Questionnaire Text

Benin 2021
Comoros 2022
Kiribati 2018
Madagascar 2018
Samoa 2019
Tonga 2019
Tuvalu 2019
Zimbabwe 2019
Benin 2021
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
VD19. At any time in your life, when you were a child or adult, did someone force you to have sexual intercourse or to perform other sexual acts against your will?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to DV21)
[] 3 Refused to answer/no answer (Go to DV21)

Comoros 2022

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Kiribati 2018
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
DVD22B. At any time in your life, as a child or as an adult, has anyone ever forced you in any way to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts when you did not want to?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to DVD26)
[] 3 Refused to answer/no answer (Go to DVD26)

Madagascar 2018
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
VD19. At any moment in your life, when you were a child or an adult, were you forced to have sexual relations or perform a sexual act against your will?

[] 1 Oui
[] 2 No (Go to VD21)
[] 3 Refuses to answer/No answer (Go to VD21)

Samoa 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
DVD22B. At any time in your life, as a child or as an adult, has anyone ever forced you in any way to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts when you did not want to?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to DVD26)
[] 3 Refused to answer/no answer (Go to DVD26)

Tonga 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
DVD22B. At any time in your life, as a child or as an adult, has anyone ever forced you in any way to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts when you did not want to?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to DVD26)
[] 3 Refused to answer/ no answer (Go to DVD26)

Tuvalu 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
DVD22B. At any time in your life, as a child or as an adult, has anyone ever forced you in any way to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts when you did not want to?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to DVD26)
[] 3 Refused to answer/ no answer (Go to DVD26)

Zimbabwe 2019
Survey form view entire document:  text  image
DV22B. At any time in your life, as a child or as an adult, has anyone ever forced you in any way to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts when you did not want to?

[] 1 Yes (Go to DV23)
[] 2 No (Go to DV26)
[] 3 Refused to answer/no answer (Go to DV26)