[p. 1]
MICS questionnaire for individual women
This module is to be administered to all women age 15 through 49 (see column HL6 of HH listing). Fill in one form for each eligible woman. Fill in the cluster and household number, and the name and line number of the woman in the space below. Fill in your name, number and the date.
WM5. Interviewer name and number____ _ _
WM6. Day/month/year of interview _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _
WM7. Result of women's interview
[] 2 Not at home
[] 3 Refused
[] 4 Partly Completed
[] 5 Incapacitated
[] 6 Other (specify) ____
Repeat greeting if not already read to this woman:
We are from ministry of health. We are working on a project concerned with family health and education. I would like to talk to you about this. The interview will take about 30 minutes. All the information we obtain will remain strictly confidential and your answers will never be identified. Also, you are not obliged to answer any question you don?t want to, and you may withdraw from the interview at any time. May i start now?
If permission is given, begin the interview. If the woman does not agree to continue, thank her, complete WM7, and go to the next interview. Discuss this result with your supervisor for a future revisit.
WM8. In what month and year were you born?
Month _ _
[] 98 DK Month
Year _ _ _ _
[] 9998 DK Year _ _ _ _
WM9. How old were you at your last birthday?
WM10. Have you ever attended school?
[] 2 No (Go to WM14)
WM11. What is the highest level of school you attended: primary, secondary, or higher?
[] 2 Secondary
[] 3 Higher
[] 6 Non-standard curriculum
WM12. What is the highest grade [Insert country specific term]
[] Primary or non-standard curriculum (Continue with WM14)
WM14. Now I would like you to read this sentence to me.
Show sentences to respondent. If respondent cannot read whole sentence, probe: Can you read part of the sentence to me?
1. The child is reading a book.
Pikinini ia i stap ridim wan buk
2. The rains came late this year.
Ren i bin kam let long yia ia
3. Parents must care for their children.
Ol papa mo mama oli mas lukaotgud long
pikinini blong olgeta
4. Farming is hard work.
Blong mekem garen hem i hadwok tumas
Or in french
1. L?enfant lit un livre.
2. Les pluies sont en retard cette année.
3. Les parents doivent prendre soin de leurs enfants
4. .Le travail des champs estdur
[] 2 Able to read only parts of sentence
[] 3 Able to read whole sentence
[] 4 No sentence in required language (specify language) ____
[] 5 Blind/mute, visually/speech impaired
[] 6 Know only the local dialect
This module is to be administered to all women age 15-49. All questions refer only to live births.
CM1. Now I would like to ask about all the births you have had during your life. Have you ever given birth?
If "no" probe by asking: I mean, to a child who ever breathed or cried or showed other signs of life ? even if he or she lived only a few minutes or hours?
[] 2 No (Go to marriage/union module)
CM2A. What was the date of your first birth?
I mean the very first time you gave birth, even if the child is no longer living, or whose father is not your current partner.
Skip to CM3 only if year of first birth is given. Otherwise, continue with CM2b.
_ _ Day
[] 98 DK day
_ _ Month
[] 98 DK month
_ _ _ _ Year (Go to CM3)
[] 9998 DK year (Go to CM2B)
CM2B. How many years ago did you have your first birth?
CM3. Do you have any sons or daughters to whom you have given birth who are now living with you?
[] 2 No (Go to CM5)
CM4 How many sons live with you? How many daughters live with you?
_ _ Daughters at home
CM5 Do you have any sons or daughters whom you have given birth who are alive but do not live with you?
[] 2 No (Go to CM7)
CM6. How many sons are alive but do not live with you? How many daughters are alive but do not live with you?
_ _ Daughters elsewhere
CM7. Have you ever given birth to a boy or girl who was born alive but later died?
[] 2 No (Go to CM9)
CM8. How many boys have died? How many girls have died?
_ _ Girls dead
CM9. Sum answers to CM4, CM6, and CM8
CM10 Just to make sure that I have this right, you have had (total number) births during your life. Is this correct?
[] No (Check responses and make corrections before proceeding to CM11)
CM11. Of these (total number) births you have had, when did you deliver the last one (even if he or she has died)?
If day is not known, enter '98' in space for day.
Day/Month/Year _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _
CM12. Check CM11: Did the woman's last birth occur within the last 2 years, that is, since (day and month of interview in 2005)?
If child has died, take special care when referring to this child by name in the following modules
[] Yes, live birth in last 2 years (Continue with CM13]
Name of Child ____
CM13. At the time you became pregnant with (name), did you want to become pregnant then, did you want to wait until later, or did you want no (more) children at all?
[] 2 Later
[] 3 No more
Tetanus Toxoid (TT) module: TT
This module is to be administered to all women with a live birth in the 2 years preceding date of interview.
TT1. Do you have a card or other document with your own immunizations listed?
If a card is presented, use it to assist with answers to the following questions.
[] 2 Yes (card not seen)
[] 3 No
[] 8 DK
TT2. When you were pregnant with your last child, did you receive any injection to prevent him or her from getting tetanus, that is convulsions after birth (an anti-tetanus shot, an injection at the top of the arm or shoulder)?
[] 2 No (Go to TT5)
[] 8 DK (Go to TT5)
TT3: If yes: how many times did you receive this anti-tetanus injection during your last pregnancy?
[] 98 DK (Go to TT5)
TT4. How many TT doses during last pregnancy were reported in TT3?
[] Fewer than two TT injections during last pregnancy (Continue with TT5)
TT5. Did you receive any tetanus toxoid injection at any time before your last pregnancy?
[] 2 No (Go to next module)
[] 8 DK (Go to next module)
TT6. How many times did you receive it?
TT7. In what month and year did you receive the last tetanus injection before that last pregnancy?
[] 98 DK month
_ _ _ _ Year (Go to next module)
[] 9998 DK year (Go to TT8)
TT8. How many years ago did you receive the last anti-tetanus injection before that last pregnancy?
Maternal and newborn health module: MN
This module is to be administered to all women with a live birth in the 2 years preceding date of interview.
Check child mortality module CM12 and record name of last-born child here ____
Use this child's name in the following questions, where indicated.
MN2. Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy?
If yes: Whom did you see? Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and circle all answers given.
[] B Health centre (nurse practitioner/midwife)
[] C Dispensary (nurse)
[] D Mobile clinic (nurse)
[] G Aid post (village health worker:8wk training)
[] H Relative/friend
[] Y No one (Go to MN7)
MN3. As part of your antenatal care, were any of the following done at least once?
[] 2 No
MN3B. Was your blood pressure measured?
[] 2 No
MN3C. Did you give a urine sample?
[] 2 No
MN3D. Did you give a blood sample?
[] 2 No
MN4. During any of the antenatal visits for the pregnancy, were you given any information or counseled about AIDS or the AIDS virus?
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK
MN5. I don't want to know the results, but were you tested for the AIDS virus as part of your antenatal care?
[] 2 No (Go to MN7)
[] 8 DK (Go to MN7)
MN6. I don't want to know the results, but did you get the results of the test?
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK
MN7. Who assisted with the delivery of your last child (name)? Anyone else?
Probe for the type of person assisting and circle all answers given
[] B Nurse/midwife (health center)
[] C Nurse (dispensary)
[] G Village health worker (aid post)
[] H Relative/friend
[] Y No one
MN8. Where did you give birth to (name)?
If source is hospital, health center, or clinic, write the name of the place below. Probe to identify the type of source and circle the appropriate code.
(Name of place) ____
[] 12 Other home
[] 22 Govt. clinic/health center
[] 26 Other public (specify) ____
MN9. When you last child (name) was born, was he/she very large, larger than average, average, smaller than average, or very small?
[] 2 Larger than average
[] 3 Average
[] 4 Smaller than average
[] 5 Very small
[] 8 DK
MN10. Was (name) weighed at birth?
[] 2 No (Go to MN12)
[] 8 DK (Go to MN12)
MN11. How much did (name) weigh?
Record weight from health card, if available
[] 2 From recall (kilograms) _ . _ _ _
[] 99998 DK
MN12. Did you ever breastfeed (name)
[] 2 No (Go to next module)
MN13. How long after birth did you first put (name) to the breast
If less than 1 hour, record '00' hours. If less than 24 hours, record hours. Otherwise, record days.
[] 1 Hours _ _
[] 2 Days _ _
[] 998 Don't know/remember
MA1. Are you currently married or living together with a man as if married?
[] 2 Yes, living with a man
[] 3 No, not in union (Go to MA3)
MA2. How old was your husband/partner on his last birthday?
[] 98 DK (Go to MA 5)
MA3. Have you ever been married or lived together with a man?
[] 2 Yes, formerly lived with a man
[] 3 No (Go to next module)
MA4. What is your marital status now: are you widowed, divorced, or separated?
[] 2 Divorced
[] 3 Separated
MA5. Have you been married or lived with a man only once or more than once?
[] 2 More than once
MA6. In what month and year did you first marry or start living with a man as if married
[] 98 DK month
_ _ _ _ Year
[] 9998 DK year
[] Either month or year of marriage/union not known (Continue with MA8)
MA8. How old were you when you started living with your first husband/partner?
Security of tenure and durability of housing: ST
ST1. Do you feel secure from eviction from this dwelling?
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK
CP1. I would like to talk with you about another subject - family planning - and your reproductive health. Are you pregnant now?
[] 2 No
[] 8 Unsure or DK
CP2. Some people use various ways or methods to delay or avoid a pregnancy. Are you currently doing something or using any method to delay or avoid getting pregnant?
[] 2 No (Go to next module)
CP3. Which method are you using?
Do not prompt. If more than one method is mentioned, circle each one.
[] B Male sterilization
[] C Pill
[] D IUD
[] E Injections
[] F Implants
[] G Condom
[] H Female condom
[] I Diaphragm
[] J Foam/jelly
[] K Lactational amenorrhoea method (LAM)
[] L Periodic abstinence
[] M Withdrawal
[] X Other (specify) ____
CP4. Did you slept under a bednet last night?
[] 2 No (Go to next module)
CP5. If yes, was it a long lasting net or other net?
[] 2 Other net
HA1. Now I would like to talk with you about something else.
Have you ever heard of the virus HIV or an illness called AIDS?
[] 2 No (Go to next module)
HA2. Can people protect themselves from getting infected with the AIDS virus by having one sex partner who is not infected and also has no other partners?
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK
HA3. Can people get infected with the AIDS virus because of witchcraft or other supernatural means?
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK
HA4. Can people reduce their chance of getting the AIDS virus by using a condom every time they have sex?
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK
HA5. Can people get the AIDS virus from mosquito bites?
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK
HA6. Can people reduce their chance of getting infected with the AIDS virus by not having sex at all?
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK
HA7. Can people get the AIDS virus by sharing food with a person who has aids?
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK
HA8. Is it possible for a healthy-looking person to have the AIDS virus?
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK
HA9. Can the AIDS virus be transmitted from a mother to a baby?
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK
HA10. If a female teacher has the AIDS virus but is not sick, should she be allowed to continue teaching in school?
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/not sure/depends
HA11. Would you buy fresh vegetables from a shopkeeper or vendor if you knew that this person had the AIDS virus?
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/not sure/depends
HA12. If a member of your family became infected with the AIDS virus, would you want it to remain a secret?
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/not sure/depends
HA13. If a member of your family became sick with the AIDS virus, would you be willing to care for him or her in your household?
[] 2 No
[] 8 DK/not sure/depends
HA14. Check MN5: Tested during antenatal care?
[] No (Continue with HA15)
HA15. I do not want to know the results, but have you ever been tested to see if you have HIV, the virus that causes AIDS?
[] 2 No (Go to HA18)
[] 8 DK (Go to HA18)
HA16. I do not want you to tell me the results of the test, but have you been told the results?
[] 2 No
HA17. Did you, yourself, ask for the test, was it offered to you and you accepted, or was it required?
[] 2 Offered and accepted (Go to next module)
[] 3 Required (Go to next module)
HA18. At this time, do you know of a place where you can go to get such a test to see if you have the AIDS virus?
[] 2 No
HA18A. If tested for HIV during antenatal care: other than at the antenatal clinic, do you know of a place where you can go to get a test to see if you have the AIDS virus?
[] 2 No
NW1. Is she a nutrition woman?
[] 2 No(Go to next module)
NW2. Lab technician?s name and id
ID number: _ _
NW3. Day/month/year of sample collection: _ _ / _ _/ _ _ _ _
NW5. Result of woman?s nutrition data collection
[] 2 Not at home
[] 3 Refused
[] 4 Partly completed
[] 6 Others (specify)
[] 2 No(Go to NW9)
NW8A. If yes, 2 cryovials prepared?
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
NW9. Hemoglobin result collected:
Note: if Hb is less than 7g/dl, please repeat
Note: if Hb value is low, please refer to clinic
[] 2 No(Go to NW10)
If yes, Hb count: _ _ . _
NW10A. Result of malaria test
Note: to be completed after slides are reaching port VILA/ melborne
[] 2 Pfg
[] 3 Pv
[] 0 MPNS
NW11. Salt sample given to the lab technician by enumerator
[] 2 No(Go to next module)
NW8C. Urinary iodine concentration
Note: options of question NW10A were changed to include exact response of MP test and the questionnaire was updated accordingly. While, NW12A and NW8C were included to accommodate the lab results of salt iodine and urinary iodine respectively.