Questionnaire Text

Comoros 2022
Eswatini (Swaziland) 2021
Honduras 2019
Kiribati 2018
Samoa 2019
Tonga 2019
Turks and Caicos 2019
Tuvalu 2019
Zimbabwe 2019
Comoros 2022

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Eswatini (Swaziland) 2021
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
GV14A. How old were you the first time you were forced to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts by anyone, including (your/any) husband/partner?
GV14B. How old were you the first time you were forced to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts?

Age in completed years _ _
[] 98 Don't know

Honduras 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
IV23. How old were you the first time you were forced to have sexual relations or other sexual acts?

[] Age _ _
[] 98 DK/Doesn't remember

Kiribati 2018
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
DVD25A. How old were you the first time you were forced to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts by anyone, including (your/any) husband/partner?
DVD25B. How old were you the first time you were forced to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts?

_ _ Age in completed years
[] 98 Don't know

Samoa 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
DVD25A. How old were you the first time you were forced to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts by anyone, including (your/any) husband/partner?
DVD25B. How old were you the first time you were forced to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts?

_ _ Age in completed years
[] 98 Don't know

Tonga 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
DVD25A. How old were you the first time you were forced to perform any other sexual acts by anyone, including (your/any) husband/partner?
DVD25B. How old were you the first time you were forced to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts?

Age in completed years: _ _
[] 98 Don't know

Turks and Caicos 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
DA25A. How old were you the first time you were forced to perform any other sexual acts by anyone, including (your/any) husband/partner?
DA25B. How old were you the first time you were forced to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts?

Age in completed years: _ _
[] 98 Don't know

Tuvalu 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
DVD25A. How old were you the first time you were forced to perform any other sexual acts by anyone, including (your/any) husband/partner?
DVD25B. How old were you the first time you were forced to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts?

Age in completed years: _ _
[] 98 Don't know

Zimbabwe 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
DV25A. How old were you the first time you were forced to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts by anyone, including (your/any) husband/partner?
DV25B. How old were you the first time you were forced to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts?

_ _ Age in completed years
[] 98 Don't know