Questionnaire Text

Benin 2021 Eswatini (Swaziland) 2021 Madagascar 2018 Tuvalu 2019
Central African Republic 2006 Honduras 2019 Samoa 2019 Zimbabwe 2019
Comoros 2022 Kiribati 2018 Turks and Caicos 2019
Benin 2021
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VD15. Who assaulted you this way? Anyone else?
Record all mentioned.
[] A Mother/Father's wife
[] B Father/Mother's husband
[] C Sister/Brother
[] D Daughter/Son
[] E Other relative
[] F Current boyfriend
[] G Previous boyfriend
[] H Mother-in-law
[] I Father-in-law
[] J Other in-law
[] K Teacher
[] L Employer/Someone at work
[] M Police/Soldier
[] X Other (specify) ______

Central African Republic 2006
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DV11.Who physically assaulted you in this way? Someone else?
Record everything that is mentioned

[] A Mother
[] B Father
[] C Your father's wife
[] D Your mother's husband/partner
[] E Sister
[] F Brother
[] G Daughter
[] H Son
[] I Ex-husband/ex-partner
[] J Current friend/partner
[] K Ex-friend/ex-partner
[] L Mother-in-law (husband's mother)
[] M Father-in-law (husband's father)
[] N Related by marriage
[] P Friends/dating ladies
[] Q Friends/meeting men
[] R Professor
[] S Employer
[] T Stranger
[] X Other

Comoros 2022

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Eswatini (Swaziland) 2021
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GV5. Who has hurt you in this way? Probe: Anyone else? Record all mentioned.

[] A Current Husband/Partner
[] B Mother/Step-Mother
[] C Father/Step-Father
[] D Sister/Brother
[] E Daughter/Son
[] F Other Relative
[] G Former Husband/Partner
[] H Current Boyfriend
[] I Former Boyfriend
[] J Mother-In-Law
[] K Father-In-Law
[] L Other In-Law
[] M Teacher
[] N Employer/Someone at Work
[] O Police/Soldier
[] P Community Police
[] Q Stranger
[] X Other (specify)

Honduras 2019
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IV17. Who has punched you or harmed you physically?
Probe anyone else
[] A Mother/stepmother
[] B Father/stepfather
[] C Sister/brother
[] D Daughter/son
[] E Other relative
[] F Current boyfriend
[] G Ex boyfriend
[] H Mother in law
[] I Father in law
[] J Other relatives
[] K Teacher
[] L Boss/Co-worker
[] M Ex co-worker
[] N Police/soldier
[] X Other (specify)

Kiribati 2018
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DVD17. Who has hurt you in this way? Anyone else?
Record all mentioned
[] A Mother/step-mother
[] B Father/step-father
[] C Sister/brother
[] D Daughter/son
[] E Other relatives
[] F Current boyfriend
[] G Former boyfriend
[] H Mother-in-law
[] I Father-in-law
[] J Other in-law
[] K teacher
[] L Employer/someone at work
[] M Police/soldier
[] X Other (specify) ____

Madagascar 2018
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VD15. Who attacked you in this way? Anyone else? Record all that is mentioned.
[] A Mother/Wife of Father
[] B Father/ Husband of Mother
[] C Sister/Brother
[] D Daughter/Son
[] E Another relative
[] F Current boyfriend
[] G Past boyfriend
[] H Step-mother
[] I Step-father
[] J Another step-relative
[] K Teacher
[] M Employer/ someone at work/ police/ solider
[] X Other (specify)

Samoa 2019
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DVD17. Who has hurt you in this way? Anyone else?
Record all mentioned
[] A Mother/step-mother
[] B Father/step-father
[] C Sister/brother
[] D Daughter/son
[] E Other relatives
[] F Current boyfriend
[] G Former boyfriend
[] H Mother-in-law
[] I Father-in-law
[] J Other in-law
[] K teacher
[] L Employer/someone at work
[] M Police/soldier
[] X Other (specify) ____

Turks and Caicos 2019
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DA17. Who has hurt you in this way? Anyone else?
Record all mentioned.
[] A Mother/step-mother
[] B Father/step-father
[] C Sister/brother
[] D Daughter/son
[] E Other relatives
[] F Current boyfriend
[] G Former boyfriend
[] H Mother-in-law
[] I Father-in-law
[] J Other in-law
[] K Teacher
[] L Employer/someone at work
[] M Police/soldier
[] X Other (specify): ____

Tuvalu 2019
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DVD17. Who has hurt you in this way? Anyone else?
Record all mentioned.
[] A Mother/step-mother
[] B Father/step-father
[] C Sister/brother
[] D Daughter/son
[] E Other relatives
[] F Current boyfriend
[] G Former boyfriend
[] H Mother-in-law
[] I Father-in-law
[] J Other in-law
[] K Teacher
[] L Employer/someone at work
[] M Police/soldier
[] X Other (specify): ____

Zimbabwe 2019
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DV17. Who has hurt you in this way?
Probe: Anyone else? Record all mentioned

[] A Mother/step-mother
[] B Father/step-father
[] C Sister/brother
[] D Daughter/son
[] E Other relative
[] F Current boyfriend
[] G Former boyfriend
[] H Mother-in-law
[] I Father-in-law
[] J Other-in-law
[] K Teacher
[] L Employer/someone at work
[] M Police/soldier
[] X Other (specify) ____