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MICS questionnaire for individual women

Women's Information: WM

This module should be completed for each woman aged 15 ? 49 years (see column HL6 of the Household Listing). Complete separate Questionnaire for each eligible woman.
Write down cluster number, household number, name and line number of woman in correspondent cell. Write down your name, number and date of interview

WM1. Cluster number _ _ _

WM2. Household number _ _ _

WM3. Name woman ____

WM4. Line number of woman _ _

WM5. Name and number of interviewer ____ _ _

WM6. Interview day/month/year _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

WM7. Outcome of interview with woman:
[] 1 Interviewed
[] 2 Missing
[] 3 Refused
[] 4 Partially interviewed
[] 5 Recognized not eligible
[] 6 Other (specify) ____

Repeat welcoming if not read for woman earlier:
We are from the Statistic Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan. We work within the family health and education project. I want to discuss this with you. All received information is strictly confidential; no one will learn below answers are yours. Shall I start?

If agreed start interview. If woman disagrees with interview, thank her, finish with WM7, and go to the next interview. Discuss the result with your supervisor for further additional visit to household for interviewing the woman.

WM8. What month were you born?

Date of birth:
Month _ _
[] 98 DK Month
Year _ _ _ _
[] 9998 DK Year _ _ _ _

WM9. How old were you at your previous birthday?

Age (full years) _ _

WM10. Have you ever studied in any educational institution?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to WM14)

WM11. What highest level did you attend: primary, secondary, specialized secondary or higher?

[] 1 Primary
[] 2 Secondary
[] 3 Specialized secondary
[] 4 Higher
[] 8 DK

WM12. What highest grade/course have you completed at this level?

Grade/course _ _

Child Mortality Module: CM

This module should be completed for each woman aged 15-49 years. All questions should be asked only about live births.

CM1. Now I will ask you about births you gave during your life. Did you ever give birth?
If "no", try to clarify: I mean baby who was breathing, crying or having other signs of life, even though (s)he lived for several minutes or hours?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to marriage/union module)

CM2a. When did you give birth for the first time? I mean the very first birth, even if the baby died later or was born to a man who does not live with you anymore.
Go to CM3 only if the year of first birth is specified. Otherwise, continue with CM2B.
Date of first delivery
_ _ Day
[] 98 DK day
_ _ Month
[] 98 DK month
_ _ _ _ Year (Go to CM3)
[] 9998 DK year (Go to CM2b)

CM2B. How many years ago did you give birth first time?

Full years after first birth _ _

CM3. Do any of your own sons or daughters reside with you currently?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to CM5)

CM4. How many of your own sons reside with you? How many of your own daughters reside with you?

_ _ Sons residing with mother
_ _ Daughters residing with mother

CM5. Are there any of your living sons and daughter who do not reside with you?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to CM7)

CM6. How many of your living sons do not reside with you? How many of your living daughters do not reside with you?

_ _ Sons residing separately
_ _ Daughters residing separately

CM7. Have you ever given birth to a live boy or girl who died later?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to CM9)

CM8. How many boys have died? How many girls have died?

_ _ Number of dead boys
_ _ Number of dead girls

CM9. Sum up answers for CM4, CM6, and CM8
Total _ _

CM10 To check my notes, during your life you gave birth (total number) of times. Is it true?

[] Yes (Go to CM11)
[] No (Check answers and make corrections before going to CM11)

CM11. When did you give last birth out of (total number) births (even if this baby died later)?
If day is unknown, enter '98' for the date.
Date of last birth:
Day/Month/Year _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

CM12. Check CM11: Did you give last birth during past 2 years, namely from (____) ____ 2004 and later?
If the child died, pay special attention to the questions about this child in the next module.
[] No births during 2 years preceding interview. (Go to marital/union status module)
[] Yes, birth during 2 years preceding interview.(Continue with CM13]
Name of the Child ____

CM13. When you become pregnant with (name), was it wanted pregnancy, you wanted it come later or you wanted no (more) children?

[] 1 Wanted pregnancy
[] 2 Wanted later
[] 3 Unwanted pregnancy

Maternal and newborn health module: MN

This module should be completed for each woman who gave live birth during two years preceding the interview.
Check the Child Mortality Module CM12 and write down the name of the last child ____
Use the name of this child in the following questions.

MN2. Did you seek antenatal care during this pregnancy?
If yes: Who provided antenatal care to you? Any other staff? Ask additional questions to clarify personnel providing antenatal care and circle all mentioned persons.
Health staff
[] A Medical doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C Auxiliary midwife
[] D Feldsher
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Public health worker
[] H Relative/friend
[] X Other (specify) ____
[] Y No one (Go to MN7)

MN2A. How many times did you seek antenatal care during this pregnancy?

[] 1 Regularly
[] 2 1 time
[] 3 2-3 times
[] 4 Did not seek (Go to MN7)

MN3. As a part of your antenatal care, have you received one of the following specific care, at least, once?

MN3A. Weight measured?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

MN3B. Blood pressure measured?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

MN3C. Urine tested?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

MN3D. Blood tested?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

MN4. During antenatal visits, did anybody speak with about AIDS and HIV?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

MN5. I do not want to know the results, but were you tested for AIDS as a part of antenatal care?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to MN7)
[] 8 DK (Go to MN7)

MN6. I do not want to know the results, but did you get the results of the test?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

MN7. Who assisted you during delivery of your last child (name)? Anybody else?
Ask additional questions to clarify the person assisted during delivery and circle all mentioned persons.
Health staff
[] A Medical doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C Auxiliary midwife
[] D Feldsher
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Public health worker
[] H Relative/friend

[] X Other (specify) ____
[] Y No one

MN8. Where did you give birth to (name)?
If the source is hospital, health center, or clinic, write down the name of institution on below line. Ask type of institution and circle correspondent code.
(Name of institution) ____

[] 11 At her home
[] 12 Not at her home
Public Sector
[] 21 Public hospital/maternity
[] 22 Public clinic/health center
[] 26 Other health facility (specify) ____
Private Medical Sector
[] 31 Private Hospital
[] 32 Private clinic
[] 33 Private maternity
[] 36 Other health facility (specify) ____
[] 96 Other (specify) ____

MN9. When you gave birth to your last baby (name), was he large, more than average, average, below average or very little?

[] 1 Large
[] 2 More than average
[] 3 Average
[] 4 Below average
[] 5 Very little
[] 8 DK

MN10. Was (name) weighed immediately after birth?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to MN12)
[] 8 DK (Go to MN12)

MN11. What was (name) weight?
Copy weight from child development card if available
[] 1 Card (grams) _ . _ _ _
[] 2 From memory (grams) _ . _ _ _
[] 99998 DK

MN12. Have you ever breastfed (name)?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to next module)

MN13. How much time after birth you breastfed (name) for the first time?
If less than 1 hour, write down '00' hours. If less than 24 hours, write down number of hours. If other write down days.
[] 000 Immediately
[] 1 Hours _ _
[] 2 Days _ _
[] 998 DK/does not remember

MN14. Do you smoke?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to MN16)

MN14A. Were you smoking during the pregnancy?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

MN15. How many times did you smoke during last 24 hour?

[] 1 1-2 times
[] 2 3-5 times
[] 3 5 or more times

MN16. Have you ever consumed alcohol beverages?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to next module)

MN17. Have you ever become drunk when consuming alcohol beverages?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

MN18. How many days have you consumed alcohol beverages during last 3 months?

Days _ _ _ _
[] 0_0 No/never

MN19. How many times were you drunk during last 3 months?

Days _ _ _ _
[] 0_0 No/never

Marriage/union module: MA

MA.1 Are you currently married/in union?

[] 1 Yes, married
[] 2 Yes, in union
[] 3 Not in union (Go to MA3)

MA2. How old was your husband/partner at his last birthday?

_ _ Age in years (Go to MA5)
[] 98 DK (Go to MA5)

MA3. Have you ever been married/in union?

[] 1 Yes, was married
[] 2 Yes, was in union
[] 3 No (Go to next module)

MA4. What is your marital status at present: widow, divorced, or separated?

[] 1 Widowed
[] 2 Divorced
[] 3 Separated

MA5. Have you been married/in union only once or more than once?

[] 1 Only once
[] 2 More than once

MA6. What month and year you married or started living in union first time?

_ _ Month
[] 98 DK month
_ _ _ _ Year
[] 9998 DK year

MA7. Check MA6:
[] Month and year of marriage/union is known? (Go to next module)
[] Or month and year of marriage/union is not known (Continue with MA8)

MA8. At what age have you started living with your first husband/partner?

_ _ Age in years

Reproductive behavior: RP

RP1. I want to discuss your reproductive behavior.
If you have choice, how many children would you have during your life?

[] A One
[] B Two
[] C Three
[] D Four
[] E Five-nine
[] F Ten or more
[] G None

RP2. Your decision to have no children or restrict their number would depend on:

[] A Health status
[] B Fear to lose job
[] C Uncertainty in children's future
[] D Low level of health service
[] E Lack of preschool institutions
[] F No housing
[] G No utilities in dwelling
[] H No regular job
[] I Low salary
[] J No job in general
[] K Other (specify)

RP3. Your decision to have (more) children would depend on:

[] A Sufficient family allowances
[] B Sufficient maternity leave
[] C Availability of mortgage and credits
[] D Short working day for breastfeeding mothers
[] E Younger retirement age for mothers (of how many children?)
[] F Other (specify)

RP4. What is preferable birth interval before you would have (another) baby?

[] A One year
[] B Two years
[] C Three years
[] D Four years
[] E Five or more years
[] F No more kids

Contraception module: CP

CP1. I want to change subject. I want to discuss with you family planning and your reproductive health. Are you pregnant now?

[] 1 Yes, pregnant (Go to next module)
[] 2 No
[] 8 Not sure/DK

CP2. Some people use different methods to delay or avoid pregnancy. Are you doing anything or do you use any method to delay or avoid pregnancy?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to next module)

CP3. What method do you use?
Do not suggest answers to respondent. If several methods are mentioned, circle each.
[] A Female sterilization
[] B Male sterilization
[] C Pills
[] D Intrauterine device
[] E Injections
[] F Implants
[] G Condoms
[] H Female condom
[] I Diaphragm
[] J Foam/jelly
[] K Lactation amenorrhea
[] L Periodic abstinence
[] M Withdrawal
[] X Other (specify) ____

Attitudes toward domestic violence

DV1. Sometimes husband is angry with his wife. Do you believe he can hit his wife in the following situations:

DV1A. When she goes out without telling him?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

DV1B. When she neglects the children?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

DV1C. When she argues with him?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

DV1D. When she refuses sex with him?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

DV1E. When she burns the food?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

Tuberculosis: HT

HT1. Have you ever heard about tuberculosis?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to next module)

HT2. Do you know about full recovery after tuberculosis if proper treatments received?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HT3. Have you or any member of your family ever had tuberculosis?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HT4. In addition to your family members do you often communicate to anybody (neighbors, colleagues or close friends) suffering from tuberculosis?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HT5. What symptoms help to identify tuberculosis?

[] 1 Cough
[] 2 Cough with phlegm
[] 3 Cough over 3 weeks
[] 4 Fever
[] 5 Blood with phlegm
[] 6 Appetite loss
[] 7 Sweating at night
[] 8 Chest pain
[] 9 Fatigue, tirelessness
[] 10 Weight loss
[] 11 Apathy, inertia
[] 96 Other (specify)
[] 98 DK

HT6. Which TB symptoms require seeing a doctor?

[] 1 Cough
[] 2 Cough with phlegm
[] 3 Cough over 3 weeks
[] 4 Fever
[] 5 Blood with phlegm
[] 6 Appetite loss
[] 7 Sweating at night
[] 8 Chest pain
[] 9 Fatigue, tirelessness
[] 10 Weight loss
[] 11 Apathy, inertia
[] 96 Other (specify)
[] 98 DK

HT7. What treatment should have the person with TB diagnosed first time?

[] 1 Hospital
[] 2 Home
[] 3 Initially in the hospital, later at home
[] 6 Other (specify)
[] 8 DK

HT8. How is TB transmitted between people?

[] 1 By air when coughing
[] 6 Other (specify)
[] 8 DK

HT9. Where would you take your child with suspected TB?

[] 1 Hospital
[] 2 Policlinic
[] 3 Feldsher
[] 4 NB dispensary
[] 6 Other (specify)
[] 8 DK

HT10. Would you take care of your family member, who, let us assume, had TB treatment in the hospital, during further treatment at home?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/not sure

HIV/AIDS module: HA

HA1. Let us discuss different stuff. Have you ever heard of Human Immunodeficiency Virus or the disease called AIDS?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to next module)

HA2. Can you prevent this disease if you have only one uninfected sex partner, who has no other partners?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA3. Do you believe that AIDS can be transmitted by supernatural means?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA4. Can you prevent AIDS by properly using condoms at each intercourse?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA5. Can AIDS be transmitted through mosquito bites?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA6. Is it possible to protect against AIDS abstaining from sex?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA7. Can person get AIDS through sharing food with AIDS-infected person?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA7A. Can person get AIDS through needle used by somebody else?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA8. Can a healthy looking person be infected with AIDS?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA9. Can AIDS be transmitted from mother to child?

HA9A. During pregnancy?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA9B. During delivery?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA9C. During breastfeeding?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA10. Can the teacher infected but not sick with this virus continue working in the school?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA11. Would you buy fresh vegetables from the seller knowing (s)he is sick or infected with virus?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA12. Would you keep in a secret if one of your family members would be infected with AIDS?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA13. Would you take care of your family member at home knowing (s)he is sick with AIDS?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA14. Check MN5: Was the woman tested for AIDS as a part of antenatal care?
[] Yes (Go to HA18A)
[] No (Continue with HA15)

HA15. I do not want to know a result, but have you ever been tested for AIDS?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to HA18)
[] 8 DK (Go to HA18)

HA16. I do not want to know a result, but were you informed on the results of your test?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

HA17. Did you request test or it was proposed to you and agreed or it was obligatory?

[] 1 Requested test (Go to next module)
[] 2 Proposed and agreed (Go to next module)
[] 3 Obligatory (Go to next module)

HA18. At present time, are you aware of place where you can get tested for AIDS?
HA18A. If was tested for AIDS virus as a part of antenatal care: Do you know about any place in addition to any place where you can be tested for AIDS?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No