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Physically hurt by anyone other than husband

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DVOANY indicates if the woman experienced physical abuse by anyone since she was 15 years old.
In most samples, the interpretation of this variable depends on if the woman was ever married or living with a man, see MARST.
If the woman has never been married, the question is phrased to include anyone.
If the woman was ever married or lived with a man, the wording of the question refers to any person other than her husband/partner(s) as information about physical abuse from a husband or partner is available in other variables found in this module.

Comparability — Index

Eswatini (Swaziland)


Exact definitions of physical violence vary by sample. For example, hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything to hurt the woman physically.
Round 6 samples only include a subset of women selected to participate in the domestic violence module.

Comparability — Eswatini (Swaziland) [top]

Eswatini 2021 includes husband/partner(s) for this question.


  • Benin 2021: Woman age 15-49 selected for the domestic violence module
  • Central African Republic 2006: Woman age 15-49
  • Comoros 2022: Woman age 15-49 selected for the domestic violence module
  • Eswatini (Swaziland) 2021: Woman age 15-49 selected for the domestic violence module
  • Honduras 2019: Woman age 15-49 selected for the domestic violence module
  • Kiribati 2018: Woman age 15-49 selected for the domestic violence module
  • Madagascar 2018: Woman age 15-49 selected for the domestic violence module
  • Samoa 2019: Woman age 15-49 selected for the domestic violence module
  • Tonga 2019: Woman age 15-49 selected for the domestic violence module
  • Turks and Caicos 2019: Woman age 15-49 selected for the domestic violence module
  • Tuvalu 2019: Woman age 15-49 selected for the domestic violence module
  • Zimbabwe 2019: Woman age 15-49 selected for the domestic violence module


  • Benin: 2021
  • Central African Republic: 2006
  • Comoros: 2022
  • Eswatini (Swaziland): 2021
  • Honduras: 2019
  • Kiribati: 2018
  • Madagascar: 2018
  • Samoa: 2019
  • Tonga: 2019
  • Turks and Caicos: 2019
  • Tuvalu: 2019
  • Zimbabwe: 2019