Questionnaire Text

Central African Republic 2006
Comoros 2022
Honduras 2019
Kiribati 2018
Samoa 2019
Tonga 2019
Turks and Caicos 2019
Tuvalu 2019
Zimbabwe 2019
Central African Republic 2006
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DV17B. Who did you seek help from? Anyone else?
Record everything that is mentioned
Switch to DV19 regardless of modality
[] A Mother
[] B Father
[] C Sister
[] D Brother
[] E Last husband/partner
[] F Current friend/partner or ex-friend/partner
[] G Mother-in-law (husband's mother)
[] H Father-in-law (husband's father)
[] I Relatives by marriage
[] J Friends
[] K Neighbours
[] L Professor
[] M Employer
[] N Religious leader
[] O Physician/Medical Staff
[] P Police
[] Q Lawyer/Lawyer
[] X Other (specify) ____

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
DV17B. Who did you seek help from? Anyone else?
Record everything that is mentioned
Switch to DV19 regardless of modality
[] A Mother
[] B Father
[] C Sister
[] D Brother
[] E Last husband/partner
[] F Current friend/partner or ex-friend/partner
[] G Mother-in-law (husband's mother)
[] H Father-in-law (husband's father)
[] I Relatives by marriage
[] J Friends
[] K Neighbours
[] L Professor
[] M Employer
[] N Religious leader
[] O Physician/Medical Staff
[] P Police
[] Q Lawyer/Lawyer
[] X Other (specify) ____

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
DV17B. Who did you seek help from? Anyone else?
Record everything that is mentioned
Switch to DV19 regardless of modality
[] A Mother
[] B Father
[] C Sister
[] D Brother
[] E Last husband/partner
[] F Current friend/partner or ex-friend/partner
[] G Mother-in-law (husband's mother)
[] H Father-in-law (husband's father)
[] I Relatives by marriage
[] J Friends
[] K Neighbours
[] L Professor
[] M Employer
[] N Religious leader
[] O Physician/Medical Staff
[] P Police
[] Q Lawyer/Lawyer
[] X Other (specify) ____

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
DV17B. Who did you seek help from? Anyone else?
Record everything that is mentioned
Switch to DV19 regardless of modality
[] A Mother
[] B Father
[] C Sister
[] D Brother
[] E Last husband/partner
[] F Current friend/partner or ex-friend/partner
[] G Mother-in-law (husband's mother)
[] H Father-in-law (husband's father)
[] I Relatives by marriage
[] J Friends
[] K Neighbours
[] L Professor
[] M Employer
[] N Religious leader
[] O Physician/Medical Staff
[] P Police
[] Q Lawyer/Lawyer
[] X Other (specify) ____

Comoros 2022

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Honduras 2019
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IV28. To whom have you reached for help?

[] A Own family
[] B Husband/partner's family
[] C Current husband/partner
[] D Ex-husband/partner
[] E Current boyfriend/ex-boyfriend
[] F Friend
[] G Neighbor
[] H Priest/Pastor
[] I Doctor/Medic staff
[] J Police (go to IV30)
[] K Lawyer
[] L Women's prosecution
[] M Women's institute
[] N Family counseling
[] O Free judicial counseling
[] P Jury
[] Q NGO
[] X Other (specify)

Kiribati 2018
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DVD28. From whom have you sought help? Anyone else?
Record all mentioned
[] A Own family
[] B Husband's/partner's family
[] C Current/former/husband/partner
[] D Current/former boyfriend
[] E Friend
[] F Neighbor
[] G Religious leader
[] H Doctor/medical personnel
[] I Police
[] J Lawyer
[] K Social service organization
[] X Other (specify) ____

Samoa 2019
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DVD28. From whom have you sought help? Anyone else?
Record all mentioned
[] A Own family
[] B Husband's/partner's family
[] C Current/former/husband/partner
[] D Current/former boyfriend
[] E Friend
[] F Neighbor
[] G Religious leader
[] H Doctor/medical personnel
[] I Police
[] J Lawyer
[] K Social service organization
[] X Other (specify) ____

Tonga 2019
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DVD28. From whom have you sought help? Anyone else?
Record all mentioned.
[] A Own family
[] B Husband's/partner's family
[] C Current/former/husband/partner
[] D Current/former boyfriend
[] F Neighbor
[] G Religious member
[] H Doctor/medical personnel
[] I Police
[] J Lawyer/legal service
[] K Social service organization
[] L Own friend/ acquaintance
[] M Family friend/ acquaintance
[] Town/ district officer
[] O Other member of community
[] P Current teacher
[] Q Former teacher
[] X Other (specify): ____

Turks and Caicos 2019
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DA28. From whom have you sought help? Anyone else?
Record all mentioned.
[] A Own family (Go to DA30)
[] B Husband's/partner's family (Go to DA30)
[] C Current/former/husband/partner (Go to DA30)
[] D Current/former boyfriend (Go to DA30)
[] E Friend (Go to DA30)
[] F Neighbor (Go to DA30)
[] G Religious member (Go to DA30)
[] H Doctor/medical personnel (Go to DA30)
[] I Police (Go to DA30)
[] J Lawyer (Go to DA30)
[] K Social service organization (Go to DA30)
[] X Other (specify): ____ (Go to DA30)

Tuvalu 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
DVD28. From whom have you sought help? Anyone else?
Record all mentioned.
[] A Own family
[] B Husband's/partner's family
[] C Current/former/husband/partner
[] D Current/former boyfriend
[] E Friend
[] F Neighbor
[] G Religious member
[] H Doctor/medical personnel
[] I Police
[] J Lawyer
[] K Social service organization
[] X Other (specify): ____

Zimbabwe 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
DV28. From whom have you sought help?
Probe: Anyone else? Record all mentioned

[] A Own Family (Go to DV30)
[] B Husband's/partner's family (Go to DV30)
[] C Current/former/husband/partner (Go to DV30)
[] D Current/former boyfriend (Go to DV30)
[] E Friend (Go to DV30)
[] F Neighbor (Go to DV30)
[] G Religious leader (Go to DV30)
[] H Doctor/medical personnel (Go to DV30)
[] I Police (Go to DV30)
[] J Lawyer (Go to DV30)
[] K Social service organization (Go to DV30)
[] X Other (specify) ____ (Go to DV30)