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[p. 1]

MICS questionnaire for individual women

Kazakhstan 2010

Woman's information panel: WM

This questionnaire is to be administered to all women age 15 through 49 (see Household Listing Form, column HL7). A separate questionnaire should be used for each eligible woman.

WM1. Cluster number: _ _ _

WM2. Household number: _ _

WM3. Woman's name:
Name ____

WM4. Woman's line number: _ _

WM5. Name and number of interviewer
Name ____ _ _

WM6. Day/month/year of interview _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

WM6A. Check the Household questionnaire. H20AC.
Is this woman selected for questions on domestic violence?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Repeat greeting if not already read to this woman:
We are from the agency of statistics, the republic of kazakhstan. We are working on a project concerned with family health, education, status of women and children.. I would like to talk to you about these subjects. The interview will take about 20 minutes. All the information we obtain will remain strictly confidential and your answers will never be shared with anyone other than our project team.

If greeting at the beginning of the household questionnaire has already been read to this woman, then read the following:
Now I would like to talk to you more about your health and other topics. This interview will take about 20 minutes. Again, all the information we obtain will remain strictly confidential and your answers will never be shared with anyone other than our project team.

May I start now?

[] Yes, permission is given (Go to WM10 to record the time and then begin the interview.)
[] No, permission is not given (Complete WM7. Discuss this result with your supervisor.)

WM7. Result of woman's interview

[] 01 Completed
[] 02 Not at home
[] 03 Refused
[] 04 Partly completed
[] 05 Incapacitated
[] 96 Other (specify) ____

WM8. Field edited by (name and number):
Name ____ _ _

WM9. Data entry clerk (name and number):
Name ____ _ _

[p. 2]
WM10. Record the time.
Hours and minutes _ _ : _ _

Woman's Background: WB

WB1. In what month and year were you born?

Date of birth
_ _ Month
[] 98 DK Month
_ _ _ _ Year
[] 9998 DK Year

WB2. How old are you?
Probe: How old were you at your last birthday? Compare and correct WB1 and/or WB2 if inconsistent.
Age (in completed years) _ _

WB3. Have you ever attended school or preschool?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to WB7)

WB4. What is the highest level of school you attended?

[] 0 0Preschool (Go to WB7)
[] 11 Primary
[] 22 Secondary
[] 33 Secondary specialised
[] 44 Higher

WB5. What is the highest grade you completed at that level?
If less than 1 grade, enter "00"
Grade _ _

WB6. Check WB4:
[] Secondary, secondary special or higher. (Go to the next module)
[] Primary (Continue with WB7)

WB7. Now I would like you to read this sentence to me.
Show sentence on the card to the respondent. If respondent is not able to read the sentence in full ask: Would you please read a part of this sentence?
[] 1 Cannot read at all
[] 2 Can read partially
[] 3 Can read the sentence in full
[] 4 Absence of the sentence on a required language (specify the language) ____
[] 5 Blind/mute, visually/speech impaired

[p. 3]
Access to mass media and use of information/communication technology: MT

MT1. Check WB7:
[] Question left blank (Respondent has secondary or higher education) (Continue with MT2)
[] Able to read or no sentence in required language (codes 2, 3 or 4) (Continue with MT2)
[] Cannot read at all or blind (codes 1 or 5) (Go to MT3)

MT2. How often do you read a newspaper or magazine: almost every day, at least once a week, less than once a week or not at all?

[] 1 Almost every day
[] 2 At least once a week
[] 3 Less than once a week
[] 4 Not at all

MT3. Do you listen to the radio almost every day, at least once a week, less than once a week or not at all?

[] 1 Almost every day
[] 2 At least once a week
[] 3 Less than once a week
[] 4 Not at all

MT4. How often do you watch television: would you say that you watch almost every day, at least once a week, less than once a week or not at all?

[] 1 Almost every day
[] 2 At least once a week
[] 3 Less than once a week
[] 4 Not at all

MT5. Check WB2: Age of respondent between 15 and 24?
[] Age 15-24 (Continue with MT6)
[] Age 25-49 (Go to next module)

MT6. Have you ever used a computer?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to MT9)

MT7. Have you used a computer from any location in the last 12 months?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to MT9)

MT8. During the last one month, how often did you use a computer: almost every day, at least once a week, less than once a week or not at all?

[] 1 Almost every day
[] 2 At least once a week
[] 3 Less than once a week
[] 4 Not at all

MT9. Have you ever used the internet?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to next module)

MT10. In the last 12 months, have you used the internet?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to next module)

MT11. During the last one month, how often did you use the internet: almost every day, at least once a week, less than once a week or not at all?

[] 1 Almost every day
[] 2 At least once a week
[] 3 Less than once a week
[] 4 Not at all

[p. 4]
Child mortality: CM

All questions from CM1 to CM12 refer only to live births.

CM1. Now I would like to ask about all the births you have had during your life. Have you ever given birth?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to CM8)

CM2. What was the date of your first birth?
I mean the very first time you gave birth, even if the child is no longer living, or whose father is not your current partner.
Skip to CM4 only if year of first birth is given. Otherwise, continue with CM3.
Date of first birth
_ _ Day
[] 98 DK day
_ _ Month
[] 98 DK month
_ _ _ _ Year (Go to CM4)
[] 9998 DK year

CM3. How many years ago did you have your first birth?

Completed years since first birth _ _

CM4. Do you have any sons or daughters to whom you have given birth who are now living with you?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to CM6)

CM5. How many sons live with you? How many daughters live with you?
If none, record '00'.
_ _ Sons at home
_ _ Daughters at home

CM6. Do you have any sons or daughters to whom you have given birth who are alive but do not live with you?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to CM8)

CM7. How many sons are alive but do not live with you? How many daughters are alive but do not live with you?
If none, record '00'.
_ _ Sons elsewhere
_ _ Daughters elsewhere

CM8. Have you ever given birth to a boy or girl who was born alive but later died?
If "no" probe by asking: I mean, to a child who ever breathed or cried or showed other signs of life -- even if he or she lived only a few minutes or hours?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to CM10)

CM9. How many boys have died? How many girls have died?
If none, record '00'.
_ _ Boys dead
_ _ Girls dead

CM10. Sum answers to CM5, CM7, and CM9.
Sum _ _

[p. 5]
CM11. Just to make sure that I have this right, you have had in total (total number in cm10) live births during your life. Is this correct?

[] Yes. Check below:
[] No live births (Go to illness symptoms module)
[] One or more live births (Continue with CM12 or birth history module)
[] No (Check responses to CM1-CM10 and make corrections as necessary before proceeding to CM12)

CM12. Of these (total number in CM10) births you have had, when did you deliver the last one (even if he or she has died)?
Month and year must be recorded.
Date of last birth

Day _ _
[] 98 DK day
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

CM12A. Women sometimes have pregnancies which do not end in a live born child. Have you ever had a pregnancy that miscarried, was aborted, or ended with a stillbirth?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to CM13)

CM12B. How many such pregnancies (miscarriages, abortions or stillbirths) have you had over your lifetime?

Number of miscarriages, abortions and stillbirths _ _

CM12C. When did the last such pregnancy (miscarriages, abortions or stillbirths) end?
Fill in both the month and the year.
Month _ _
[] DK 98
Year _ _ _ _
[] 9998 DK

CM12D. Check CM12C: Last miscarriage, abortion or stillbirth ended within the last 2 years, that is, since _______ (month of interview) in 2008?
[] No miscarriages, abortions or stillbirths in last 2 years (Go to CM13)
[] One or more miscarriages, abortions or stillbirths in last 2 years (Continue with CM12E)

CM12E. Ask the respondent to tell you, in which Month and Year each miscarriage, abortion or live birth had a place during last 2 years and record Month and Year for each pregnancy in CM12F, started from the last miscarriage, abortion or stillbirth.
Then, ask to answer the questions from CM12G till CM12H for each miscarriage, abortion and stillbirth.
[] No miscarriages, abortions or stillbirths in last 2 years (Go to CM13)
[] One or more miscarriages, abortions or stillbirths in last 2 years (Continue with CM12E)

CM12F. In which Month and Year the previous pregnancy ended?

Last miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth

Already filled in CM12C - no need to fill in
Prior to the last miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth

[] Month _ _
[] Year _ _ _ _

CM12G. How many months you were pregnant, when this pregnancy ended?

Last miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth

Months _ _
Prior to the last miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth

[] Months _ _

CM12H. Did that pregnancy end in a spontaneous miscarriage, an induced abortion, or a stillbirth?

Last miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth

[] 1 Miscarriage
[] 2 Abortion
[] 3 Stillbirth
Prior to the last miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth

[] 1 Miscarriage
[] 2 Abortion
[] 3 Stillbirth

CM12I. Check CM12H, the column Last miscarriage, Abortion or Stillbirth?
Dis that pregnancy end with the induced abortion?
[] Yes (Go to CM12J)
[] No (Continue with CM13)

CM12J. Now let me ask you about your last pregnancy which ended with the Abortion in _______ (Month and year from CM12C).
Who was the person that had the final say on taking the abortion decision?

[] 01 Doctor / a Health worker
[] 02 Respondent
[] 03 Husband / Partner
[] 04 Respondent together with husband / partner
[] 05 Parents
[] 06 Respondent together with girlfriend
[] 07 Relatives
[] 96 Other _________ (specify)

CM12K. Who made the abortion?
Specify the person with the highest qualification.
Health personnel

[] 11 Doctor
[] 12 Nurse / Midwife
Other person

[] 21 Traditional Birth Attendant
[] 22 Relative / Friend
[] 31 No one
[] 96 Other ______ (specify)

CM12L. Where did that abortion take place?
Probe to identify the type of place and circle the appropriate code. If unable to determine whether the abortion took place in a hospital, health center or clinic, public or private institution, write down the name of the place that the respondent provided.
Public sector

[] 11 Hospital / Maternity Home
[] 12 Policlinic / Ambulatory
[] 13 Woman's consultation
[] 14 Family planning center
[] 15 Medical diagnostic center
[] 16 FAP / Rural health post
[] 26 Other public ______ (specify)
Private sector

[] 31 Hospital / Maternity Home
[] 32 Policlinic / Ambulatory
[] 33 Woman's consultation
[] 34 Family planning center
[] 35 Medical diagnostic center
[] 36 FAP / Rural health post
[] 37 NGO
[] 46 Other private med. ______ (specify)

[] 51 Your home
[] 52 Other home
[] 96 Other _____ (specify)

CM12M. What abortion technique was used for that abortion?
Do not tell the respondent the methods and techniques used for aborton.
[] 01 Abortion produced by a drug (RU-486)
[] 02 Suction-Aspiration
[] 03 Dilation and curettage
[] 04 Dilation and evacuation
[] 05 Dilation and extraction
[] 06 Prostaglandin abortion
[] 07 Salt poisoning (saline injection)
[] 08 Hysterectomy
[] 96 Other ______ (specify)
[] 98 DK

CM13. Check CM12: Last birth occurred within the last 2 years, that is, since (day and month of interview) in 2008
[] No live birth in last 2 years (Go to illness symptoms module)
[] One or more live births in last 2 years (Ask for the name of the child)
Name of child ________

If child has died, take special care when referring to this child by name in the following modules. Continue with the next module.

[p. 6]
Desire for last birth: DB

This module is to be administered to all women with a live birth in the 2 years preceding date of interview.
Check child mortality module CM13 and record name of last-born child here ____
Use this child's name in the following questions, where indicated.

DB1. When you got pregnant with (name), did you want to get pregnant at that time?

[] 1 Yes (Go to next module)
[] 2 No

DB2. Did you want to have a baby later on, or did you not want any (more) children?

[] 1 Later
[] 2 No more (Go to next module)

DB3. How much longer did you want to wait?

[] 1 Months _ _
[] 2 Years _ _
[] 998 DK

[p. 7]
Maternal and newborn health: MN

This module is to be administered to all women with a live birth in the 2 years preceding date of interview.
Check child mortality module CM13 and record name of last-born child here ____
Use this child's name in the following questions, where indicated.

MN1. Did you see anyone for antenatal care during your pregnancy with (name)?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to MN17)

MN2. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and circle all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/Midwife
[] C Auxiliary midwife
[] D Feldsher
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] X Other (specify) ____

MN3. How many times did you receive antenatal care during this pregnancy?

_ _ Number of times
[] 98 DK

MN4. As part of your antenatal care during this pregnancy, were any of the following done at least once:

[A] Was your blood pressure measured?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[B] Did you give a urine sample?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[C] Did you give a blood sample?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

MN17. Who assisted with the delivery of (name)?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person assisting and circle all answers given. If respondent says no one assisted, probe to determine whether any adults were present at the delivery.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/Midwife
[] C Auxiliary midwife
[] D Feldsher
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] H Relative/Friend
[] X Other (specify) ____
[] Y No one

[p. 9]
MN18. Where did you give birth to (name)?
Probe to identify the type of source. If unable to determine whether public or private, write the name of the place.
(Name of place) ____

[] 11 Your home (Go to MN20)
[] 12 Other home (Go to MN20)
Public sector
[] 21 Govt. hospital/maternity
[] 22 Govt. clinic/health centre
[] 26 Other public (specify) ____
Private medical sector
[] 31 Private hospital
[] 32 Private clinic
[] 33 Private maternity home
[] 36 Other private medical (specify) ____
[] 96 Other (specify) ____ (Go to MN20)

MN19. Was (name) delivered by caesarean section? That is, did they cut your belly open to take the baby out?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

MN20. When (name) was born, was he/she very large, larger than average, average, smaller than average, or very small?

[] 1 Very large
[] 2 Larger than average
[] 3 Average
[] 4 Smaller than average
[] 5 Very small
[] 8 DK

MN21. Was (name) weighed at birth?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to MN23)
[] 8 DK (Go to MN23)

MN22. How much did (name) weigh?
Record weight from health card, if available.
[] 1 From card (kg) _ _ _ _
[] 2 From recall (kg) _ _ _ _
[] 99998 DK

MN23. Has your menstrual period returned since the birth of (name)?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

MN24. Did you ever breastfeed (name)?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to next module)

MN25. How long after birth did you first put (name) to the breast?
If less than 1 hour, record '00' hours. If less than 24 hours, record hours. Otherwise, record days.
[] 000 Immediately
[] 1 Hours _ _
[] 2 Days _ _
[] 998 Don't know/remember

[p. 10]
MN26. In the first three days after delivery, was (name) given anything to drink other than breast milk?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to next module)

MN27. What was (name) given to drink?
Probe: Anything else?
[] A Milk (other than breast milk)
[] B Plain water
[] C Sugar or glucose water
[] D Gripe water
[] E Sugar-salt-water solution
[] F Fruit juice
[] G Infant formula
[] H Tea/Infusions
[] I Honey
[] X Other (specify) ____

[p. 11]
Illness Symptoms: IS

IS1. Check Household Listing, column HL9
Is the respondent the mother or caretaker of any child under age 5?

[] Yes (Continue with IS2)
[] No (Go to next module)

IS2. Sometimes children have severe illnesses and should be taken immediately to a health facility. What types of symptoms would cause you to take your child to a health facility right away?
Probe: Any other symptoms? Keep asking for more signs or symptoms until the mother/caretaker cannot recall any additional symptoms. Circle all symptoms mentioned, but do not prompt with any suggestions
[] A Child not able to drink or breastfeed
[] B Child becomes sicker
[] C Child develops a fever
[] D Child has fast breathing
[] E Child has difficult breathing
[] F Child has blood in stool
[] G Child is drinking poorly
[] X Other (specify) ____
[] Y Other (specify) ____
[] Z Other (specify) ____

[p. 16]
Contraception: CP

CP1. I would like to talk with you about another subject -- family planning.
Are you pregnant now?

[] 1 Yes, currently pregnant (Go to next module)
[] 2 No
[] 8 Unsure or DK

CP2. Couples use various ways or methods to delay or avoid a pregnancy. Are you currently doing something or using any method to delay or avoid getting pregnant?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to next module)

CP3. What are you doing to delay or avoid a pregnancy?
Do not prompt. If more than one method is mentioned, circle each one.
[] A Female sterilization
[] B Male sterilization
[] C IUD
[] D Injectables
[] E Implants
[] F Pill
[] G Male condom
[] H Female condom
[] I Diaphragm
[] J Foam/jelly
[] K Lactational amenorrhoea method (LAM)
[] L Periodic abstinence/rhythm
[] M Withdrawal
[] X Other (specify) ____

[p. 17]
Unmet need: UN

UN1. Check CP1. Currently pregnant?
[] Yes, currently pregnant (Continue with UN2)
[] No, unsure or DK (Go to UN5)

UN2. Now I would like to talk to you about your current pregnancy. When you got pregnant, did you want to get pregnant at that time?

[] 1 Yes (Go to UN4)
[] 2 No

UN3. Did you want to have a baby later on or did you not want any (more) children?

[] 1 Later
[] 2 No More

UN4. Now I would like to ask some questions about the future. After the child you are now expecting, would you like to have another child, or would you prefer not to have any more children?

[] 1 Have another child (Go to UN7)
[] 2 No more/none (Go to UN13)
[] 8 Undecided/don't know (Go to UN13)

UN5. Check CP3. Currently using "female sterilization"
[] Yes (Go to UN13)
[] No (Continue with UN6)

UN6. Now I would like to ask you some questions about the future. Would you like to have (a/another) child, or would you prefer not to have any (more) children?

[] 1 Have (a/another) child
[] 2 No more/none (Go to UN9)
[] 3 Says she cannot get pregnant (Go to UN11)
[] 8 Undecided/don't know (Go to UN9)

UN7. How long would you like to wait before the birth of (a/another) child?

[] 1 Months _ _
[] 2 Years _ _
[] 993 Soon/now
[] 994 Says she cannot get pregnant (Go to UN11)
[] 995 After Marriage
[] 996 Other
[] 998 Don't know

UN8. Check CP1. Currently pregnant?
[] Yes, currently pregnant (Go to UN13)
[] No, unsure or DK (Continue with UN9)

[p. 18]
UN9. Check CP2. Currently using a method?
[] Yes (Go to UN13)
[] No (Continue with UN10)

UN10. Do you think you are physically able to get pregnant at this time?

[] 1 Yes (Go to UN13)
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK (Go to UN13)

UN11. Why do you think you are not physically able to get pregnant?

[] A Infrequent sex/no sex
[] B Menopausal
[] C Never menstruated
[] D Hysterectomy (surgical removal of uterus)
[] E Has been trying to get pregnant for 2 years or more without result
[] F Postpartum amenorrheic
[] G Breastfeeding
[] H Too old
[] I Fatalistic
[] X Other (specify) ____
[] Z Don't know

UN12. Check UN11. "Never menstruated" mentioned?
[] Mentioned (Go to next module)
[] Not mentioned (Continue with UN13)

UN13. When did your last menstrual period start?

[] 1 Days ago _ _
[] 2 Weeks ago _ _
[] 3 Months ago _ _
[] 4 Years ago _ _
[] 994 In menopause/has had hysterectomy
[] 995 Before last birth
[] 996 Never menstruated

[p. 19]
Attitudes toward domestic violence: DV

DV1. Sometimes a husband is annoyed or angered by things that his wife does. In your opinion, is a husband justified in hitting or beating his wife in the following situations:

[A] If she goes out without telling him?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[B] If she neglects the children?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[C] If she argues with him?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[D] If she refuses to have sex with him?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[E] If she burns the food?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[p. 23]
Marriage/union: MA

MA1. Are you currently married or living together with a man as if married?

[] 1 Yes, currently married
[] 2 Yes, living with a man
[] 3 No, not in union (Go to MA5)

MA2. How old is your husband/partner?
Probe: how old was your husband/partner on his last birthday?
_ _ Age in years
[] 98 DK

MA5. Have you ever been married or lived together with a man as if married?

[] 1 Yes, formerly married
[] 2 Yes, formerly lived with a man
[] 3 No (Go to next module)

MA6. What is your marital status now: are you widowed, divorced or separated?

[] 1 Widowed
[] 2 Divorced
[] 3 Separated

MA7. Have you been married or lived with a man only once or more than once?

[] 1 Only once
[] 2 More than once

MA8. In what month and year did you first marry or start living with a man as if married?

Date of first marriage
_ _ Month
[] 98 DK month
_ _ _ _ Year (Go to next module)
[] 9998 DK year

MA9. How old were you when you started living with your first husband/partner?

Age in years _ _

[p. 24]
Sexual behavior: SB

SB1A. Check WB2: Age of the respondent between 15 and 24?
[] Yes, age 15-24 (Continue from the question SB1)
[] No, age 25-49 (Go to next module)
Check for the presence of others. Before continuing, ensure privacy.

SB1. Now I would like to ask you some questions about sexual activity in order to gain a better understanding of some important life issues.
The information you supply will remain strictly confidential.
How old were you when you had sexual intercourse for the very first time?

[] 00 Never had intercourse (Go to next module)
_ _ Age in years
[] 95 First time when started living with (first) husband/partner

SB2. The first time you had sexual intercourse, was a condom used?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/don't remember

SB3. When was the last time you had sexual intercourse?
Record 'years ago' only if last intercourse was one or more years ago. If 12 months or more the answer most be recorded in year.
[] 1 Days ago _ _
[] 2 Weeks ago _ _
[] 3 Months ago _ _
[] 4 Years ago _ _ (Go to SB15)

SB4. The last time you had sexual intercourse, was a condom used?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

SB5. What was your relationship to this person with whom you last had sexual intercourse?
Probe to ensure that the response refers to the relationship at the time of sexual intercourse.
If 'boyfriend', then ask: Were you living together as if married? If 'yes', circle '2'. If 'no', circle'3'.
[] 1 Husband
[] 2 Cohabiting partner
[] 3 Boyfriend (Go to SB7)
[] 4 Casual acquaintance (Go to SB7)
[] 6 Other (specify) ____ (Go to SB7)

SB6. Check MA1:
[] Currently married or living with a man (MA1 = 1 or 2) (Go to SB8)
[] Not married / Not in union (MA1 = 3) (Continue with SB7)

SB7. How old is this person?
If response is DK, probe: About how old is this person?
_ _ Age of sexual partner
[] 98 DK

SB8. Have you had sexual intercourse with any other person in the last 12 months?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to SB15)

SB9. The last time you had sexual intercourse with this other person, was a condom used?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[p. 25]
SB10. What was your relationship to this person?
Probe to ensure that the response refers to the relationship at the time of sexual intercourse
If 'boyfriend' then ask: Were you living together as if married? If 'yes', circle '2'. If 'no', circle '3'.
[] 1 Husband
[] 2 Cohabiting partner
[] 3 Boyfriend (Go to SB12)
[] 4 Casual acquaintance (Go to SB12)
[] 6 Other (specify) ____ (Go to SB12)

SB11. Check MA1 and MA7:
[] Currently married or living with a man (MA1 = 1 or 2) and Married only once or lived with a man only once (MA7 = 1) (Go to SB13)
[] Else (Continue with SB12)

SB12. How old is this person?
If response is DK, probe: About how old is this person?
_ _ Age of sexual partner
[] 98 DK

SB13. Other than these two persons, have you had sexual intercourse with any other person in the last 12 months?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to SB15)

SB14. In total, with how many different people have you had sexual intercourse in the last 12 months?

_ _ Number of partners

SB15. In total, with how many different people have you had sexual intercourse in your lifetime?
If a non-numeric answer is given, probe to get an estimate. If number of partners is 95 or more, write '95'.
_ _ Number of lifetime partners
[] 98 DK

[p. 26]

HA1. Now I would like to talk with you about something else.
Have you ever heard of an illness called HIV?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to next module)

HA2. Can people reduce their chance of getting the HIV virus by having just one uninfected sex partner who has no other sex partners?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA3. Can people get the HIV virus because of witchcraft or other supernatural means?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA4. Can people reduce their chance of getting the HIV virus by using a condom every time they have sex?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA5. Can people get the HIV virus from mosquito bites?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA6. Can people get the HIV virus by sharing food with a person who has the HIV virus?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA7. Is it possible for a healthy-looking person to have the HIV virus?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA8. Can the virus that causes HIV be transmitted from a mother to her baby:

[A] During pregnancy?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[B] During delivery?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[C] By breastfeeding?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA9. In your opinion, if a female teacher has the HIV virus but is not sick, should she be allowed to continue teaching in school?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/not sure/depends

HA10. Would you buy fresh vegetables from a shopkeeper or vendor if you knew that this person had the HIV virus?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/not sure/depends

HA11. If a member of your family got infected with the HIV virus, would you want it to remain a secret?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/not sure/depends

HA12. If a member of your family became sick with HIV, would you be willing to care for her or him in your own household?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/not sure/depends

[p. 27]
HA13. Check CM13: Any live birth in last 2 years?
[] No live birth in last 2 years (CM13="No" or blank) (Go to HA24)
[] One or more live births in last 2 years (Continue with HA14)

HA14. Check MN1: Received antenatal care?
[] Received antenatal care (Continue with HA15)
[] Did not receive antenatal care (Go to HA24)

HA15. During any of the antenatal visits for your pregnancy with (name), were you given any information about AIDS or HIV?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA15A. During any of the antenatal visits for your pregnancy with (name),

Were you given any information about:

[A] Babies getting the HIV virus from their mother?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[B] Things that you can do to prevent getting the HIV virus?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[C] Getting tested for the HIV virus?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

Were you:
[D] Offered a test for the HIV virus?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

HA16. I don't want to know the results, but were you tested for the HIV virus as part of your antenatal care?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to HA19)
[] 8 DK (Go to HA19)

HA17. I don't want to know the results, but did you get the results of the test?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to HA22)
[] 8 DK (Go to HA22)

HA18. Regardless of the result, all women who are tested are supposed to receive counseling after getting the result. After you were tested, did you receive counselling?

[] 1 Yes (Go to HA22)
[] 2 No (Go to HA22)
[] 8 DK (Go to HA22)

HA19. Check MN17: Birth delivered by health professional (A, B, C or D)?
[] Yes, birth delivered by health professional (Continue with HA20)
[] No, birth not delivered by health professional (Go to HA24)

HA20. I don't want to know the results, but were you tested for the HIV virus between the time you went for delivery but before the baby was born?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to HA24)

HA21. I don't want to know the results, but did you get the results of the test?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

HA22. Have you been tested for the HIV virus since that time you were tested during your pregnancy?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to HA25)

[p. 28]
HA23. When was the most recent time you were tested for the HIV virus?

[] 1 Less than 12 months ago (Go to next module)
[] 2 12-23 months ago (Go to next module)
[] 3 2 or more years ago (Go to next module)

HA24. I don't want to know the results, but have you ever been tested to see if you have the HIV virus?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to HA27)

HA25. When was the most recent time you were tested?

[] 1 Less than 12 months ago
[] 2 12-23 months ago
[] 3 2 or more years ago

HA26. I don't want to know the results, but did you get the results of the test?

[] 1 Yes (Go to next module)
[] 2 No (Go to next module)
[] 8 DK (Go to next module)

HA27. Do you know of a place where people can go to get tested for the HIV virus?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[p. 29]
Tobacco and alcohol use: TA

TA1. Have you ever tried cigarette smoking, even one or two puffs?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to TA6)

TA2. How old were you when you smoked a whole cigarette for the first time?

[] 00 Never smoked a whole cigarette (Go to TA6)
_ _ Age

TA3. Do you currently smoke cigarettes?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to TA6)

TA4. In the last 24 hours, how many cigarettes did you smoke?

_ _ Number of cigarettes

TA5. During the last one month, on how many days did you smoke cigarettes?
If less than 10 days, record the number of days. If 10 days or more but less than a month, circle "10". If "everyday" or "almost every day", circle "30"
[] 0 Number of days _
[] 10 10 days or more but less than a month
[] 30 Everyday/almost every day

TA6. Have you ever tried any smoked tobacco products other than cigarettes, such as cigars, water pipe, cigarillos or pipe?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to TA10)

TA7. During the last one month, did you use any smoked tobacco products?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to TA10)

TA8. What type of smoked tobacco product did you use or smoke during the last one month?
Circle all mentioned.
[] A Cigars
[] B Water pipe
[] C Cigarillos
[] D Pipe
[] X Other (specify) ____

TA9. During the last one month, on how many days did you use smoked tobacco products?
If less than 10 days, record the number of days. If 10 days or more but less than a month, circle "10". If "everyday" or "almost every day", circle "30"
[] 0 Number of days _
[] 10 10 days or more but less than a month
[] 30 Everyday/almost every day

TA10. Have you ever tried any form of smokeless tobacco products, such as chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to TA14)

TA11. During the last one month, did you use any smokeless tobacco products?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to TA14)

[p. 32]
TA12. What type of smokeless tobacco product did you use during the last one month?
Circle all mentioned.
[] A Chewing tobacco
[] B Snuff
[] C Nasybai
[] X Other (specify) ____

TA13. During the last one month, on how many days did you use smokeless tobacco products?
If less than 10 days, record the number of days. If 10 days or more but less than a month, circle "10". If "everyday" or "almost every day", circle "30"
[] 0 Number of days _
[] 10 10 days or more but less than a month
[] 30 Everyday/almost every day

TA14. Now I would like to ask you some questions about drinking alcohol.
Have you ever drunk alcohol?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to next module)

TA15. We count one drink of alcohol as one can or bottle of beer, one glass of wine, or one shot of cognac, vodka, whiskey or rum.
How old were you when you had your first drink of alcohol, other than a few sips?

[] 00 Never had one drink of alcohol (Go to next module)
_ _ Age

TA16. During the last one month, on how many days did you have at least one drink of alcohol?
If respondent did not drink, circle "00". If less than 10 days, record the number of days. If 10 days or more but less than a month, circle "10". If "everyday" or "almost every day", circle "30"
[] 00 Did not have one drink in last one month (Go to next module)
[] 0 Number of days _
[] 10 10 days or more but less than a month
[] 30 Everyday/almost every day

TA17. In the last one month, on the days that you drank alcohol, how many drinks did you usually have?

_ _ Number of drinks

[p. 33]
Domestic Violence: DA

DA1A. Check the question WM6A, from the information section about woman
[] Woman selected for questions on Domestic Violence module (Continue with DA1B)
[] Woman not selected for questions on Domestic Violence module (Go to WM11)

DA1B. Check if anybody else is presented in the room.
Do not continue unless you get privacy with the respondent
[] Privacy obtained (Continue with DA2)
[] Privacy not possible (Go to DA34)

Read to the respondent:
Now I would like to ask you questions about some other important aspects of a woman's life. I know that some of these questions are very personal. However, your answers are crucial for helping to understand the condition of women in Kazakhstan. Let me assure you that your answers are completely confidential and will not be told to anyone and no one else will know that you were asked these questions.

DA2. Check MA1 and MA5
[] Currently married or living with a man (Continue with DA3)
[] Was married or lived with a man (Continue with DA3, but read questions in a past tense)
[] Never married and never lived with a man (Go to DA14B)

DA3. First, I am going to ask you about some situations which happen to some women. Please tell me if these apply to your relationship with your (last) husband/partner?

[A] He (is/was) jealous or angry if you (talk/talked) to other men?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[B] He frequently (accuses/accused) you or being unfaithful?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[C] He (does/did) not permit you to meet your family friends?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[D] He (tries/tried) to limit your contact with your family?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[E] He (insits/insisted) on knowing where you (are/were) at all times?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

[F] He (does/did) not trust you with any money?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

DA4. Now if you will permit me, I need to ask some more questions about your relationship with your (last) husband/partner. If we should come to any questions that you do not want to answer, just let me know and we will go on to the next question:

[A1]. Did your (last) husband/partner ever say or do something to humiliate you in front of others?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to B1)

[A2]. Check MA6
[] If respondent is not widow (Continue with A3)
[] If respondent is widow (Go to B1)

[A3]. How often did this happen during the last 12 months?

[] 1 Often
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Never

[B1]. Your (ex) husband/partner threatened to hurt or harm you or someone else close to you?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to C1)

[B2]. Check MA6
[] If respondent is not widow (Continue with B3)
[] If respondent is widow (Go to C1)

[B3]. How often did this happen during the last 12 months: Often, Sometimes, Never?

[] 1 Often
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Never

[C1]. Your (ex) husband/partner insulted you or made you feel bad about yourself?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to DA5)

[C2]. Check MA6
[] If respondent is not widow (Continue with C3)
[] If respondent is widow (Go to DA5)

[C3]. How often did this happen during the last 12 months: Often, Sometimes, Never?

[] 1 Often
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Never

DA5. (Does/did) your (last) husband/partner ever do any of the following things to you:

[A1]. Push you, shae you, or throw something at you?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to B1)

[A2]. Check MA6
[] If respondent is not widow (Continue with A3)
[] If respondent is widow (Go to B1)

[A3]. How often did this happen during the last 12 months: Often, Sometimes, Never?

[] 1 Often
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Never

[B1]. (Does/did) your (last) husband/partner slap you?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to C1)

[B2]. Check MA6
[] If respondent is not widow (Continue with B3)
[] If respondent is widow (Go to C1)

[B3]. How often did this happen during the last 12 months: Often, Sometimes, Never?

[] 1 Often
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Never

[C1]. (Does/did) your (last) husband/partner twist your arm or pull your hair?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to D1)

[C2]. Check MA6
[] If respondent is not widow (Continue with C3)
[] If respondent is widow (Go to D1)

[C3]. How often did this happen during the last 12 months: Often, Sometimes, Never?

[] 1 Often
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Never

[D1]. (Does/did) your (last) husband/partner punch you with his fist or with something that could hurt you?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to E1)

[D2]. Check MA6
[] If respondent is not widow (Continue with D3)
[] If respondent is widow (Go to E1)

[D3]. How often did this happen during the last 12 months: Often, Sometimes, Never?

[] 1 Often
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Never

[E1]. (Does/did) your (last) husband/partner kick you, drag you or beat you up?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to F1)

[E2]. Check MA6
[] If respondent is not widow (Continue with E3)
[] If respondent is widow (Go to F1)

[E3]. How often did this happen during the last 12 months: Often, Sometimes, Never?

[] 1 Often
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Never

[F1]. (Does/did) your (last) husband/partner try to choke you or burn you on purpose?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to G1)

[F2]. Check MA6
[] If respondent is not widow (Continue with F3)
[] If respondent is widow (Go to G1)

[F3]. How often did this happen during the last 12 months: Often, Sometimes, Never?

[] 1 Often
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Never

[G1]. (Does/did) your (last) husband/partner threaten or attack you with a knife, gun, or any other weapon?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to H1)

[G2]. Check MA6
[] If respondent is not widow (Continue with G3)
[] If respondent is widow (Go to H1)

[G3]. How often did this happen during the last 12 months: Often, Sometimes, Never?

[] 1 Often
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Never

[H1]. (Does/did) your (last) husband/partner physically force you to have sexual intercourse with him even when you did not want to?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to I1)

[H2]. Check MA6
[] If respondent is not widow (Continue with H3)
[] If respondent is widow (Go to I1)

[H3]. How often did this happen during the last 12 months: Often, Sometimes, Never?

[] 1 Often
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Never

[I1]. (Does/did) your (last) husband/partner force you to perform any sexual acts you did not want to?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to DA6)

[I2]. Check MA6
[] If respondent is not widow (Continue with I3)
[] If respondent is widow (Go to DA6)

[I3]. How often did this happen during the last 12 months: Often, Sometimes, Never?

[] 1 Often
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Never

DA6. Check DA6
[] At least one (yes) (Continue with DA7)
[] Not a single (yes) (Go to DA9)

DA7. How long after you first got married/started living with your (last) husband/partner did (This/any of these things) first happen?
If less than one year, record 00
Number of years _ _
[] 95 Before marriage/before living together

DA8. Did the following ever happen as a result of what your (last) husband/partner did to you:

[A] You had cuts, bruises or arches?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[B] You had eye injuries, sprains, dislocations, or burns?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[C] You had deep wounds, broken bones, broken teeth, or any other serious injury?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

DA9. Have you ever hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to physically hurt your (last) husband/partner at times when he was not already beating or physically hurting you?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to DA12)

DA10. Check MA6
[] If respondent is not widow (Continue with DA11)
[] If respondent is widow (Go to DA12)

DA11. In the last 12 months, how often have you done this to your husband/partner: often, only sometimes, or not at all?

[] 1 Often
[] 2 Only sometimes
[] 3 Never

DA12. Does (did) your husband/partner drink alcohol?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to DA14)

DA13. How often does (did) he get drunk: often, only sometimes, or never?

[] 1 Often
[] 2 Only sometimes
[] 3 Never

DA14. Check MA1 and MA5
[] Married or live with a man in unofficial union/was married or lived with a man in unofficial union (Continue with DA14A)
[] Was never married or never lived with a man in unofficial union (Go to DA14B)

DA14A. From the time you were 15 years old has anyone other than your (current/last) husband/partner hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to hurt you physically?

[] 1 Yes (Go to DA15)
[] 2 No (Go to DA17)
[] 3 Refused to answer/No answer (Go to DA17)

DA14B. From the time you were 15 years old has anyone other than your (current/last) husband/partner hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to hurt you physically?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to DA17)
[] 3 Refused to answer/No answer (Go to DA17)

DA15. How has hurt you in this way? Anyone else?
Circle all mentioned.
[] A Mother/step-mother
[] B Father/step-father
[] C Sister/brother
[] D Daughter/son
[] E Other relative
[] F Former husband/partner
[] G Current boyfriend
[] H Former boyfriend
[] I Mother-in-law
[] J Father-in-law
[] K Other-in-law
[] L Teacher
[] M Employer/Someone at work
[] N Police/soldier
[] X Other (specify) ________

DA16. In the last 12 months, how often have you been hit, slapped, kicked, or physically hurt by this/these person(s): often, only sometimes, or not at all?

[] 1 Often
[] 2 Sometimes
[] 3 Never

DA17. Check CM1, CM12, and CP1
[] Ever been pregnant, the pregnancy ended with miscarriage, abortion or stillbirth (Continue with DA18)
[] Never been pregnant (Go to DA20)

DA18. Has anyone hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to hurt you physically while you were pregnant?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to DA20)

DA15. Who has done any of these things to physically hurt you while you were pregnant? Anyone else?
Circle all mentioned.
[] A Current husband/partner
[] B Mother/step-mother
[] C Father/step-father
[] D Sister/brother
[] E Daughter/son
[] F Other relative
[] G Former husband/partner
[] H Current boyfriend
[] I Former boyfriend
[] J Mother-in-law
[] K Father-in-law
[] L Other-in-law
[] M Teacher
[] N Employer/Someone at work
[] O Police/soldier
[] X Other (specify) ________

DA20. Check: have you had sexual intercourse?
[] Has had sexual intercourse before (Continue from DA21)
[] Has never had sexual intercourse before (Go to DA28)

DA21. The first time you had sexual intercourse, would you say that you had it because you wanted to, or because you were forced to have it against your will?

[] 1 Wanted to
[] 2 Forced to
[] 3 Refused to answer/no response

DA22. Check: MA1 and MA5?
[] Married or lives with a man in unofficial marriage/was married or lived with a man in unofficial marriage (Continue from DA22A)
[] Not married or never lived with a man in unofficial marriage (Go to DA22B)

DA22A. In the last 12 months has anyone apart from your (present/former) husband forced you to have sexual intercourse against your will?

[] 1 Yes (Go to DA28)
[] 2 No (Go to DA28)
[] 3 Refused to answer/no answer (Go to DA28)

DA22B. In the last 12 months has anyone forced you to have sexual intercourse against your will?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 3 Refused to answer/no response

DA28. Check DA5 (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I), DA14 (A,B), DA18, DA21, DA22 (A,B)
If there is an answer 'Yes' to one of these questions or Da21=2 (Continue from DA29)
[] If no 'Yes' (Go to DA32)

DA29. Thinking about what you yourself have experienced among the different things we have been talking about, have you ever tried to seek help to stop (the/these) person(s) from doing this to you again?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to DA31)

DA30. From whom have you sought help? Anyone else?
Circle all mentioned.
[] A Own family (Go to DA32)
[] B Husband/Partner's family (Go to DA32)
[] C Current/Late/Late husband/Partner (Go to DA32)
[] D Current/Former boyfriend (Go to DA32)
[] E Relatives (Go to DA32)
[] F Neighbor (Go to DA32)
[] G Religious leader (Go to DA32)
[] H Doctor/Medical personnel (Go to DA32)
[] I Police (Go to DA32)
[] J Lawyer (Go to DA32)
[] K Social service organization (Go to DA32)
[] X Other (specify) ______ (Go to DA32)

DA31. Have you ever told anyone about this?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

DA32. As far as you know, did your father ever beat your mother?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK

Thank the respondent for her cooperation and reassure her about the confidentiality of all her answers. Fill out the questions below with reference to the domestic violence module only.

DA33. Did you have to interrupt the interview because some adult was trying to listen, or came into the room, or interrupted it in any other way?


[] 1 Once
[] 2 More than once
[] 8 No

Other adult male

[] 1 Once
[] 2 More than once
[] 8 No

Female adult

[] 1 Once
[] 2 More than once
[] 8 No

DA34. Interviewer's comments / Explanation for not completing the domestic violence module

WM11. Record the time.
_ _ : _ _ Hour and minutes

WM12. Check Household Listing Form, column HL9.
Is the respondent the mother or caretaker of any child age 0-4 living in this household?
[] Yes (Go to questionnaire for children under five for that child and start the interview with this respondent.)
[] No (End the interview with this respondent by thanking her for her cooperation. Check for the presence of any other eligible woman, man or child under-5 in the household.)

Interviewer's observations

Field editor's observations