2 No

CM13. Check responses to CM1-CM10 and make corrections as necessary until response in CM12 is 'Yes'.

CM14. Check CM11: How many live births?
[] 0 No live births, CM11=00 (Go to next module)
[] 1 One or more live birth, CM11=01 or more

Fertility/birth history: BH

BH0. Now I would like to record the names of all of your births, whether still alive or not, starting with the first one you had.
Record names of all of the births in BH1. Record twins and triplets on separate lines.

BH0. BH line number _ _

BH1. What name was given to your (first/next) baby? ____

BH2. Were any of these births twins?

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Multiple

BH3. Is (name of birth) a boy or a girl?

[] 1 Boy
[] 2 Girl

BH4. In what month and year was (name of birth) born?
Probe: What is (his/her) birthday?
Day/month/year _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

BH5. Is (name of birth) still alive?

[] 1 Y
[] 2 N (Go to BH9)

BH6. How old was (name of birth) at (his/her) last birthday?
Record age in completed years.
Age _ _

BH7. Is (name of birth) living with you?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

BH8. Record household line number of child (from HL1)
Record '00' if child is not listed.
Line No _ _ (Go to next birth/Go to BH10)

BH9. How old was (name of birth) when (he/she) died?
If '1 year', probe: How many months old was (name of birth)? Record days if less than 1 month; record months if less than 2 years; or years
[] 1 Days
[] 2 Months
[] 3 Years
Number _ _

BH10. Were there any other live births between (name of previous birth) and (name of birth), including any children who died after birth?

[] 1 Yes (Add birth)
[] 2 No (Next birth)

BH11. Have you had any live births since the birth of (name of last birth listed)?

[] 1 Yes (Record birth(s) in birth history)
[] 2 No

CM15. Compare number in CM11 with number of births listed in the birth history above and check:
[] 1 Numbers are the same (Go to CM17)
[] 2 Numbers are different

CM16. Probe and reconcile responses in the birth history until response in CM12 is 'Yes'.

CM17. Check BH4: Last birth occurred within the last 2 years, that is, since (month of interview) in (year of interview minus 2)?
If the month of interview and the month of birth are the same, and the year of birth is (year of interview minus 2), consider this as a birth within the last 2 years.
[] 0 No live births in the last 2 years (Go to next module)
[] 1 One or more live births in the last 2 years

CM18. Copy name of the last child listed in BH1.
If the child has died, take special care when referring to this child by name in the following modules.
Name of last born child ____

Desire for last birth: DB

DB1. Check CM17: Was there a live birth in the last 2 years?
Copy name of last birth listed in the birth history (CM18) to here and use where indicated:

Name ____

[] 1 Yes, CM17=1
[] 2 No, CM17=0 or blank (Go to next module)

DB2. When you got pregnant with (name), did you want to get pregnant at that time?

[] 1 Yes (Go to next module)
[] 2 No

DB3. Check CM11: Number of births:
[] 1 Only 1 birth (Go to DB4A)
[] 2 2 or more births (Go to DB4B)

DB4A. Did you want to have a baby later on, or did you not want any children?
DB4B. Did you want to have a baby later on, or did you not want any more children?

[] 1 Later
[] 2 No more/none

Maternal and newborn health: MN

MN1. Check CM17: Was there a live birth in the last 2 years?
Copy name of last birth listed in the birth history (CM18) to here and use where indicated:

Name ____

[] 1 Yes, CM17=1
[] 2 No, CM17=0 or blank (Go to next module)

MN2. Did you see anyone for antenatal care during your pregnancy with (name)?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to MN7)

MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Licensed Nurse
[] C Assistant Nurse
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] X Other (specify) ____

MN4. How many weeks or months pregnant were you when you first received antenatal care for this pregnancy?
Record the answer as stated by respondent. If "9 months" or later, record 9.
[] 1 Weeks _ _
[] 2 Months 0 _
[] 998 DK

MN5. How many times did you receive antenatal care during this pregnancy?
Probe to identify the number of times antenatal care was received. If a range is given, record the minimum number of times antenatal care received.
_ _ Number of times
[] 98 DK

MN6. As part of your antenatal care during this pregnancy, were any of the following done at least once:

[A] Was your blood pressure measured?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[B] Did you give a urine sample?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[C] Did you give a blood sample?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[D] Check your weight?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[E] Check your height?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[F] Take measures of your belly?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[G] Check the baby's heart rate?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[H] Inform you about symptoms or complications that might happen during pregnancy?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[I] Did you take an iron supplement?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

MN7. Do you have a card or other document with your own immunisations listed?
If yes, ask: May I see it please? If a card is presented, use it to assist with answers to the following questions.
[] 1 Yes (card or other document seen)
[] 2 Yes (card or other document not seen)
[] 3 No
[] 8 DK

MN8. When you were pregnant with (name), did you receive any injection in the arm or shoulder to prevent the baby from getting tetanus, that is, convulsions after birth?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to MN11)
[] 8 DK (Go to MN11)

MN9. How many times did you receive this tetanus injection during your pregnancy with (name)?

_ Number of times
[] 8 DK (Go to MN11)

MN10. Check MN9: How many tetanus injections during last pregnancy were reported?
[] 1 Only 1 injection
[] 2 2 or more injections (Go to MN16)

MN11. At any time before your pregnancy with (name), did you receive any tetanus injection either to protect yourself or another baby?
Include DTP (Tetanus) vaccinations received as a child if mentioned.
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to MN16)
[] 8 DK (Go to MN16)

MN12. Before your pregnancy with (name), how many times did you receive a tetanus injection?
If 7 or more times, record '7'. Include DTP (Tetanus) vaccinations received as a child if mentioned.
_ Number of times
[] 8 DK

MN13. Check MN12: How many tetanus injections before last pregnancy were reported?
[] 1 Only 1 injection (Go to MN14A)
[] 2 2 or more injections (Go to MN16)

MN14A. How many years ago did you receive that tetanus injection
MN14B. How many years ago did you receive the last of those tetanus injections?
The reference is to the last injection received prior to this pregnancy, as recorded in MN12. If less than 1 year, record '00'.
_ _ Years ago
[] 98 DK

MN19. Who assisted with the delivery of (name)?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person assisting and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] H Relative/friend
[] X Other (specify) ____
[] Y No one

MN20. Where did you give birth to (name)?
Probe to identify the type of place. If unable to determine whether public or private, write the name of the place and then temporarily record '76' until you learn the appropriate category for the response.
(Name of place) ____

[] 11 Respondent's home (Go to MN23)
[] 12 Other home (Go to MN23)
Public medical sector
[] 21 Sesal Hospital
[] 22 IHSS Hospital
[] 23 Maternity Clinic
[] 26 Other public (specify) ____
Private medical sector
[] 31 Private hospital
[] 32 Private clinic
[] 33 Private maternity/NGO
[] 36 Other private (specify) ____
[] 76 DK public or private
[] 96 Other (specify) ____ (Go to MN23)

MN21. Was (name) delivered by caesarean section? That is, did they cut your belly open to take the baby out?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to MN23)

MN22. When was the decision made to have the caesarean section?
Probe if necessary: Was it before or after your labour pains started?
[] 1 Before labour pains
[] 2 After labour pains

MN23. Immediately after the birth, was (name) put directly on the bare skin of your chest?
If necessary, show the picture of skin-to-skin position. [Image omitted]
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to MN25)
[] 8 DK/don't remember (Go to MN25)

MN24. Before being placed on the bare skin of your chest, was the baby wrapped up?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/don't remember

MN25. Was (name) dried or wiped soon after birth?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/don't remember

MN26. How long after the birth was (name) bathed for the first time?
If "immediately" or less than 1 hour, record '000'. If less than 24 hours, record hours. If "1 day" or "next day", probe: About how many hours after the delivery? If "24 hours", probe to ensure best estimate of less than 24 hours or 1 day. If 24 hours or more, record days.
[] 000 Immediately/less than 1 hour
[] 1 Hours _ _
[] 2 Days _ _
[] 997 Never bathed
[] 998 DK/don't remember

MN32. When (name) was born, was (he/she) very large, larger than average, average, smaller than average, or very small?

[] 1 Very large
[] 2 Larger than average
[] 3 Average
[] 4 Smaller than average
[] 5 Very small
[] 8 DK

MN33. Was (name) weighed at birth?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to MN35)
[] 8 DK (Go to MN35)

MN34. How much did (name) weigh?
If a card is available, record weight from card.
[] 1 From card (KG) _ . _ _ _
[] 2 From recall (KG) _ . _ _ _
[] 99998 DK

MN35. Has your menstrual period returned since the birth of (name)?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

MN35A. How many months after (names) birth did your period return?

[] Months _ _
[] 2 DK

MN36. Did you ever breastfeed (name)?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to MN39B)

MN37. How long after birth did you first put (name) to the breast?
If less than 1 hour, record '00' hours. If less than 24 hours, record hours. Otherwise, record days.
[] 000 Immediately/less than 1 hour
[] 1 Hours _ _
[] 2 Days _ _
[] 998 DK/don't remember

MN38. In the first three days after delivery, was (name) given anything to drink other than breast milk?

[] 1 Yes (Go to MN39A)
[] 2 No (Go to end)

MN39A. What was (name) given to drink?
Probe: Anything else? 'Not given anything to drink' is not a valid response and response category Y cannot be recorded.
MN39B. In the first three days after delivery, what was (name) given to drink?
Probe: Anything else? 'Not given anything to drink' (category Y) can only be recorded if no other response category is recorded.
[] A Milk (other than breast milk)
[] B Plain water
[] C Sugar or glucose water
[] D Gripe water
[] E Sugar-salt-water solution
[] F Fruit juice
[] G Infant formula
[] H Tea/infusions/traditional herbal preparations
[] I Honey
[] J Prescribed medicine
[] X Other (specify) ____
[] Y Not given anything to drink

Post-natal health checks: PN

PN1. Check CM17: Was there a live birth in the last 2 years?
Copy name of last birth listed in the birth history (CM18) to here and use where indicated:

Name ____

[] 1 Yes, CM17=1
[] 2 No, CM17=0 or blank (Go to end)

PN2. Check MN20: Was the child delivered in a health facility?
[] 1 Yes, MN20=21-36 or 76
[] 2 No, MN20=11-12 or 96 (Go to PN7)

PN3. Now I would like to ask you some questions about what happened in the hours and days after the birth of (name).
You have said that you gave birth in (name or type of facility in MN20). How long did you stay there after the delivery?
If less than one day, record hours. If less than one week, record days. Otherwise, record weeks.
[] 1 Hours _ _
[] 2 Days _ _
[] 3 Weeks _ _
[] 998 DK/don't remember

PN4. I would like to talk to you about checks on (name)'s health after delivery - for example, someone examining (name), checking the cord, or seeing if (name) is ok.
Before you left the (name or type of facility in MN20), did anyone check on (name)'s health?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

PN5. And what about checks on your health - I mean, someone assessing your health, for example asking questions about your health or examining you?
Did anyone check on your health before you left (name or type or facility in MN20)?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

PN6. Now I would like to talk to you about what happened after you left (name or type of facility in MN20).
Did anyone check on (name)'s health after you left (name or type of facility in MN20)?

[] 1 Yes (Go to PN12)
[] 2 No (Go to PN17)

PN7. Check MN19: Did a health professional, traditional birth attendant, or community health worker assist with the delivery?
[] 1 Yes, at least one of the categories A to G recorded
[] 2 No, none of the categories A to G recorded (Go to PN11)

PN8. You have already said that (person or persons in MN19) assisted with the birth. Now I would like to talk to you about checks on (name)'s health after delivery, for example examining (name), checking the cord, or seeing if (name) is ok.
After the delivery was over and before (person or persons in MN19) left you, did (person or persons in MN19) check on (name)'s health?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

PN9. And did (person or persons in MN19) check on your health before leaving, for example asking questions about your health or examining you?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

PN10. After the (person or persons in MN19) left you, did anyone check on the health of (name)?

[] 1 Yes (Go to PN12)
[] 2 No (Go to PN19)

PN11. I would like to talk to you about checks on (name)'s health after delivery -- for example, someone examining (name), checking the cord, or seeing if the baby is ok.
After (name) was delivered, did anyone check on (his/her) health?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to PN20)

PN12. Did such a check happen only once, or more than once?

[] 1 Once (Go to PN13A)
[] 2 More than once (Go to PN13B)

PN13A. How long after delivery did that check happen?
PN13B. How long after delivery did the first of these checks happen?
If less than one day, record hours. If less than one week, record days. Otherwise, record weeks.
[] 1 Hours _ _
[] 2 Days _ _
[] 3 Weeks _ _
[] 998 DK/don't remember

PN14. Who checked on (name)'s health at that time?

Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Licensed nurse
[] C Assistant Nurse
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] H Relative/friend
[] X Other (specify) ____
[] Y Nobody

PN15. Where did this check take place?
Probe to identify the type of place. If unable to determine whether public or private, write the name of the place and then temporarily record '76' until you learn the appropriate category for the response.
(Name of place) ____

[] 11 Respondent's home
[] 12 Other home
Public medical sector
[] 21 Sesal Hospital
[] 22 IHSS Hospital
[] 23 Maternity clinic
[] 26 Other public (specify) ____
Private medical sector
[] 31 Private hospital
[] 32 Private clinic
[] 33 Private maternity/NGO
[] 36 Other private (specify) ____
[] 76 DK public or private
[] 96 Other (specify) ____

PN16. Check MN20: Was the child delivered in a health facility?
[] 1 Yes, MN20=21-36 or 76
[] 2 No, MN20=11-12 or 96 (Go to PN18)

PN17. After you left (name or type of facility in MN20), did anyone check on your health?

[] 1 Yes (Go to PN21)
[] 2 No (Go to PN25)

PN18. Check MN19: Did a health professional, traditional birth attendant, or community health worker assist with the delivery?
[] 1 Yes, at least one of the categories A to G recorded
[] 2 No, none of the categories A to G recorded (Go to PN20)

PN19. After the delivery was over and (person or persons in MN19) left, did anyone check on your health?

[] 1 Yes (Go to PN21)
[] 2 No (Go to PN25)

PN20. After the birth of (name), did anyone check on your health, for example asking questions about your health or examining you?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to PN25)

PN21. Did such a check happen only once, or more than once?

[] 1 Once (Go to PN22A)
[] 2 More than once (Go to PN22B)

PN22A. How long after delivery did that check happen?
PN22B. How long after delivery did the first of these checks happen?
If less than one day, record hours. If less than one week, record days. Otherwise, record weeks.
[] 1 Hours _ _
[] 2 Days _ _
[] 3 Weeks _ _
[] 998 DK/don't remember

PN23. Who checked on your health at that time?

Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Licensed nurse
[] C Assistant nurse
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] H Relative/friend
[] X Other (specify) ____
[] Y Nobody

PN24. Where did this check take place?
Probe to identify the type of place.
If unable to determine whether public or private, write the name of the place and then temporarily record '76' until you learn the appropriate category for the response.

(Name of place)____

[] 11 Respondent's home
[] 12 Other home
Public medical sector
[] 21 Sesal Hospital
[] 22 IHSS Hospital
[] 23 Maternity clinic
[] 26 Other public (specify) ____
Private medical sector
[] 31 Private hospital
[] 32 Private clinic
[] 33 Private maternity/NGO
[] 36 Other private (specify) ____
[] 76 DK public or private
[] 96 Other (specify) ____

PN25. During the first two days after birth, did any health care provider do any of the following either at home or at a facility:

[A] Examine (name)'s cord?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[B] Take the temperature of (name)?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[C] Counsel you on breastfeeding?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

PN26. Check MN36: Was child ever breastfed?
[] 1 Yes, MN36=1
[] 2 No, MN36=2 (Go to PN28)

PN27. Observe (name)'s breastfeeding?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

PN28. Check MN33: Was child weighed at birth?
[] 1 Yes, MN33=1 (Go to PN29A)
[] 2 No, MN33=2 (Go to PN29B)
[] 8 DK, MN33=8 (Go to PN29C)

PN29A. You mentioned that (name) was weighed at birth. After that, was (name) weighed again by a health care provider within two days?
PN29B. You mentioned that (name) was not weighed at birth. Was (name) weighed at all by a health care provider within two days after birth?
PN29C. You mentioned that you do not know if (name) was weighed at birth. Was (name) weighed at all by a health care provider within two days after birth?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

PN30. During the first two days after (name)'s birth, did any health care provider give you information on the symptoms that require you to take your sick child to a health facility for care?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Contraception: CP

CP1. I would like to talk with you about another subject: family planning.
Are you pregnant now?

[] 1 Yes, currently pregnant (Go to CP3)
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK or not sure

CP2. Couples use various ways or methods to delay or avoid getting pregnant.
Are you currently doing something or using any method to delay or avoid getting pregnant?

[] 1 Yes (Go to CP4)
[] 2 No

CP3. Have you ever done something or used any method to delay or avoid getting pregnant?

[] 1 Yes (Go to end)
[] 2 No (Go to end)

CP4. What are you doing to delay or avoid a pregnancy?
Do not prompt. If more than one method is mentioned, record each one.
[] A Female sterilization
[] B Male sterilization
[] C IUD
[] D Injectables
[] E Implants
[] F Pill
[] G Male condom
[] H Female condom
[] I Diaphragm
[] J Foam/jelly
[] L Periodic abstinence/rhythm
[] M Withdrawal
[] X Other (specify) ____

Unmet need: UN

UN1. Check CP1: Currently pregnant?
[] 1 Yes, CP1=1
[] 2 No, DK or not sure, CP1=2 or 8 (Go to UN6)

UN2. Now I would like to talk to you about your current pregnancy. When you got pregnant, did you want to get pregnant at that time?

[] 1 Yes (Go to UN5)
[] 2 No

UN3. Check CM11: Any births?
[] 0 No births (Go to UN4A)
[] 1 One or more births (Go to UN4B)

UN4A. Did you want to have a baby later on or did you not want any children?
UN4B. Did you want to have a baby later on or did you not want any more children?

[] 1 Later
[] 2 None/no more

UN5. Now I would like to ask some questions about the future. After the child you are now expecting, would you like to have another child, or would you prefer not to have any more children?

[] 1 Have another child (Go to UN8)
[] 2 No more/none (Go to UN14)
[] 8 Undecided/DK (Go to UN14)

UN6. Check CP4: Currently using 'Female sterilization'?
[] 1 Yes, CP4=A (Go to UN14)
[] 2 No, CP4 does not equal A

UN7. Now I would like to ask you some questions about the future. Would you like to have (a/another) child, or would you prefer not to have any (more) children?

[] 1 Have (a/another) child
[] 2 No more/none (Go to UN10)
[] 3 Says she cannot get pregnant (Go to UN12)
[] 8 Undecided/DK (Go to UN10)

UN8. How long would you like to wait before the birth of (a/another) child?
Record the answer as stated by respondent.
[] 1 Months _ _
[] 2 Years _ _
[] 993 Does not want to wait (soon/now)
[] 994 Says she cannot get pregnant (Go to UN12)

UN9. Check CP1: Currently pregnant?
[] 1 Yes, CP1=1 (Go to UN14)
[] 2 No, DK or not sure, CP1=2 or 8

UN10. Check CP2: Currently using a method?
[] 1 Yes, CP2=1 (Go to UN14)
[] 2 No, CP2=2

UN11. Do you think you are physically able to get pregnant at this time?

[] 1 Yes (Go to UN14)
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK (Go to UN14)

UN12. Why do you think you are not physically able to get pregnant?

[] A Infrequent sex/no sex
[] B Menopausal
[] C Never menstruated
[] D Hysterectomy (surgical removal of uterus)
[] E Has been trying to get pregnant for 2 years or more without result
[] F Postpartum amenorrheic
[] G Breastfeeding
[] H Too old
[] I Fatalistic
[] X Other (specify) ____
[] Z DK

UN13. Check UN12: 'Never menstruated' mentioned?
[] 1 Mentioned, UN12=C (Go to end)
[] 2 Not mentioned, UN12 does not equal C

UN14. When did your last menstrual period start?
Record the answer using the same unit stated by the respondent. If '1 year', probe: How many months ago?
[] 1 Days ago _ _
[] 2 Weeks ago _ _
[] 3 Months ago _ _
[] 4 Years ago _ _
[] 993 In menopause/has had hysterectomy (Go to end)
[] 994 Before last birth (Go to end)
[] 995 Never menstruated (Go to end)

UN15. Check UN14: Was the last menstrual period within last year?
[] 1 Yes, within last year
[] 2 No, one year or more (Go to end)

UN16. Due to your last menstruation, were there any social activities, school or work days that you did not attend?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/not sure/no such activity

UN17. During your last menstrual period were you able to wash and change in privacy while at home?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

UN18. Did you use any materials such as sanitary pads, tampons or cloth?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to end)
[] 8 DK (Go to end)

UN19. Were the materials reusable?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

Attitudes toward domestic violence: DV

DV1. Sometimes a husband is annoyed or angered by things that his wife does. In your opinion, is a husband justified in hitting or beating his wife in the following situations:

[A] If she goes out without telling him?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[B] If she neglects the children?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[C] If she argues with him?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[D] If she refuses to have sex with him?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[E] If she burns the food?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

Victimisation: VT

VT1. Check for the presence of others. Before continuing, ensure privacy. Now I would like to ask you some questions about crimes in which you personally were the victim.
Let me assure you again that your answers are completely confidential and will not be told to anyone. In the last three years, that is since (month of interview) (year of interview minus 3), has anyone taken or tried taking something from you, by using force or threatening to use force?
Include only incidents in which the respondent was personally the victim and exclude incidents experienced only by other members of the household. If necessary, help the respondent to establish the recall period and make sure that you allow adequate time for the recall. You may reassure: It can be difficult to remember this sort of incidents, so please take your time while you think about your answers.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to VT9B)
[] 8 DK (Go to VT9B)

VT2. Did this last happen during the last 12 months, that is, since (month of interview) (year of interview minus 1)?

[] 1 Yes, during last 12 months
[] 2 No, more than 12 months ago (Go to VT5B)
[] 8 DK/don't remember (Go to VT5B)

VT3. How many times did this happen in the last 12 months?
If 'DK/Don't remember', probe: Did it happen once, twice, or at least three times?
[] 1 One time
[] 2 Two times
[] 3 Three or more times
[] 8 DK/don't remember

VT4. Check VT3: One or more times?
[] 1 One time, VT3=1 (Go to VT5A)
[] 2 More than once or DK, VT3=2, 3 or 8 (Go to VT5B)

VT5A. When this happened, was anything stolen from you?
VT5B. The last time this happened, was anything stolen from you?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/not sure

VT6. Did the person(s) have a weapon?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to VT8)
[] 8 DK/not sure (Go to VT8)

VT7. Was a knife, a gun or something else used as a weapon?
Record all that apply.
[] A Yes, a knife
[] B Yes, a gun
[] X Yes, something else

VT8. Did you or anyone else report the incident to the police?
If 'Yes', probe: Was the incident reported by you or someone else?
[] 1 Yes, respondent reported (Go to VT9A)
[] 2 Yes, someone else reported (Go to VT9A)
[] 3 No, not reported (Go to VT9A)
[] 8 DK/not sure (Go to VT9A)

VT9A. Apart from the incident(s) just covered, have you in the last three years, that is since (month of interview) (year of interview minus 3), been physically attacked?
VT9B. In the same period of the last three years, that is since (month of interview) (year of interview minus 3), have you been physically attacked?
If 'No', probe: An attack can happen at home or any place outside of the home, such as in other homes, in the street, at school, on public transport, public restaurants, or at your workplace.
Include only incidents in which the respondent was personally the victim and exclude incidents experienced only by other members of the household. Exclude incidents where the intention was to take something from the respondent, which should be recorded under VT1.
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to VT20)
[] 8 DK (Go to VT20)

VT10. Did this last happen during the last 12 months, that is, since (month of interview) (year of interview minus 1)?

[] 1 Yes, during the last 12 months
[] 2 No, more than 12 months ago (Go to VT12B)
[] 8 DK/Don't remember (Go to VT12B)

VT11. How many times did this happen in the last 12 months?
If 'DK/Don't remember', probe: Did it happen once, twice, or at least three times?
[] 1 One time (Go to VT12A)
[] 2 Two times (Go to VT12B)
[] 3 Three or more times (Go to VT12B)
[] 8 DK/don't remember (Go to VT12B)

VT12A. Where did this happen?
VT12B. Where did this happen the last time?

[] 11 At home
[] 12 In another home
[] 21 In the street
[] 22 On public transport
[] 23 Public restaurant/cafe/bar
[] 26 Other public (specify) ____
[] 31 At school
[] 32 At workplace
[] 96 Other place (specify) ____

VT13. How many people were involved in committing the offence?
If 'DK/Don't remember', probe: Was it one, two, or at least three people?
[] 1 One person (Go to VT14A)
[] 2 Two people (Go to VT14B)
[] 3 Three or more people (Go to VT14B)
[] 8 DK/don't remember (Go to VT14B)

VT14A. At the time of the incident, did you recognize the person?
VT14B. At the time of the incident, did you recognize at least one of the persons?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/don't remember

VT17. Did the person(s) have a weapon?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to VT19)
[] 8 DK (Go to VT19)

VT18. Was a knife, a gun or something else used as a weapon?
Record all that apply.
[] A Yes, a knife
[] B Yes, a gun
[] X Yes, something else

VT19. Did you or anyone else report the incident to the police?
If 'Yes', probe: Was the incident reported by you or someone else?
[] 1 Yes, respondent reported
[] 2 Yes, someone else reported
[] 3 No, not reported
[] 8 DK/not sure

VT20. How safe do you feel walking alone in your neighbourhood after dark?

[] 1 Very safe
[] 2 Safe
[] 3 Unsafe
[] 4 Very unsafe
[] 7 Never walk alone after dark

VT21. How safe do you feel when you are at home alone after dark?

[] 1 Very safe
[] 2 Safe
[] 3 Unsafe
[] 4 Very unsafe
[] 7 Never alone after dark

VT22. In the past 12 months, have you personally felt discriminated against or harassed on the basis of the following grounds?

[A] Ethnic or immigration origin?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[B] Sex?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[C] Sexual orientation?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[D] Age?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[E] Religion or belief?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[F] Disability?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[X] For any other reason?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

Marriage/union: MA

MA1. Are you currently married or living together with someone as if married?

[] 1 Yes, currently married
[] 2 Yes, living with a partner
[] 3 No, not in union (Go to MA5)

MA2. How old is your (husband/partner)?
Probe: How old was your (husband/partner) on his last birthday?
_ _ Age in years
[] 98 DK

MA5. Have you ever been married or lived together with someone as if married?

[] 1 Yes, formerly married
[] 2 Yes, formerly lived with a partner
[] 3 No (Go to end)

MA6. What is your marital status now: are you widowed, divorced or separated?

[] 1 Widowed
[] 2 Divorced
[] 3 Separated

MA7. Have you been married or lived with someone only once or more than once?

[] 1 Only once (Go to MA8A)
[] 2 More than once (Go to MA8B)

MA8A. In what month and year did you start living with your (husband/partner)?
MA8B. In what month and year did you start living with your first (husband/partner)?

Date of (first) union
_ _ Month
[] 98 DK Month
_ _ _ _ Year
[] 9998 DK Year

MA9. Check MA8A/B: Is 'DK year' recorded?
[] 1 Yes, MA8A/B=9998
[] 2 No, MA8A/B does not equal 9998 (Go to end)

MA10. Check MA7: In union only once?
[] 1 Yes, MA7=1 (Go to MA11A)
[] 2 No, MA7=2 (Go to MA11B)

MA11A. How old were you when you started living with your (husband/partner)?
MA11B. How old were you when you started living with your first (husband/partner)?

Age in years _ _

Adult functioning: AF

AF1. Check WB4: Age of respondent?
[] 1 Age 15-17 years (Go to end)
[] 2 Age 18-49 years

AF2. Do you use glasses or contact lenses?
Include the use of glasses for reading.
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

AF3. Do you use a hearing aid?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

AF4. I will now ask you about difficulties you may have doing a number of different activities. For each activity there are four possible answers: Please tell me if you have: 1) no difficulty, 2) some difficulty, 3) a lot of difficulty or 4) that you cannot do the activity at all.
Repeat the categories during the individual questions whenever the respondent does not use an answer category:
Remember, the four possible answers are: 1) no difficulty, 2) some difficulty, 3) a lot of difficulty, or 4) that you cannot do the activity at all.

AF5. Check AF2: Respondent uses glasses or contact lenses?
[] 1 Yes, AF2=1 (Go to AF6A)
[] 2 No, AF2=2 (Go to AF6B)

AF6A. When using your glasses or contact lenses, do you have difficulty seeing?
AF6B. Do you have difficulty seeing?

[] 1 No difficulty
[] 2 Some difficulty
[] 3 A lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot see at all

AF7. Check AF3: Respondent uses a hearing aid?
[] 1 Yes, AF3=1 (Go to AF8A)
[] 2 No, AF3=2 (Go to AF8B)

AF8A. When using your hearing aid(s), do you have difficulty hearing?
AF8B. Do you have difficulty hearing?

[] 1 No difficulty
[] 2 Some difficulty
[] 3 A lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot hear at all

AF9. Do you have difficulty walking or climbing steps?

[] 1 No difficulty
[] 2 Some difficulty
[] 3 A lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot walk/climb steps at all

AF10. Do you have difficulty remembering or concentrating?

[] 1 No difficulty
[] 2 Some difficulty
[] 3 A lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot remember/concentrate at all

AF11. Do you have difficulty with self-care, such as washing all over or dressing?

[] 1 No difficulty
[] 2 Some difficulty
[] 3 A lot of difficulty
[] 4 Cannot care for self at all

AF12. Using your usual language, do you have difficulty communicating, for example understanding or being understood?

[] 1 No difficulty
[] 2 Some difficulty
[] 3 A lot of difficulty

Sexual behavior: SB

SB1. Check for the presence of others. Before continuing, make every effort to ensure privacy. Now I would like to ask you some questions about sexual activity in order to gain a better understanding of some important life issues.
Let me assure you again that your answers are completely confidential and will not be told to anyone. If we should come to any question that you don't want to answer, just let me know and we will go to the next question.
How old were you when you had sexual intercourse for the very first time?

[] 00 Never had intercourse (Go to end)
_ _ Age in years
[] 95 First time when started living with (first husband/partner)

SB2. I would like to ask you about your recent sexual activity.
When was the last time you had sexual intercourse?
Record answers in days, weeks or months if less than 12 months (one year). If 12 months (one year) or more, answer must be recorded in years.
[] 1 Days ago _ _
[] 2 Weeks ago _ _
[] 3 Months ago _ _
[] 4 Years ago _ _ (Go to end)

SB3. The last time you had sexual intercourse, was a condom used?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

SB4. What was your relationship to this person with whom you last had sexual intercourse?
Probe to ensure that the response refers to the relationship at the time of sexual intercourse
If 'Boyfriend', then ask: Were you living together as if married? If 'Yes', record '2'. If 'No', record '3'.
[] 1 Husband
[] 2 Cohabiting partner
[] 3 Boyfriend (Go to SB6)
[] 4 Casual acquaintance (Go to SB6)
[] 5 Client/sex worker (Go to SB6)
[] 6 Other (specify) ____ (Go to SB6)

SB5. Check MA1: Currently married or living with a partner?

[] 1 Yes, MA1=1 or 2 (Go to SB7)
[] 2 No, MA1=3

SB6. How old is this person?
If response is 'DK', probe: About how old is this person?
_ _ Age of sexual partner
[] 98 DK

SB7. Apart from this person, have you had sexual intercourse with any other person in the last 12 months?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to end)

SB8. The last time you had sexual intercourse with another person, was a condom used?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

SB9. What was your relationship to this person?
Probe to ensure that the response refers to the relationship at the time of sexual intercourse
If 'Boyfriend' then ask: Were you living together as if married? If 'Yes', record '2'. If 'No', record '3'.
[] 1 Husband
[] 2 Cohabiting partner
[] 3 Boyfriend (Go to SB12)
[] 4 Casual acquaintance (Go to SB12)
[] 5 Client/sex worker (Go to SB12)
[] 6 Other (specify) ____ (Go to SB12)

SB10. Check MA1: Currently married or living with a partner?
[] 1 Yes, MA1=1 or 2
[] 2 No, MA1=3 (Go to SB12)

SB11. Check MA7: Married or living with a partner only once?
[] 1 Yes, MA7=1 (Go to end)
[] 2 No, MA7 does not equal 1

SB12. How old is this person?
If response is 'DK', probe: About how old is this person?
_ _ Age of sexual partner
[] 98 DK


HA1. Now I would like to talk with you about something else.
Have you ever heard of HIV or AIDS?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to end)

HA2. HIV is the virus that can lead to AIDS.
Can people reduce their chance of getting HIV by having just one uninfected sex partner who has no other sex partners?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA3. Can people get HIV from mosquito bites?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA4. Can people reduce their chance of getting HIV by using a condom every time they have sex?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA5. Can people get HIV by sharing food with a person who has HIV?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA6. Can people get HIV because of witchcraft or other supernatural means?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA7. Is it possible for a healthy-looking person to have HIV?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA8. Can HIV be transmitted from a mother to her baby:

[A] During pregnancy?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[B] During delivery?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[C] By breastfeeding?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA9. Check HA8[A], [B] and [C]: At least one 'Yes' recorded?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to HA11)

HA10. Are there any special drugs that a doctor or a nurse can give to a woman infected with HIV to reduce the risk of transmission to the baby?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA11. Check CM17: Was there a live birth in the last 2 years?
Copy name of last birth listed in the birth history (CM18) to here and use where indicated:

Name ____

[] 1 Yes, CM17=1
[] 2 No, CM17=0 or blank (Go to HA24)

HA12. Check MN2: Was antenatal care received?
[] 1 Yes, MN2=1
[] 2 No, MN2=2 (Go to HA17)

HA13. During any of the antenatal visits for your pregnancy with (name), were you given any information about:

[A] Babies getting HIV from their mother?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[B] Things that you can do to prevent getting HIV?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[C] Getting tested for HIV?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

Were you:
[D] Offered a test for HIV?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA14. I don't want to know the results, but were you tested for HIV as part of your antenatal care?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to HA17)
[] 8 DK (Go to HA17)

HA15. I don't want to know the results, but did you get the results of the test?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to HA17)
[] 8 DK (Go to HA17)

HA16. After you received the result, were you given any health information or counselling related to HIV?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA17. Check MN20: Was the child delivered in a health facility?
[] 1 Yes, MN20=21-36 or 76
[] 2 No, MN20=11-12 or 96

HA18. Between the time you went for delivery but before the baby was born were you offered an HIV test?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

HA19. I don't want to know the results, but were you tested for HIV at that time?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to HA21)

HA20. I don't want to know the results, but did you get the results of the test?

[] 1 Yes (Go to HA22)
[] 2 No (Go to HA22)

HA21. Check HA14: Was the respondent tested for HIV as part of antenatal care?
[] 1 Yes, HA14=1
[] 2 No or no answer, HA14 does not equal 1 (Go to HA24)

HA22. Have you been tested for HIV since that time you were tested during your pregnancy?

[] 1 Yes (Go to HA25)
[] 2 No

HA23. How many months ago was your most recent HIV test?

[] 1 Less than 12 months ago (Go to HA28)
[] 2 12-23 months ago (Go to HA28)
[] 3 2 or more years ago (Go to HA28)

HA24. I don't want to know the results, but have you ever been tested for HIV?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to HA27)

HA25. How many months ago was your most recent HIV test?

[] 1 Less than 12 months ago
[] 2 12-23 months ago
[] 3 2 or more years ago

HA26. I don't want to know the results, but did you get the results of the test?

[] 1 Yes (Go to HA28)
[] 2 No (Go to HA28)
[] 3 2 or more years ago (Go to HA28)

HA27. Do you know of a place where people can go to get an HIV test?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

HA27A. Which place is that?

Public medical sector
[] A Sesal Hospital
[] B IHSS Hospital
[] D Cesamo
[] H Other public (specify) ____
Private medical sector
[] I Private hospital
[] J Private clinic
[] L Private maternity/NGO
[] O Other private (specify) ____
[] W DK public or private

HA30. Would you buy fresh vegetables from a shopkeeper or vendor if you knew that this person had HIV?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/Not sure/depends

HA31. Do you think children living with HIV should be allowed to attend school with children who do not have HIV?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/Not sure/depends

HA32. Do you think people hesitate to take an HIV test because they are afraid of how other people will react if the test result is positive for HIV?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/Not sure/depends

HA33. Do people talk badly about people living with HIV, or who are thought to be living with HIV?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/Not sure/depends

HA34. Do people living with HIV, or thought to be living with HIV, lose the respect of other people?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/Not sure/depends

HA35. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
I would be ashamed if someone in my family had HIV.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/Not sure/depends

HA36. Do you fear that you could get HIV if you come into contact with the saliva of a person living with HIV?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 7 Says she has HIV
[] 8 DK/Not sure/depends

Sexually Transmitted Infections: WITS

WITS0. Check SB1: Has had sexual relations?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (skip to WITS9)

WITS1. Have you heard about other STDs?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (skip to WITS 3)

WITS2. I would like to ask you about your health during the past twelve months. Have you had an STD?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

WITS3. Sometimes women have abnormal foul smelling secretions. During the past 12 months did you have any abnormal secretion?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

WITS4. Sometimes women have lacerations or ulcers on their genital area. During the past 12 months did you have any wound or ulcer on your genital area?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

WITS4A. Sometimes women have warts on their genital area. During the past 12 months did you have any warts on your genital area?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

WITS5. Check WITS3, WITS4 and WITS4A.
[] 1 Has an STD
[] 2 Does not have an infection/no (skip to WITS9)

WITS6. The last time you had (check WITD5=1) did you seek advice or treatment?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (skip to WITS8)

WITS7. Where did you seek advice or treatment?

Public sector
[] A Sesal Hospital
[] B IHSS Hospital
[] D Cesamo
[] E Cesar
[] F Voluntarios de la salud
[] H Other public institution (specify) ____
Private medical sector
[] I Private hospital
[] J Private clinic
[] K Pharmacy
[] L NGO Clinic
[] M Mobile Clinic
[] L Private maternity/NGO
[] O Other private (specify) ____
[] W DK public or private
Other Source
[] P Family/Friend
[] Q Store/Market/ Street
[] R Healer/Shaman
[] X Other private (specify) ____

WIST8. Did you do any of the following to avoid infecting your partner:

[A] Stopped having sexual relations?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[B] Used a condom when having sexual relations?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

WITS9. If you had an STD, do you think you might be at a greater risk of contracting the virus that causes AIDS?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

WITS10. If a woman knows her husband has an STD, is it justified for her to ask him to wear a condom when they have sexual relations?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

WITS11. Is it justified that a wife (partner) refuses to have sexual relations with her husband, when she knows that he has sexual relations with other women?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

WITS12. Check MA1: Currently married/union
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (skip to end)

WITS13. Are you able to tell your husband (partner) if you don't want to have sexual relations?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/It depends

WITS14. Are you able to tell your husband (partner) to wear a condom?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/It Depends

Tobacco and alcohol use: TA

TA1. Have you ever tried cigarette smoking, even one or two puffs?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to TA6)

TA2. How old were you when you smoked a whole cigarette for the first time?

[] 00 Never smoked a whole cigarette (Go to TA6)
_ _ Age

TA3. Do you currently smoke cigarettes?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to TA6)

TA4. In the last 24 hours, how many cigarettes did you smoke?

_ _ Number of cigarettes

TA5. During the last one month, on how many days did you smoke cigarettes?
If less than 10 days, record the number of days. If 10 days or more but less than a month, record '10'. If 'Every day' or 'Almost every day', record '30'.
[] 0 Number of days _
[] 10 10 Days or more but less than a month
[] 30 Every day/almost every day

TA6. Have you ever tried any smoked tobacco products other than cigarettes, such as cigars or pipe?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to TA10)

TA7. During the last one month, did you use any smoked tobacco products?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to TA10)

TA8. What type of smoked tobacco product did you use or smoke during the last one month?
Record all mentioned.
[] A Cigars
[] D Pipe
[] X Other (specify) ____

TA9. During the last one month, on how many days did you use (names of products mentioned in TA8)?
If less than 10 days, record the number of days. If 10 days or more but less than a month, record '10'. If 'Every day' or 'Almost every day', record '30'.
[] 0 Number of days _
[] 10 10 Days or more but less than a month
[] 30 Every day/almost every day

TA10. Have you ever tried any form of smokeless tobacco products, such as chewing tobacco?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to TA14)

TA11. During the last one month, did you use any smokeless tobacco products?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to TA14)

TA12. What type of smokeless tobacco product did you use during the last one month?
Record all mentioned.
[] A Chewing tobacco
[] X Other (specify) ____

TA13. During the last one month, on how many days did you use (names of products mentioned in TA12)?
If less than 10 days, record the number of days. If 10 days or more but less than a month, record '10'. If 'Every day' or 'Almost every day', record '30'.
[] 0 Number of days _
[] 10 10 Days or more but less than a month
[] 30 Every day/almost every day

TA14. Now I would like to ask you some questions about drinking alcohol.
Have you ever drunk alcohol?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to end)

TA15. We count one drink of alcohol as one can or bottle of beer, one glass of wine, or one shot of cognac, vodka, whiskey or rum.
How old were you when you had your first drink of alcohol, other than a few sips?

[] 00 Never had one drink of alcohol (Go to end)
_ _ Age

TA16. During the last one month, on how many days did you have at least one drink of alcohol?
If respondent did not drink, record '00'. If less than 10 days, record the number of days. If 10 days or more but less than a month, record '10'. If 'Every day' or 'Almost every day', record '30'.
[] 00 Did not have one drink in last one month (Go to next module)
[] 0 Number of days _
[] 10 10 Days or more but less than a month
[] 30 Every day/almost every day

TA17. In the last one month, on the days that you drank alcohol, how many drinks did you usually have per day?

_ _ Number of drinks

Other Health Related Issues: OH

OH1. Have you ever heard about a disease called Tuberculosis or TB?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to OH2)

OH1A. How is TB transmitted from one person to another?
Probe: any other way? Record every mentioned answer.
[] A Through the air, cough or sneezes
[] B Sharing utensils
[] C Touching someone with TB
[] D Sharing food
[] E Sexual contact
[] F Mosquito bites
[] X Other (specify)
[] Z DK

OH1B. Does tuberculosis have a cure?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

OH1C. If a family member had TB would you prefer to keep it a secret?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/It depends

OH1D. During the past 12 months have you been diagnosed with TB?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to OH2)

OH1D1. How many months ago were you diagnosed?

[] 00 Less than a month
[] Months _ _

OH1E. Have you received treatment for TB in the past 12 months?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to OH2)

OH1E1. For how many months have you received treatment?

[] 00 Less than a month
[] Months _ _
[] 98 DK

OH2. Different factors can influence the woman to get a doctor's appointment or get treated. When you get sick and need advice or treatment, do you find it problematic:

[A] To get permission to go?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[B] To get money for treatment?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[C] The distance from medical services?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[D] Not wanting to go alone?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

OH3. Have you ever had a pap smear test or a test to detect cervical cancer?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to OH4)

OH3A. How many months ago did you have your last pap test?

[] 00 Less than a month
[] Months _ _
[] 95 Two years or more
[] 98 Doesn't remember

OH3B. Where did it take place?
Probe to identify the location where the test took place. If unable to determine whether it was a public or private institution, write the name of the place and temporarily register "76" until you determine the correct category for the answer.
Public sector
[] 21 Sesal Hospital
[] 22 IHSS Hospital
[] 23 Maternity clinic
[] 24 Cesamo
[] 26 Other public institution (specify) ____
Private sector
[] 31 Private hospital
[] 32 Private clinic
[] 33 NGO clinic
[] 34 Ashonplafa clinic
[] 36 Other private institution (specify) ____
[] 96 Other (specify) ____
[] 76 DK if it is or public or private

OH3C. Did they give you that result?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to OH4)
[] 3 Did not pick it up (go to OH4)
[] 8 DK/Doesn't remember (go to OH4)

OH3D. How long did it pass between the test and you getting the result?

[] 1 Days _ _
[] 2 Weeks _ _
[] 3 Months _ _
[] 998 DK

OH4. Have you ever heard about the self breast exam?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to OH4B)

OH4A. How often do you to the self exam?

[] 01 Never
[] 02 During shower
[] 03 Once a week
[] 04 Once a month
[] 05 Every two months
[] 06 Once a year
[] 07 Every once in a while
[] 96 Other (specify)

OH4B. Have you heard about the mammography, a breast X ray?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to OH5)

OH4C. Have you ever had this test?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to OH5)

OH5. Sometimes kids have a serious illnesses and must be taken immediately to a doctor. Which symptoms or dangerous signs would lead you to take the child to a health establishment immediately? Any other symptoms or sign of danger?
Register every mentioned answer
[] A Difficulty waking up
[] B Unable to drink or lactate
[] C Vomiting
[] D Convulsion
[] E Fever
[] F Rapid breathing
[] H Blood in stool
[] I Liquid in stool
[] X Other (specify)
[] Z DK

OH6. In the past month have you seen or heard any message about malaria?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

OH6A. In the past month have you had malaria?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to end)

OH6B. Did they take a blood sample for the test?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to end)

OH6C. In case of a positive test, how many days did you take the treatment?

[] 1 1 to 4 days
[] 2 5 days or more
[] 8 DK

Domestic and Family Violence: IV

IV0. Check WM6A in the questionnaire cover?
[] 1 Yes, woman is selected for this module
[] 2 No, woman not selected (Go to end)

IV1. Check for the presence of others. Before proceeding, make everything that's possible to ensure privacy. Some of these questions might be considered to be very personal. Nevertheless, your answers are very important to help understand the situation of women in Honduras. Allow me to assure you once again that your answers are completely confidential and will not be shared with anyone, and no one at home will know about these questions. In case that you don't want to answer any of the questions, let me know and we'll skip to the next one.

IV2. Check MA1=1, 2 MA6=1, 2, 3 MA5=3
If the woman is widowed, divorced or separated read the questions in past tense.
[] 1 Currently married/union
[] 2 Widowed/divorced/separated
[] 3 Never married/union (go to IV16)

IV3. First of all, I am going to ask you about some situations that happen to some women. Please tell me if these situations apply to your relationship with your (last) spouse (partner)?
If the woman is widowed, divorced or separated read the questions in past tense.

[A] Does your husband gets jealous or upset if you talk to another man?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[B] Does he frequently accuse her of being unfaithful?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[C] He prevents her from seeing or seeing her friends?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[D] He tries to limit her visits or contacts with her family?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[E] Does he insist on knowing all the places where you go/were going?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

IV4. Now, if you will allow me, I will ask some questions about the relationship with your (last) husband (partner). Did your husband (partner) ever:

[A] Said or done things to humiliate you in front of others?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV4B)

[AA] How often did this happen in the past 12 months?
[] 1 Frequently
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Did not happen in the last 12 months

IV4B. Have you or someone close to you been threatened?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV4C)

IV4BA. How often did this happen in the last 12 months?

[] 1 Frequently
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Not in the last 12 months

IV4C. Has he insulted you or made you feel bad about yourself?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV5)

IV4CA. How often did this happen in the last 12 months?

[] 1 Frequently
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Not in the last 12 months

IV5. Did your last husband ever?

[A] Pushed you, smashed you or threw something at you?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV5B)

[AA] How often did this happen in the past 12 months?
[] 1 Frequently
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Did not happen in the last 12 months

IV5B. Did he slap you?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV5C)

IV5BA. How often did this happen in the last 12 months?

[] 1 Frequently
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Not in the last 12 months

IV5C. Did he twist your arm or pull your hair?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV5D)

IV5CA. How often did this happen in the last 12 months?

[] 1 Frequently
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Not in the last 12 months

IV5D. Did he hit you with his fist or some other harmful object?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV5E)

IV5DA. How often did this happen in the last 12 months?

[] 1 Frequently
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Not in the last 12 months

IV5E. Has he kicked or dragged you?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV5F)

IV5EA. How often did this happen in the last 12 months?

[] 1 Frequently
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Not in the last 12 months

IV5F. Did he try to strangle you or burn you?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV5G)

IV5FA. How often did this happen in the last 12 months?

[] 1 Frequently
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Not in the last 12 months

IV5G. Did he threaten to attack you with a knife, gun, or other type of weapon?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV5H)

IV5GA. How often did this happen in the last 12 months?

[] 1 Frequently
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Not in the last 12 months

IV5H. Has he utilized physical force to make you have sexual relations, even if you didn't want to?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV5I)

IV5HA. How often did this happen in the last 12 months?

[] 1 Frequently
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Not in the last 12 months

IV5I. Has he forced you or threatened you in anyway to perform sexual acts that you didn't want?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV6)

IV5IA. How often did this happen in the last 12 months?

[] 1 Frequently
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Not in the last 12 months

IV6. Check IV5 from A to I?

[] 1 At least one yes
[] 2 All answers = No (go to IV9)

IV7. How much time passed since you got married/union with you (last) husband (partner) and these things started happening?
If less than a year, register "00"
[] Number of years _ _
[] 95 Before marrying/living together

IV8. Please let me know if any of the following has happened as a result of something your husband (partner) did:

IV8A. Had cuts, bruises, pains?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV8B)

IV58AA. How often did this happen in the last 12 months?

[] 1 Frequently
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Not in the last 12 months

IV8B. Did you have serious injuries in your eyes, sores, dislocations or burns?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV8C)

IV5BA. How often did this happen in the last 12 months?

[] 1 Frequently
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Not in the last 12 months

IV8C. Did you have deep wounds, broken teeth or any other serious injury?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV8D)

IV5CA. How often did this happen in the last 12 months?

[] 1 Frequently
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Not in the last 12 months

IV8D. Did you have a headache, nausea, abdominal pain or pulsations?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV8E)

IV5DA. How often did this happen in the last 12 months?

[] 1 Frequently
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Not in the last 12 months

IV8E. Check IV8A to IV8DA?
[] 1 At least one yes
[] 2 All answers no (go to IV9)

IV8F. Did you go to the doctor or health center due to the physical abuse?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV8F)

IV9. Did you ever hit, slap, kick, or physically abuse your husband (partner) at times which he was not punching you or abusing you physically?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV11)

IV10. How often did you hit, slap, kick, or physically abuse your husband (partner) at times which he was not punching you or abusing you physically in the last 12 months?

[] 1 Frequently
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Never

IV10. Does (did) your husband (partner) drink alcoholic beverages?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV13)
[] 3 Never

IV12. Does your husband (partner) get (got) drunk frequently, sometimes, or never ?

[] 1 Frequently
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Never

IV13. Are (were) you afraid of your (last) husband (partner) most of the times, sometimes, or never?

[] 1 Most of the times
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Never

IV14. Check MA7
[] 1 Married/union more than once
[] 2 Married once (go to IV16)

IV15. So far we've discussed your current (last) husband's (partner's) behavior. Now I would like to ask you about your previous husband (partner):

IV15A. Did your previous husband (partner) ever punch you, slap you, kick you, or do anything to cause you physical harm?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV15B)

IV15AA. How long ago did this happen?

[] 1 0-11 months ago
[] 2 12+ months ago
[] 3 DK

IV15B. Did your previous husband (partner) force you to have sexual relation or engage in sexual acts against your will?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV16)

IV15BA. How long ago did this happen?

[] 1 0-11 months ago
[] 2 12+ months ago
[] 3 DK

IV16. Since you turned 15 years of age, did any person hit you, slap you, kick you or harm you physically?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV19)
[] 9 No answer (go to IV19)

IV17. Who has punched you or harmed you physically?
Probe anyone else
[] A Mother/stepmother
[] B Father/stepfather
[] C Sister/brother
[] D Daughter/son
[] E Other relative
[] F Current boyfriend
[] G Ex boyfriend
[] H Mother in law
[] I Father in law
[] J Other relatives
[] K Teacher
[] L Boss/Co-worker
[] M Ex co-worker
[] N Police/soldier
[] X Other (specify)

IV18. How often did this happen in the last 12 months?

[] 1 Frequently
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Not in the last 12 months

IV19. Check CM1 and CP1 and write 1 if the interviewee has had livebirths and/or if she is pregnant and continue with the next question, if not ask: Have you ever been pregnant
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV22)

IV20. Did any person hit you, slap you, kick you or harm you physically while you were pregnant?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV22)

IV21. Who punched you or harmed you physically when you were pregnant?
Probe anyone else
[] A Current husband/partner
[] B Mother/stepmother
[] C Father/stepfather
[] D Sister/brother
[] E Daughter/son
[] F Other relative
[] G Current boyfriend
[] H Ex boyfriend
[] I Mother in law
[] J Father in law
[] K Other relatives
[] L Teacher
[] M Boss/Co-worker
[] N Ex co-worker
[] O Police/soldier
[] X Other (specify)

IV22. Check MA1=1, 2 or M5=1, 2 or MA1=3 and M5=3
[] 1 At least married/union once (go to IV22A)
[] 2 Never married/union (go to IV22B)

IV22A. Now I would like to ask you if at any time during your lifetime, childhood or adulthood, anyone who was not your husband (partner) forced you in any way to have sexual relations or engage in unwanted sexual acts?

IV22B. At any time during your lifetime, childhood or adulthood, has anyone forced you in any way to have sexual relations or engage in unwanted sexual acts?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV26)
[] 9 No answer (go to IV26)

IV23. How old were you the first time you were forced to have sexual relations or other sexual acts?

[] Age _ _
[] 98 DK/Doesn't remember

IV24. Who forced you at the time?

[] 01 Current husband/partner
[] 02 Current boyfriend/ex-boyfriend
[] 03 Father/stepfather
[] 04 Sister/brother
[] 05 Other relative
[] 06 Father in law/mother in law
[] 07 Friend/acquaintance
[] 08 Family friend
[] 09 Teacher
[] 10 Boss or co-worker
[] 11 Ex co-worker
[] 12 Police officer/soldier
[] 13 Priest/pastor
[] 14 Stranger
[] 96 Other (specify)

IV25. Check MA1=1, 2 or M5=1, 2 or MA1=3 and M5=3
[] 1 At least married/union once
[] 2 Never married/union (go to IV25B)

IV25A. During the past 12 months did anyone who was not your husband (partner) force you in any way to have sexual relations or engage in unwanted sexual acts?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV30)

IV25B. During the past 12 months did anyone force you in any way to have sexual relations or engage in unwanted sexual acts?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV30)

IV26. Check IV5A, IV5I, IV16, IV20, IV25
[] 1 At least one yes
[] 2 No yes (go to IV30)

IV27. Did you ever try to reach for help?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV28A)

IV28. To whom have you reached for help?

[] A Own family
[] B Husband/partner's family
[] C Current husband/partner
[] D Ex-husband/partner
[] E Current boyfriend/ex-boyfriend
[] F Friend
[] G Neighbor
[] H Priest/Pastor
[] I Doctor/Medic staff
[] J Police (go to IV30)
[] K Lawyer
[] L Women's prosecution
[] M Women's institute
[] N Family counseling
[] O Free judicial counseling
[] P Jury
[] Q NGO
[] X Other (specify)

IV28A. What was the main reason for not asking for help?

[] 01 Afraid of him
[] 02 Shame
[] 03 Thought it wasn't necessary
[] 04 Thought nothing would help
[] 05 Though she would be made fun of
[] 06 Deserved it
[] 07 Economic dependence
[] 08 Fear of being left alone
[] 09 Didn't know where to go
[] 10 Thought it would not happened again
[] 11 Doesn't believe in justice (judicial) system
[] 12 To avoid disturbing the children
[] 96 Other (specify)
[] 98 DK

IV29. Did you ever tell anyone about this?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

IV30. As far as you know, did your father ever hit your mother? Thank the interviewee for her cooperation and re-assure her about the confidentiality of her answers.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

WM10. Record the time.

Hours and minutes _ _ : _ _

WM11. Was the entire interview completed in private or was there anyone else during the entire interview or part of it?
[] 1 Yes, the entire interview was completed in private
[] 2 No, Others were present during the entire interview (specify) ____
[] 3 No, Other were present during part of the interview (specify) ____

WM13. Language of the Interview.

[] 1 Spanish
[] 2 English
[] 3 Misquito

WM14. Native language of the Respondent.

[] 1 Spanish
[] 2 English
[] 3 Misquito
[] 4 Garifuna

WM15. Was a translator used for any parts of this questionnaire?

[] 1 Yes, the entire questionnaire
[] 2 Yes, parts of the questionnaire
[] 3 No, not used

WM16. Check columns HL10 and HL20 in list of household members, household questionnaire:
Is the respondent the mother or caretaker of any child age 0-4 living in this household?

[] Yes (Go to WM17 in woman's information panel and record '01'. Then go to the questionnaire for children under five for that child and start the interview with this respondent.)
[] No (Check HH26-HH27 in household questionnaire: Is there a child age 5-17 selected for questionnaire for children age 5-17?)
[] Yes [Check column HL20 in list of household members, household questionnaire: Is the respondent the mother or caretaker of the child selected for questionnaire for children age 5-17 in this household?]
[] Yes (Go to WM17 in woman's information panel and record '01'. Then go to the questionnaire for children age 5-17 for that child and start the interview with this respondent.)
[] No (Go to WM17 in woman's information panel and record '01'. Then end the interview with this respondent by thanking her for her cooperation. Check to see if there are other questionnaires to be administered in this household.)
[] No (Go to WM17 in woman's information panel and record '01'. Then end the interview with this respondent by thanking her for her cooperation. Check to see if there are other questionnaires to be administered in this household.)

Interviewer's observations

Supervisor's observations