Questionnaire Text

Afghanistan 2022 Dominican Republic 2019 Montenegro (Roma) 2018 Samoa 2019
Argentina 2019 Fiji 2021 Nepal 2019 Suriname 2018
Belarus 2019 Guinea Bissau 2018 Nigeria 2021 Thailand 2019
Benin 2014 Guyana 2019 Pakistan (Punjab) 2017 Thailand 2022
Burkina Faso 2006 Honduras 2019 Pakistan (Sindh) 2018 Turks and Caicos 2019
Central African Republic 2018 Malawi 2019 Pakistan (Balochistan) 2019 Tuvalu 2019
Congo Democratic Republic 2017 Mexico 2015 Pakistan (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) 2019 Uzbekistan 2021
Cote D'Ivoire 2016 Montenegro 2018 Palestine 2019 Vietnam 2020
Afghanistan 2022
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Argentina 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Belarus 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Benin 2014
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN2. Whom did you see?
Probe: anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and circle all answers given.
Health professional:
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C Auxiliary midwife
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Burkina Faso 2006
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN2. Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy?
If yes: Whom did you see? Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and circle all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C Auxiliary midwife
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] H Relative/friend
[] X Other (specify) ____
[] Y No one (Go to MN7)

Central African Republic 2018
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Congo Democratic Republic 2017
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Cote D'Ivoire 2016
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN2. Whom did you see?
Probe: anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and circle all answers given.
Health professional:
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C Auxiliary midwife
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Dominican Republic 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Fiji 2021
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Guinea Bissau 2018
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Guyana 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Honduras 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Malawi 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Mexico 2015
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN2. Whom did you see?
Probe: anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and circle all answers given.
Health professional:
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C Auxiliary midwife
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Montenegro 2018
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Montenegro (Roma) 2018
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Nepal 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Nigeria 2021
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Pakistan (Punjab) 2017
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Pakistan (Sindh) 2018
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Pakistan (Balochistan) 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Pakistan (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Palestine 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Samoa 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Suriname 2018
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Thailand 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Thailand 2022

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Turks and Caicos 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Tuvalu 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Uzbekistan 2021
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____

Vietnam 2020
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
MN3. Whom did you see?
Probe: Anyone else? Probe for the type of person seen and record all answers given.
Health professional
[] A Doctor
[] B Nurse/midwife
[] C [Insert other qualified]
Other person
[] F Traditional birth attendant
[] G Community health worker
[] X Other (specify) ____