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Weight for domestic violence module

DVWEIGHT is a numeric variable in the data format of "double".


This variable indicates the woman's weight for participation in the domestic violence module. The weight adjusts for the response rate of each individual woman who participated in the domestic violence module.
Each household had one randomly selected woman participate in the domestic violence module and the household weights (DVHWEIGHT) are calculated separately and multiplied by the number of eligible women in the household for the domestic violence variable tabulations found in the final reports.

Comparability — Index



This variable is found for MICS Round 6 samples.

Comparability — Madagascar [top]

For Madagascar 2018, users should note 1,899 women in the sample were assigned a DVWEIGHT but do not appear to have taken part in the Domestic Violence Module.


  • Benin 2021: Women age 15-49
  • Comoros 2022: Women age 15-49
  • Honduras 2019: Women age 15-49 selected and interviewed for the domestic violence module
  • Kiribati 2018: Women age 15-49 selected and interviewed for the domestic violence module
  • Madagascar 2018: Women age 15-49 selected and interviewed for the domestic violence module
  • Samoa 2019: Women age 15-49 selected and interviewed for the domestic violence module
  • Tonga 2019: Women age 15-49 selected and interviewed for the domestic violence module
  • Turks and Caicos 2019: Women age 15-49 selected and interviewed for the domestic violence module
  • Tuvalu 2019: Women age 15-49 selected and interviewed for the domestic violence module
  • Zimbabwe 2019: Women age 15-49 selected and interviewed for the domestic violence module


  • Benin: 2021
  • Comoros: 2022
  • Honduras: 2019
  • Kiribati: 2018
  • Madagascar: 2018
  • Samoa: 2019
  • Tonga: 2019
  • Turks and Caicos: 2019
  • Tuvalu: 2019
  • Zimbabwe: 2019