Questionnaire Text

Benin 2021 Eswatini (Swaziland) 2021 Madagascar 2018 Turks and Caicos 2019
Central African Republic 2006 Honduras 2019 Samoa 2019 Tuvalu 2019
Comoros 2022 Kiribati 2018 Tonga 2019 Zimbabwe 2019
Benin 2021
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DV14. Check MA1 and MA5: already been married or already lived with a man; never married or never lived with a man?
[] 1 Currently in union, MA1=1 or 2 (Go to DV14A)
[] 2 Formerly in union, MA5=1 or 2 (Go to DV14A)
[] 3 Never in union, MA1=3 and MA5=3 (Go to DV14B)

VD14A. Since the age of 15, has anyone other than (your/a) (husband/partner) beat you, slapped you, kicked you or done anything to hurt you physically?
VD14B. Since the age of 15, has anyone beat you, slapped you, kicked you or done anything to hurt you physically?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to DV17)
[] 3 Refused to answer/no answer (Go to DV17)

Central African Republic 2006
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If married / living with a man / separated / divorced
DV10A. Since the age of 15, has anyone other than your (current/last) husband/partner beat you, slapped you, kicked you or did anything to physically assault you?
Widowed/never married/never been in a union
DV10B. Since the age of 15, has anyone beaten you, slapped you, kicked you in order to physically assault you?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to DV14)
[] 8 DK (Go to DV14)

Comoros 2022

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Eswatini (Swaziland) 2021
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GV4A. From the time you were 15 years old has anyone including (your/any) (husband/partner) hit you, slapped you, kicked you, or done anything else to hurt you physically?
GV4B. From the time you were 15 years old has anyone hit you, slapped you, kicked you, or done anything else to hurt you physically?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to GV7)
[] 3 Refused to answer / no answer(Go to GV7)

Honduras 2019
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IV16. Since you turned 15 years of age, did any person hit you, slap you, kick you or harm you physically?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to IV19)
[] 9 No answer (go to IV19)

Kiribati 2018
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DVD16A. From the time you were 15 years old has anyone other than (your/any) (husband/partner) hit you, slapped you, kicked you, or done anything else to hurt you physically?
DVD16B. From the time you were 15 years old has anyone hit you, slapped you, kicked you, or done anything else to hurt you physically?

[] 1 Yes (Go to DVD17)
[] 2 No (Go to DVD19)
[] 3 Refused to answer/no answer (Go to DVD19)

Madagascar 2018
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VD14A. Since you were 15 years old, has anyone other than (your/a) (partner/husband) beaten you, scratched you, kicked you, or done something else to physically hurt you?
VD14B. Since you were 15 years old, has anyone beaten you, scratched you, kicked you, or done something else to physically hurt you.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to VD17)
[] 3 Refused to answer (Go to VD17)

Samoa 2019
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DVD16A. From the time you were 15 years old has anyone other than (your/any) (husband/partner) hit you, slapped you, kicked you, or done anything else to hurt you physically?
DVD16B. From the time you were 15 years old has anyone hit you, slapped you, kicked you, or done anything else to hurt you physically?

[] 1 Yes (Go to DVD17)
[] 2 No (Go to DVD19)
[] 3 Refused to answer/no answer (Go to DVD19)

Tonga 2019
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DVD16A. From the time you were 15 years old has anyone other than (your/any) (husband/partner) hit you, slapped you, kicked you, or done anything else to hurt your physically?
DVD16B. From the time you were 15 years old has anyone hit you, slapped you, kicked you, or done anything else to hurt your physically?

[] 1 Yes (Go to DVD17)
[] 2 No (Go to DVD19)
[] 3 Refused to answer/ no answer (Go to DVD19)

Turks and Caicos 2019
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DA16A. From the time you were 15 years old has anyone other than (your/any) (husband/partner) hit you, slapped you, kicked you, or done anything else to hurt your physically?
DA16B. From the time you were 15 years old has anyone hit you, slapped you, kicked you, or done anything else to hurt your physically?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to DA19A)
[] 3 Refused to answer/ no answer (Go to DA19A)

Tuvalu 2019
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DVD16A. From the time you were 15 years old has anyone other than (your/any) (husband/partner) hit you, slapped you, kicked you, or done anything else to hurt your physically?
DVD16B. From the time you were 15 years old has anyone hit you, slapped you, kicked you, or done anything else to hurt your physically?

[] 1 Yes (Go to DVD17)
[] 2 No (Go to DVD19)
[] 3 Refused to answer/ no answer (Go to DVD19)

Zimbabwe 2019
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DV16A. From the time you were 15 years old has anyone other than (your/any) (husband/partner) hit you, slapped you, kicked you, or done anything else to hurt you physically?
DV16B. From the time you were 15 years old has anyone hit you, slapped you, kicked you, or done anything else to hurt you physically?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to DV19A)
[] 3 Refused to answer/no answer (Go to DV19A)