Questionnaire Text

Benin 2021
Central African Republic 2006
Honduras 2019
Kiribati 2018
Madagascar 2018
Samoa 2019
Tonga 2019
Turks and Caicos 2019
Tuvalu 2019
Zimbabwe 2019
Benin 2021
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VD8. How soon (after your marriage/after starting to live) with (last) (husband/partner) did this event or events take place for the first time?
If less than one year, record '00'.
Number of years _ _
[] 95 Before marriage/living together

Central African Republic 2006
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DV5. How long after (your (marriage/union/began to be) with your (last) husband/partner did /(this/these behavior(s)) start for the first time?
If less than 1 year, record '00'
Number of years _ _
[] 95 Before marriage/union
[] 96 After separation/divorce

Honduras 2019
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IV7. How much time passed since you got married/union with you (last) husband (partner) and these things started happening?
If less than a year, register "00"
[] Number of years _ _
[] 95 Before marrying/living together

Kiribati 2018
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DVD7. How long after you first (got married/started living together) with your (last) (husband/partner) did (this/any of these things) first happen?
If less than one year, record "00".
_ _ Number of years
[] 95 Before marriage/before living together

Madagascar 2018
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VD8. How long (after you get married/after you started living) with (last) (husband/partner), this act happened or did these acts occur for the first time times ?
If less than a year, enter '00'.

Number of years _ _ _
[] 95 before wedding/ Live together

Samoa 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
DVD7. How long after you first (got married/started living together) with your (last) (husband/partner) did (this/any of these things) first happen?
If less than one year, record "00".
_ _ Number of years
[] 95 Before marriage/before living together

Tonga 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
DVD7. How long after you first (got married/started living together) with your (last) (husband/partner) did (this/any of these things) first happen?
If less than one year, record '00'.
Number of years:_ _
[] 95 Before marriage/before living together

Turks and Caicos 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
DA7. How long after you first (got married/started living together) with your (last) (husband/partner) did (this/any of these things) first happen?
If less than one year, record '00'.
Number of years:_ _
[] 95 Before marriage/before living together

Tuvalu 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
DVD7. How long after you first (got married/started living together) with your (last) (husband/partner) did (this/any of these things) first happen?
If less than one year, record '00'.
Number of years:_ _
[] 95 Before marriage/before living together

Zimbabwe 2019
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DV3. First, I am going to ask you about some situations which happen to some women. Please tell me if these apply to your relationship with your (last) (husband/partner)?

DV7. How long after you first (got married/started living together) with your (last) (husband/partner) did (this/any of these things) first happen?
If less than one year, record "00" years.

_ _ Number of years
[] 95 Before marriage/before living together
[] 96 After separation/divorce