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Household Questionnaire

2019 Serbia MICS

Household Information Panel: HH

HH1. Cluster number: _ _ _

HH2. Household number: _ _

HH3. Interviewer's name and number:

Name ____
Number _ _ _

HH4. Supervisor's name and number:

Name ____
Number _ _ _

HH5. Day/Month/Year of interview:

_ _/_ _ /2019

HH6. Area

[] 1. Urban
[] 2. Rural

HH7. Region

[] 1. Belgrade
[] 2. Vojvodina
[] 3. Sumadija and Western Serbia
[] 4. Southern and Eastern Serbia

Check that the respondent is the best knowledgeable member of the household and at least 18 years old before interviewing. You may only interview a child age 15-17 only if there is no adult member of the household or all adult members are incapacitated. You may not interview a child under age 15.

HH11. Record the time.

Hours : Minutes _ _ : _ _

HH12. Hello, my name is (your name). We are from Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. We are conducting a survey about the situation of children, women, families and households. I would like to talk to you about these subjects. This interview usually takes about 30 minutes. Following this, I may ask to conduct additional interviews with you or other individual members of your household. All the information we obtain will remain strictly confidential and anonymous. If you do not wish to answer a question or stop the interview, please let me know. May I start now?

[] Yes (List of household members)
[] No/not asked (Go to HH46)

HH46. Result of household questionnaire interview:
Discuss any result not completed with supervisor.
[] 01. Completed
[] 02. No household member at home or no competent respondent at home at time of visit
[] 03. Entire household absent for extended period of time
[] 04. Refused
[] 05. Dwelling vacant or address not a dwelling
[] 06. Dwelling destroyed
[] 07. Dwelling not found
[] 96. Other (specify) ____

HH47. Name and line number of the respondent to household questionnaire interview:

Name ____ _ _

To be filled after the Household Questionnaire is completed
Total number

HH48. Household members: __ __

HH49. Women age 15-49: __ __

HH51. Children under age 5: __ __

HH52. Children age 5-17: __ __

To be filled after all the questionnaires are completed
Completed number

HH53. Women age 15-49: __ __

HH55. Children under age 5: __ __

HH56. Children age 5-17

[] 0. Zero
[] 1. One

List Of Household Members: HL

First complete HL2-HL4 vertically for all household members, starting with the head of the household. Once HL2-HL4 are complete for all members, make sure to probe for additional members: Those that are not currently at home, any infants or small children and any others who may not be family (such as servants, friends) but who usually live in the household.
Then, ask questions HL5-HL20 for each member one at a time. If additional questionnaires are used, indicate by ticking this box: ____

HL1. Line number: _ _

HL2. First, please tell me the name of each person who usually lives here, starting with the head of the household.
Probe for additional household members.
Name: ____

HL3. What is the relationship of (name) to (name of the head of household)?

Relation: _ _

HL4. Is (name) male or female?

[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female

HL5. What is (name)'s date of birth?

Month (DK98): _ _
Year (DK9998): _ _ _

HL6. How old is (name)?
Record in completed years.
If age is 95 or above, record "95".
Age _ _

HL8. Record line number if woman and age 15-49: _ _

HL10. Record line number if age 0-4: _ _

HL10A. Age 15+:

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to HL11)

HL10B. Is (name) currently married or living together with someone as a couple?
If "yes", ask: With whom? Record line number of partner or '00' if no one or someone outside household.
Line number _ _

HL11. Age 0-17?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to next line)

HL12. Is (name)'s natural mother alive?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to HL16)
[] 8. DK (Go to HL16)

HL13. Does (name)'s natural mother live in this household?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to HL15)

HL14. Record the line number of mother and go to HL16: _

HL15. Where does (name)'s natural mother live?

[] 1. Abroad
[] 2. In another household in the same municipality
[] 3. In another household in another municipality (specify) ____
[] 4. Institution in Serbia
[] 8. DK

HL16. Is (name)'s natural father alive?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to HL20)
[] 8. DK (Go to HL20)

HL17. Does (name)'s natural father live in this household?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (go to HL19)

HL18. Record the line number of father and go to HL20: _

HL19. Where does (name)'s natural father live?

[] 1. Abroad
[] 2. In another household in the same municipality
[] 3. In another household in another municipality (specify) ____
[] 4. Institution in Serbia
[] 8. DK

HL20. Copy the line number of mother from HL14. If blank, ask: Who is the primary caregiver of (name)?
If "No one" for a child age 15-17, record "90".
Number: __

Codes for HL3. Relationship to head of household

[] 01. Head
[] 02. Spouse/partner
[] 03. Son/daughter
[] 04. Son-in-law/daughter-in-law
[] 05. Grandchild
[] 06. Parent
[] 07. Parent-in-law
[] 08. Brother/sister
[] 09. Brother-in-law/sister-in-law
[] 10. Uncle/aunt
[] 11. Niece/nephew
[] 12. Other Relative
[] 13. Adopted/foster/stepchild
[] 14. Servant (live-in)
[] 96. Other (not related)
[] 98. DK

Education 1: ED

ED1. Line number: _ _

ED2. Name and age
Copy names and ages of all members of the household from HL2 and HL6 to below and to next page of the module.
Name: ____
Age: _ _

ED3. Age 3 or above?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to next line)

ED4. Has (name) ever attended school or any early childhood education programme?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to next line)

ED5. What is the highest level and grade or year of school (name) has ever attended?


[] 0. Kindergarten (Go to ED7)
[] 1. Preparatory pre-school program (PPP) (Go to ED7)
[] 2. Primary
[] 3. Upper secondary (3 yrs.)
[] 4. Upper secondary (4 yrs.)
[] 5. Higher
[] 8. DK

[] 98. DK (Go to ED7)

ED6. Did (name) ever complete that (grade/year)?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 8. DK

ED7. Age 3-24?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to next line)

ED8. Check ED4: Ever attended school or ECE?
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to next line)

Education (Attendance to Compulsory Preparatory Preschool Program - PPP)

ED19. Check ED2, are there children aged 5-7 years living in the household?
[] Yes (Continue with ED20 and copy the line number from ED1 and name and age from ED2 for all children aged 5-7 years.)
[] No (End of module)

ED20. Line number: _ _
Copy from ED1

ED21. Name and age
Copy names and age from ED2.
Name: ____
Age: _ _

ED22. Has (name) ever attended a PPP?

[] 1. Yes (Go to ED24)
[] 2. No

ED23. Check age of children in ED21. Is child aged 6 or 7 years?

[] 1. Yes (Go to ED28)
[] 2. No (Go to next line)

ED24. In what type of facility does (name) attend the PPP, or did attend the PPP during the previous school year?

[] 1. Public kindergarten
[] 2. Private kindergarten
[] 3. School
[] 6. Other
[] 8. DK

ED25. How does/did (name) usually go to PPP?

[] 1. Walks
[] 2. Bicycle
[] 3. Public transportation
[] 4. Private car or motorcycle
[] 5. Organised transportation to the facility
[] 6. Other

ED26. What is the distance in kilometres from your home to the PPP facility that (name) attends/attended?

[] 98 DK
KM _ _

ED27. How much time does (name) take from your household to the PPP facility he/she attends/attended when using the usual way/means of transportation to get there?
For all responses skip to next line.
[] 98 NZ
Minutes _ _

ED28. There are several possible reasons for a child not to attend a preparatory preschool programme. Now, I will read to you some of these reasons and would like to ask you to tell me if any of these was at least in part, a reason for (name) not to attend a PPP.

A. Parent or a caregiver were unaware that attendance to PPP is mandatory.

[] 1. Yes (Go to next line)
[] 2. No
[] 8 DK (Go to next line)

B. PPP lasts for 4 hours, but you need the slot in pre-school for (name) for entire day and there is no slot available for the number of hours needed.

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 8. DK

C. The facility where PPP is organised is too far away from home and it takes to long to commute.

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 8. DK

D. Costs associated with attendance to PPP, such as transportation, clothes or books are too high.

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 8. DK

E. Is there any other reason that I have not mentioned?
If "yes", specify the response in the column "yes (specify)". Otherwise go to next line.
[] 1. Yes (specify) ____
[] 2. No
[] 8. DK

Employment: EMP

Copy line numbers, names and ages of all members of the household age 15 or above from HL1, HL2 and HL6.
EMP1. Line num.: _ _

EMP2. Name and age

Name: ____
Age: _ _

EMP3. During the previous week did (name) perform any work for pay or profit (cash payment or payment in kind), for at least 1 hour?
If "no", probe: Did (name) perform any unpaid work in a family business?
[] 1. Yes (Go to EMP8)
[] 2. No
[] 8. DK

EMP4. Does (name) have paid work from which he/she was absent due to illness, annual leave or any other reason during the previous week, with a guarantee for him/her to resume work after the absence duration has elapsed?

[] 1. Yes (Go to EMP8)
[] 2. No
[] 8. DK

EMP5. Age 15-74 years?
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to next line)

EMP6. Did (name) actively seek employment during the previous 4 weeks?
Note: if (name) has found a job he/she will start working on within 3 months, record "Yes".
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to next line)
[] 8. DK (Go to next line)

EMP7. If a job were offered, would (name) be available to start within 2 weeks?

[] 1. Yes (Go to next line)
[] 2. No (Go to next line)
[] 8. DK (Go to next line)

EMP8. What is/was (name)'s professional status at that job? If (name) had more jobs, refer to the one considered the main one?

[] 0. Employee with job of unlimited duration based on written labour contract
[] 1. Employee with job of limited duration based on written labour contract
[] 2. Employee without written labour contract
[] 3. Self-employed - registered
[] 4. Self-employed - not registered
[] 5. Individual agricultural producer - registered
[] 6. Individual agricultural producer - not registered
[] 7. Contributing family worker (Go to next line)
[] 8. DK

EMP9. Which of the following entitlements did (name) attain from that job?
Probe: Does (name) have any other entitlements from that job?
[] A. Revenue, salary, profit
[] B. Pension insurance
[] C. Health insurance
[] D. Paid sick leave
[] E. Paid annual leave
[] F. Paid maternity and/or paternity leave
[] X. Other benefits

Household Characteristics: HC

HC1A. What is the religion of (name of the head of the household from HL2)?

[] 1. Ortodox
[] 2. Catholic
[] 3. Muslim
[] 6. Other Religion (specify) ____
[] 7. No Religion
[] 9. Does not want to declare

HC2. To what ethnic group does (name of the head of the household from HL2) belong?

[] 1. Serbian
[] 2. Albanian
[] 3. Bosnian
[] 4. Hungarian
[] 5. Roma
[] 6. Other nationality (specify) ____
[] 9. Does not want to declare

HC2A. How many rooms are available to this household?

Number of rooms _ _

HC3. How many rooms in this household are usually used for sleeping?

_ _ Number of rooms

HC3A. Dwelling type.
Record observation.
If observation is not possible, ask the respondent to determine the type of dwelling.
[] 1. Detached house
[] 2. Semi-detached or terraced house
[] 3. In building with less than 10 dwellings
[] 4. In a building with 10 or more dwellings
[] 6. Other (specify) ____

HC4. Main material of the dwelling floor.
Record observation.
If observation is not possible, ask the respondent to determine the material of the dwelling floor.
Natural floor
[] 11. Earth/sand
Rudimentary floor
[] 21. Wood planks
Finished Floor
[] 31. Parquet or polished wood
[] 32. Vinyl or asphalt strips
[] 33. Ceramic Tiles
[] 34. Cement
[] 35. Carpet
[] 36. Laminate
[] 96. Other (specify) ____

HC5. Main material of the roof.
Record observation.

[] 11. No roof
Natural roofing
[] 12. Thatch/palm leaf
Rudimentary roofing
[] 22. Cane
[] 23. Wood planks
[] 24. Cardboard
Finished roofing
[] 31. Metal/tin
[] 32. Wood
[] 33. Calamine/cement fibre
[] 34. Ceramic tiles
[] 35. Cement
[] 36. Roofing Shingles
[] 37. Asbestos sheets/salonit
[] 96. Other (specify) ____

HC6. Main material of the exterior walls.
Record observation.
[] 11. No walls
Natural walls
[] 12. Cane/trunks
[] 13. Mud
Rudimentary walls
[] 21. Cane, straw and mud
[] 22. Stone with mud
[] 23. Uncovered adobe
[] 24. Plywood
[] 25. Cardboard
[] 26. Reused Wood
Finished Walls
[] 31. Cement
[] 32. Stone with lime/cement
[] 33. Bricks
[] 34. Cement Bricks
[] 35. Covered Adobe
[] 36. Wood Planks/shingles
[] 37. Plaster walls
[] 96. Other (specify) ____

HC7A. Does your household have a fixed telephone line?

[] 1. Yes (Go to HC7)
[] 2. No

HC7A1. Is this because you don't want one, you would like one but cannot afford it, or is there some other reason?

[] 1. Don't want one
[] 2. Would like one but cannot afford it
[] 3. Other reason

HC7. Does your household have:

B. A radio?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

C. A wardrobe?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

D. A table with chairs?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

H. A bed?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

HC8. Does your household have electricity?
If 'yes', probe: Is your household connected to the grid or does it have another source of energy?
[] 1. Yes, Interconnected gird
[] 2. Yes, off-grid (generator/isolated system)
[] 3. No (Go to HC9ZA)

HC9A. Does your household have a television?

[] 1. Yes (Go to HC9C)
[] 2. No

HC9A1. Is this because you don't want one, you would like one but cannot afford it, or is there some other reason?

[] 1. Don't want one
[] 2. Would like one but cannot afford it
[] 3. Other reason

HC9C. Does your household have a washing machine?

[] 1. Yes (Go to HC9C)
[] 2. No

HC9C1. Is this because you don't want one, you would like one but cannot afford it, or is there some other reason?

[] 1. Don't want one
[] 2. Would like one but cannot afford it
[] 3. Other reason

HC9. Does your household have:

B. A refrigerator?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

C. An iron?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

D. A hair dryer?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

E. A water heater?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

F. A vacuum cleaner?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

G. Chest or upright freezer?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

H. An electrical stove?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

J. A drying machine?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

K. A dishwasher?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

L. A microwave?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

M. A cable TV/Total TV?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

N. An air conditioner?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

O. A video surveillance system?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

HC9ZA. Is there a shower unit or bathtub in your dwelling?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

HC9ZB. Could you tell me if your household replaces furniture, such as a bed, sofa, dresser or cupboard when worn out or damaged?

[] 1. Yes (Go to HC10)
[] 2. No

HC9ZB1. Is this because you don't want to replace them, you would like to do it but cannot afford it, or is there some other reason?

[] 1. Don't want to replace them
[] 2. Would like to replace them but cannot afford it
[] 3. Other reason

HC10. Does any member of your household own:

A. A wristwatch?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

B. A bicycle?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

C. A motorcycle or scooter?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

D. An animal-drawn cart?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

F. A boat with a motor?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

HC10E. Does any member of your household own a car, truck or van?

[] 1. Yes (Go to HC11)
[] 2. No

HC10E1. Is this because you don?t want one, you would like one but cannot afford it, or is there some other reason?

[] 1. Don't want one
[] 2. Would like one but cannot afford it
[] 3. Other reason

HC11. Does any member of your household have a computer or a tablet?

[] 1. Yes (Go to HC11B)
[] 2. No

HC11A1. Is this because you don?t want one, you would like one but cannot afford it, or is there some other reason?

[] 1. Don't want one (Go to HC12)
[] 2. Would like one but cannot afford it (Go to HC12)
[] 3. Other reason (Go to HC12)

HC11B. And specifically, does any member of your household have?

A. A laptop?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

B. A desktop PC?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

B. A tablet?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

HC12. Does any member of your household have a mobile telephone?

[] 1. Yes (Go to HC13)
[] 2. No

HC12A1. Is this because you don?t want one, you would like one but cannot afford it, or is there some other reason?

[] 1. Don't want one
[] 2. Would like one but cannot afford it
[] 3. Other reason

HC13. Does your household have access to internet at home?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

HC14. Do you or someone living in this household own this dwelling?
If "No", then ask: Do you rent this dwelling from someone not living in this household?
If "Rented from someone else", record "2". For other responses, record "6" and specify.
[] 1. Own (Go to HC14A1)
[] 2. Rent (Go to HC14A2)
[] 6. Other (specify) _____ (Go to HC14A2)

HC14A1. Besides this dwelling, do you or someone living in this household own another dwelling?
HC14A2. Do you or someone living in this household own any dwelling?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

HC14B. Is your dwelling too dark, meaning is there not enough day-light coming through the windows?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

HC14C. Do you have any of the following problems with your dwelling:

A. A leaking roof?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

B. Damp walls, floors or foundation?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

C. Rot in window frames or floor?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

HC14D. Do you have any of the following problems related to the place where you live:

A. Too much noise in your dwelling from neighbours or from outside, such as from traffic, business, factory, etc.?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

B.  Pollution, grime or other environmental problems in the local area, such as smoke, dust, unpleasant smells or polluted water?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

C. Crime, violence and vandalism in the local area?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

HC15. Does any member of this household own any land that can be used for agriculture?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to HC17)

HC16. How many hectares or ares of agricultural land do members of this household own?
If 1 hectare or more, circle ?1? and record hectares. If 95 hectares or more, record ?995?. If less than 1 hectare, circle ?2? and record in ares. If less than 1 are, circle ?2? and record ?00?. If unknown, record ?998?. 100 Ares = 1 Hectare
_ _ 1 Hectares
_ _ 2 Ares
[] 995. 95 hecatres or more
[] 998. DK

HC17. Does this household own any livestock, herds, other farm animals, beehives or poultry?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to HC19)

HC18. How many of the following animals does this household have?
If none, record "00". If 95 or more, record "95". If unknown, record "98".

A. Milk cows or bulls?

Number: _ _

B. Other cattle?

Number: _ _

C. Horses, donkeys or mules?

Number: _ _

D. Goats?

Number: _ _

E. Sheep?

Number: _ _

F. Chickens (excluding broilers)?

Number: _ _

H. Broilers?

Number: _ _

I. Turkeys?

Number: _ _

J. Ducks?

Number: _ _

K. Geese?

Number: _ _

G. Pigs?

Number: _ _

L. Beehives?

Number: _ _

HC19. Does any member of this household have a bank account?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

HC20. In the past year, which sources of income did you and members of your household have?
Probe: Any other source of income?
[] A. Salary (income, wage) from job
[] B. Income from self-employment
[] C. Property income
[] D. Pension
[] E. Unemployment benefits
[] F. Social benefits (financial social assistance, child allowance etc.)
[] X. Other (specify) ____
[] H. No sources of income
[] Z. DK

Material Deprivation: MD

MD1. Are you the person in the household who is responsible for the dwelling, that is, the person who pays any utility bills, rent, mortgage, etc.?

[] 1. Yes (Go to MD5)
[] 2. No

MD2. Would you please tell me the name of the person in the household who is responsible for the dwelling?
Record the line number (HL1) of the person in the household who is responsible for the dwelling. Record '98' if the respondent does not know the name. Record '99' if the respondent does not want to tell the name.
____ Name of additional respondent
_ _ Line number
[] 98 DK name (Go to MD5)
[] 99 Does not want to give name (Go to MD5)

MD3. Is it possible to now also speak to (name of additional respondent)?

[] 1. Yes (Go to MD4)
[] 2. No

MD3A. Could you give me (name of additional respondent)?s telephone number so that we can contact him/her with a few questions?

[] 1. Yes, telephone number ____
[] 2. No

MD4. Record whether (name of additional respondent) is present and will answer the following questions of this module.

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

MD5. Check HC14.
[] 1. Owns dwelling (HC14=1)
[] 2. Rents dwelling (HC14=2) (Go to MD7A)
[] 3. Other (HC14=6) (Go to MD8)

MD6. Does your household currently have a mortgage on this dwelling?

[] 1. Yes (Go to MD7B)
[] 2. No (Go to MD8)

MD7A. In the past year, that is since (month of interview) (year of interview minus 1), has your household been unable to pay rent on time for the dwelling due to financial difficulties?
MD7B. In the past year, that is since (month of interview) (year of interview minus 1), has your household been unable to pay mortgage repayment for the dwelling on time due to financial difficulties?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 8. DK

MD8. In the past year, that is since (month of interview) (year of interview minus 1), has your household been unable to pay utility bills on time of the main dwelling due to financial difficulties?
Probe: By utility bills I mean for heating, electricity, gas, water, etc.
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 7. No utility bills
[] 8. DK

MD9. Check MD6. Does the household have a mortgage?
[] 1. Yes (MD6=1) (Go to MD10A)
[] 2. No (MD6=2 or blank) (Go to MD10B)

MD10A. Besides the mortgage repayment on the dwelling, in the past year, that is since (month of interview) (year of interview minus 1), has your household been unable to pay hire purchase instalments or other loan payments on time due to financial difficulties?
MD10B. In the past year, that is since (month of interview) (year of interview minus 1), has your household been unable to pay hire purchase instalments or other loan payments on time due to financial difficulties?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 7. No such instalments or loans
[] 8. DK

MD11. Can your entire household afford to go for a week?s annual holiday, away from home?
Staying in a second dwelling owned by a household member (weekend cottage, etc.) or with friends or relatives should be included.
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

MD12. Can your household afford a meal with meat, chicken, fish every second day?
Vegetarian equivalent should be included.
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

MD13. Can your household afford an unexpected required expense of 13.900 RSD and pay through its own resources?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

MD14. Can your household afford to keep its home adequately warm?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

Social Transfers: ST

ST1. I would like to ask you about various external economic assistance programmes provided to households. By external assistance I mean support that comes from the government or from non-governmental organizations such as religious, charitable, or community-based organizations. This excludes support from family, other relatives, friends or neighbours.

ST2. Are you aware of (name of programme)?

A. Financial Social Assistance - FSA
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to B)
B. Child allowance
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to C)
C. One-off social assistance
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to D)
D. Any retirement pension
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to E)
E. Allowance for care and assistance of another person
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to X)
X. Any other external assistance programme
[] 1. Yes (specify) ____
[] 2. No (Go to ST9)

ST3. Has your household or anyone in your household ever received assistance through (name of programme)?

A. Financial Social Assistance - FSA
[] 1. Yes (Go to ST4)
[] 2. No (Go to ST5)
[] 8. DK (Go to ST5)
B. Child allowance
[] 1. Yes (Go to ST4)
[] 2. No (Go to C)
[] 8. DK (Go to C)
C. One-off social assistance
[] 1. Yes (Go to ST4)
[] 2. No (Go to D)
[] 8. DK (Go to D)
D. Any retirement pension
[] 1. Yes (Go to ST4)
[] 2. No (Go to E)
[] 8. DK (Go to E)
E. Allowance for care and assistance of another person
[] 1. Yes (Go to ST4)
[] 2. No (Go to X)
[] 8. DK (Go to X)
X. Any other external assistance programme
[] 1. Yes (Go to ST4)
[] 2. No (Go to ST9)
[] 8. DK (Go to ST9)

ST4. When was the last time your household or anyone in your household received assistance through (name of programme)?
If less than one month, record "1" and record "00" in Months. If less than 12 months, record "1" and record in Months. If 1 year/12 months or more, record "2" and record in Years.
A. Financial Social Assistance - FSA
1. Months ago _ _ (Go to B)
2. Years ago_ _ (Go to B)
[] 998. DK (Go to B)
B. Child allowance
1. Months ago _ _ (Go to C)
2. Years ago_ _ (Go to C)
[] 998. DK (Go to C)
C. One-off social assistance
1. Months ago _ _ (Go to D)
2. Years ago_ _ (Go to D)
[] 998. DK (Go to D)
D. Any retirement pension
1. Months ago _ _ (Go to E)
2. Years ago_ _ (Go to E)
[] 998. DK (Go to E)
E. Allowance for care and assistance of another person
1. Months ago _ _ (Go to X)
2. Years ago_ _ (Go to X)
[] 998. DK (Go to X)
X. Any other external assistance programme
1. Months ago _ _ (Go to ST9)
2. Years ago_ _ (Go to ST9)
[] 998. DK (Go to ST9)

ST5. During the past 12 months, has your household or anyone in your household applied or renewed an application for financial social assistance?

A. Financial Social Assistance - FSA
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to ST8)
[] 8. DK (Go to B)

ST6. Was the financial social assistance approved for your household or anyone in your household based on this request?

A. Financial Social Assistance - FSA
[] 1. DK/waiting for decision
[] 2. Yes
[] 3. No (Go to B)

ST7. For how long has your household or anyone in your household been receiving this allowance even if there were break periods?

A. Financial Social Assistance - FSA
[] 1. Has never received the allowance(Go to B)
[] 2. Less than 1 year (Go to B)
[] 3. 1-3 years (Go to B)
[] 4. 4-5 years (Go to B)
[] 5. More than 5 years (Go to B)

ST8. What is the main reason your household or anyone in your household did not apply for financial social assistance?

A. Financial Social Assistance - FSA
[] 1. Did not need it (Go to B)
[] 2. Did not know how to apply (Go to B)
[] 3. Complicated administrative procedure (Go to B)
[] 4. Expensive administrative procedure (Go to B)
[] 5. Know household does not meet conditions (Go to B)
[] 6. Was told household does not meet conditions (Go to B)
[] 96. Other (specify) ____ (Go to B)

Social Transfers (Child Allowance): ST

ST9. Check ST2B: Is respondent aware of child allowance?
[] Yes (ST2B=1) (Go to ST10)
[] No (ST2B=2) (Go to end of module)

ST10. Check HL6: Are there household members age 0-18 years in the household?
[] Yes (Go to ST11)
[] No (Go to end of module)

Copy line numbers, names and ages of all household members age 0-18 years from HL1, HL2 and HL6.

ST11. Line number: _ _

ST12. Name and age

Name: ____
Age: _ _

ST13. Have you or anyone in your household ever received child allowance for (name)?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to ST15)
[] 8. DK (Go to ST15)

ST14. For how long have you or anyone in your household been receiving or received this allowance for (name)?
For any response, go to next line.
[] 1. Less than 1 year
[] 2. 1-3 years
[] 3. 4-5 years
[] 4. More than 5 years

ST15. Have you or anyone in your household applied or renewed an application for child allowance in the past 12 months for (name)?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to ST17)
[] 8. DK (Go to next line)

ST16. Was the application for child allowance approved for (name) based on this request?

[] 1. Yes (Go to next line)
[] 2. No (Go to next line)
[] 8. DK/waiting for decision (Go to next line)

ST17. Please tell me what is the main reason you or anyone in your household did not apply for the child allowance for (name)?
If response is "Other", specify, otherwise go to Next line.
[] 01. Did not need it
[] 02. Did not know how to apply
[] 03. Complicated administrative procedure
[] 04. Expensive administrative procedure
[] 05. Knows child does not meet conditions
[] 06. Was told child does not meet conditions
[] 96. Other (specify) ____

Attitudes Toward Children With Disabilities: AC

AC1. Now, I would like to talk to you about another topic, namely, about children with physical and sensory disabilities. Here I refer to children who have difficulty moving, for example, children who use a wheelchair, crutches or other aids to move. I also refer to children who have difficulties feeding, dressing or washing themselves or children who cannot see or hear well.
Please take a look at the showcard numbered from 1 to 5 to help you with your response. Number 1 means you strongly disagree with a statement I will read to you, while 5 means you strongly agree with the statement.
After I read each statement, please tell me a number from the showcard that most accurately represents your opinion.

A. For these children it is better to live in the family than in a specialised child care institution.
[] 1. Strongly disagree
[] 2. Mostly disagree
[] 3. Neither agree or disagree
[] 4. Mostly agree
[] 5. Strongly agree
B. These children negatively impact the everyday lives of other children in the family.
[] 1. Strongly disagree
[] 2. Mostly disagree
[] 3. Neither agree or disagree
[] 4. Mostly agree
[] 5. Strongly agree
C. For these children it is better to attend a mainstream school than a special school.
[] 1. Strongly disagree
[] 2. Mostly disagree
[] 3. Neither agree or disagree
[] 4. Mostly agree
[] 5. Strongly agree
D. These children negatively impact the work of other students in mainstream schools
[] 1. Strongly disagree
[] 2. Mostly disagree
[] 3. Neither agree or disagree
[] 4. Mostly agree
[] 5. Strongly agree
E. These children can achieve a lot in life if they are adequately supported.
[] 1. Strongly disagree
[] 2. Mostly disagree
[] 3. Neither agree or disagree
[] 4. Mostly agree
[] 5. Strongly agree

AC2. Now I would like to read several statements that only refer to children with intellectual disabilities. I am mainly referring to children who develop slower compared to children of the same age, for example those who learn slower, have more difficulties memorising things, who have speech impairments, use only a small number of words or certain sounds and whom it is difficult to understand.
Again, you can use the showcard numbered from 1 to 5 to help you with your response.

A. For these children it is better to live in the family than in specialised child care institutions.
[] 1. Strongly disagree
[] 2. Mostly disagree
[] 3. Neither agree or disagree
[] 4. Mostly agree
[] 5. Strongly agree
B. These children negatively impact the everyday lives of other children in the family.
[] 1. Strongly disagree
[] 2. Mostly disagree
[] 3. Neither agree or disagree
[] 4. Mostly agree
[] 5. Strongly agree
C. For these children it is better to attend mainstream schools than special schools.
[] 1. Strongly disagree
[] 2. Mostly disagree
[] 3. Neither agree or disagree
[] 4. Mostly agree
[] 5. Strongly agree
D. These children negatively impact the work of other students in mainstream schools
[] 1. Strongly disagree
[] 2. Mostly disagree
[] 3. Neither agree or disagree
[] 4. Mostly agree
[] 5. Strongly agree
E. These children can achieve a lot in life if they are adequately supported.
[] 1. Strongly disagree
[] 2. Mostly disagree
[] 3. Neither agree or disagree
[] 4. Mostly agree
[] 5. Strongly agree

Household Energy Use: EU

EU1. What type of cookstove is mainly used for cooking in your household?

[] 01. Electric stove (Go to EU5)
[] 02. Solar cooker (Go to EU5)
[] 03. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)/cooking gas stove (Go to EU5)
[] 04. Piped natural gas stove (Go to EU5)
[] 05. Biogas stove (Go to EU5)
[] 06. Liquid fuel stove (Go to EU4)
[] 07. Manufactured solid fuel stove
[] 08. Traditional solid fuel stove
[] 09. Three stone stove/open fire (Go to EU4)
[] 96. Other (specify)____ (Go to EU4)
[] 97. No food cooked in household (Go to EU6)

EU2. Does it have a chimney?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 8. DK

EU3. Does the cookstove have a fan?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 8. DK

EU4. What type of fuel or energy source is used in this cookstove?
If more than one, record the main energy source for this cookstove.
[] 01. Alcohol/ethanol
[] 02. Gasoline/diesel
[] 03. Kerosene/paraffin
[] 04. Coal/lignite
[] 05. Charcoal
[] 06. Wood
[] 07. Crop residue/grass/straw/shrubs
[] 08. Animal dung/waste
[] 09. Processed biomass (pellets) or woodchips
[] 10. Garbage/plastic
[] 11. Sawdust
[] 96. Other (specify) ____

EU5. Is the cooking usually done in the house, in a separate building, or outdoors?
If in main house, probe to determine if cooking is done in a separate room. If outdoors, probe to determine if cooking is done on veranda, covered porch, or open air.
In main house
[] 01. No separate room
[] 02. In a separate room
[] 03. In a separate building
[] 04. Open air
[] 05. On veranda or covered porch
[] 06. Other (specify) ____

EU6. What does your household mainly use for space heating when needed?

[] 01. Central heating (Go to EU8)
[] 02. Manufactured space heater
[] 03. Traditional space heater
[] 04. Manufactured cookstove
[] 05. Traditional cookstove
[] 06. Three stone stove/open fire (Go to EU8)
[] 07. Manufactured multifunctional cookstove (smederevac, alfa)
[] 08. Electric heaters (air-conditioners, radiators, convectors, electric thermal storage heaters, etc.) (Go to EU9)
[] 96. Other (specify) ____(Go to EU8)
[] 97. No space heating in household (Go to EU9)

EU7. Does it have a chimney?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 8. DK

EU8. What type of fuel and energy source is used in this heater?
If more than one, record the main energy source for this heater.
[] 01. Solar air heater
[] 02. Electricity
[] 03. Piped natural gas
[] 04. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)/cooking gas
[] 05. Biogas
[] 06. Alcohol/ethanol
[] 07. Gasoline/diesel
[] 08. Kerosene/paraffin
[] 09. Coal/lignite
[] 10. Charcoal
[] 11. Wood
[] 12. Crop residue/grass/straw/shrubs
[] 13. Animal dung/waste
[] 14. Processed biomass (pellets) or woodchips
[] 15. Garbage/plastic
[] 16. Sawdust
[] 17. Crude oil (mazut)
[] 96. Other (specify) ____
[] 98 DK

EU9. What does your household mainly use to light the household at night?

[] 1. Electricity
[] 2. Solar lantern
[] 3. Rechargeable flashlight, torch or lantern
[] 4. Battery powered flashlight, torch or lantern
[] 5. Biogas lamp
[] 6. Gasoline lamp
[] 7. Kerosene or paraffin lamp
[] 8. Charcoal
[] 9. Wood
[] 10. Crop residue/grass/straw/shrubs
[] 11. Animal dung/waste
[] 12. Oil lamp
[] 13. Candle
[] 96. Other (specify) ____
[] 97. No lighting in household

Water and sanitation: WS

WS1. What is the main source of drinking water used by members of your household?
If unclear, probe to identify the place from which members of this household most often collect drinking water (collection point).
Piped water
[] 11. Piped into dwelling (Go to WS7)
[] 12. Piped to yard/plot (Go to WS7)
[] 13. Piped to neighbour (Go to WS3)
[] 14. Public tap/standpipe (Go to WS3)
[] 21. Tube well/borehole (Go to WS3)
Dug well
[] 31. Protected well (Go to WS3)
[] 32. Unprotected well (Go to WS3)
[] 41. Protected spring (Go to WS3)
[] 42. Unprotected spring (Go to WS3)
[] 51. Rainwater (Go to WS3)
[] 61. Tanker-truck (Go to WS4)
[] 81. Surface water (river, dam, lake, pond, stream, canal, irrigation channel)(Go to WS3)
Packaged water
[] 91. Bottled water
[] 96. Other (specify) ____ (Go to WS3)

WS2. What is the main source of water used by members of your household for other purposes such as cooking and handwashing?
If unclear, probe to identify the place from which members of this household most often collect water for other purposes.
Piped water
[] 11. Piped into dwelling (Go to WS7)
[] 12. Piped to yard/plot (Go to WS7)
[] 13. Piped to neighbour
[] 14. Public tap/standpipe
[] 21. Tube well/borehole
Dug well
[] 31. Protected well
[] 32. Unprotected well
[] 41. Protected spring
[] 42. Unprotected spring
[] 51. Rainwater
[] 61. Tanker-truck (Go to WS4)
[] 81. Surface water (river, dam, lake, pond, stream, canal, irrigation channel)
[] 96. Other (specify) ____

WS3. Where is that water source located?

[] 1. In own dwelling (Go to WS7)
[] 2. In own yard/plot (Go to WS7)
[] 3. Elsewhere

WS4. How long does it take for members of your household to go there, get water, and come back?

[] 000. Members do not collect (go to WS7)
_ _ _Number of minutes
[] 998. DK

WS5. Who usually goes to this source to collect the water for your household?
Record the name of the person and copy the line number of this person from the list of household members module.
Name: ____
Line number: _ _

WS6. Since last (day of the week), how many times has this person collected water?

Number of times: _ _
[] 98. DK

WS7. In the last month, has there been any time when your household did not have sufficient quantities of drinking water?

[] 1. Yes, at least once
[] 2. No, always sufficient (Go to WS11)
[] 8. DK (Go to WS11)

WS8. What was the main reason that you were unable to access water in sufficient quantities when needed?

[] 1. Water not available from source
[] 2. Water too expensive
[] 3. Source not accessible
[] 6. Other (specify) ____
[] 8. DK

WS11. What kind of toilet facility do members of your household usually use?
If "Flush" or "Pour flush", probe: Where does it flush to?
If not possible to determine, ask permission to observe the facility.
Flush/pour flush
[] 11. Flush to piped sewer system (go to WS14)
[] 12. Flush to septic tank
[] 13. Flush to pit latrine
[] 14. Flush to open drain (go to WS14)
[] 18. Flush to DK where (go to WS14)
Pit latrine
[] 21. Ventilated improved pit latrine
[] 22. Pit latrine with slab
[] 23. Pit latrine without slab/open pit
[] 31. Composting toilet
[] 41. Bucket (Go to WS14)
[] 51. Hanging toilet, hanging latrine (Go to WS14)
[] 95. No facility/bush/field (Go to end of module)
[] 96. Other (specify) ____ (Go to WS14)

WS12. Has your (answer from WS11) ever been emptied?

[] 1. Yes, emptied
[] 4. No, never emptied (Go to WS14)
[] 8. DK (Go to WS14)

WS13. The last time it was emptied, where were the contents emptied to?
Probe: Was it removed by a service provider?
Removed by service provider
[] 1. To a treatment plant
[] 2. Buried in a covered pit
[] 3. To don't know where
Emptied by household
[] 4. Buried in a covered pit
[] 5. To uncovered pit, open ground, water body or elsewhere
[] 6. Other (specify) ____
[] 8. DK

WS14. Where is this toilet facility located?

[] 1. In own dwelling
[] 2. In own yard/plot
[] 3. Elsewhere

WS15. Do you share this facility with others who are not members of your household?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No (Go to end of module)

WS16. Do you share this facility only with members of other households that you know, or is the facility open to the use of the general public?

[] 1. Shared with known households (not public)
[] 2. Shared with general public (Go to end of module)

WS17. How many households in total use this toilet facility, including your own household?

0 _ Number of households (if less than 10)
[] 10. Ten or more households
[] 98. DK

HH13. Record the time.

Hours and minutes: _ _:_ _

HH15. Language of the Interview.

[] 2. Serbian
[] 6. Other language (specify) ____

HH16. What is your native language?

[] 02 Serbian
[] 03 Albanian
[] 04 Bosnian
[] 05 Hungarian
[] 06 Roma
[] 96 Other language (specify) ____

HH17. Was a translator used for any parts of this questionnaire?

[] 1. Yes, entire questionnaire
[] 2. Yes, part of questionnaire
[] 3. No, not used

HH18. Check HL6 in the list of household members and indicate the total number of children age 5-17 years:
[] 0. No children (Go to HH29)
[] 1. 1 child (Go to HH27)
2 or more children (number): _

HH19. List each of the children age 5-17 years below in the order they appear in the list of household members. Do not include other household members outside of the age range 5-17 years. Record the line number, name, sex, and age for each child.

HH20. Rank number: _

HH21. Line number from HL1: _ _

HH22. Name from HL2: ____

HH23. Sex from HL4

[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female

HH24. Age from HL6: _ _

HH25. Check the last digit of the household number (HH2) from the household information panel. This is the number of the row you should go to in the table below.
Check the total number of children age 5-17 years in HH18 above. This is the number of the column you should go to in the table below.
Find the box where the row and the column meet and record the number that appears in the box. This is the rank number (HH20) of the selected child.

Last digit of household number (from HH2): _
Total number of eligible children in the household (from HH18): _

HH26. Record the rank number (HH20), line number (HH21), name (HH22) and age (HH24) of the selected child.

Rank number: _
Line number: _ _
Name: ____
Age: _ _

HH27. (When HH18=1 or when there is a single child age 5-17 in the household): Record the rank number as "1"and record the line number (HL1), the name (HL2) and age (HL6) of this child from the list of household members.

Rank Number: _
Line Number: _ _
Name: ____
Age: _ _

HH28. Issue a questionnaire for children age 5-17 to be administered to the mother/caretaker of this child.

HH29. Check HL8 in the list of household members: Are there any women age 15-49?
[] 1. Yes, at least one woman age 15-49
[] 2. No (Go to HH40)

HH30. Issue a separate questionnaire for individual women for each woman age 15-49 years.

HH31. Check HL6 and HL8 in the list of household members: Are there any girls age 15-17?
[] 1. Yes, at least one girl age 15-17
[] 2. No (Go to HH40)

HH32. Check HL20 in the list of household members: Is consent required for interviewing at least one girl age 15-17?
[] 1. Yes, at least one girl age 15-17 with HL20 does not equal 90
[] 2. No, HL20 does not equal 90 for all girls age 15-17 (Go to HH40)

HH33. As part of the survey we are also interviewing women age 15-49. We ask each person we interview for permission. A female interviewer conducts these interviews.
For girls age 15-17 we must also get permission from an adult to interview them. As mentioned before, all the information we obtain will remain strictly confidential and anonymous.
May we interview (name(s) of female member(s) age 15-17) later?

[] "Yes" for all girls age 15-17. Continue with HH40.
[] "No" for at least one girl age 15-17 and "Yes" to at least one girl age 15-17. Record "06" in WM17 (also in UF17 and FS17, if applicable) on individual questionnaires for those adult consent was not given. Then continue with HH40.
[] "No" for all girls age 15-17. Record "06" in WM17 (also in UF17 and FS17, if applicable) on all individual questionnaires for whom adult consent was not given. Then continue with HH40.

HH40. Check HL10 in the "List of household members": Are there any children age 0-4?

[] 1. Yes, at least one
[] 2. No (Go to HH45)

HH41. Issue a separate questionnaire for children under five for each child age 0-4 years.

HH45. Now return to the household information panel and,
Record "01" in question HH46 (Result of the Household Questionnaire interview). Record the name and the line number (from the list of household members) of the respondent to the household questionnaire interview in HH47. Fill the questions HH48 ? HH52. Thank the respondent for his/her cooperation and then proceed with the administration of the remaining individual questionnaire(s) in this household.
If there is no individual questionnaire to be completed in this household thank the respondent for his/her cooperation and move to the next household you have been assigned by your supervisor.

Showcard for the AC module

Interviewer's Observations

Supervisor's Observations