Codes and Frequencies
GEO1_ KG2014 identifies the household's region of residence within Kyrgyzstan in the 2014 MICS survey. Regions are the primary level of geography in Kyrgyzstan.
The first three digits of GEO1_ KG2014 provide the country code; the last three digits specify the geographic unit within the country. Leading zeros are used when the geographical unit within the country requires less than a three-digit code. Other geography variables for Kyrgyzstan includes spatiotemporally harmonized GEO1_KG and sample specific geography from GEO1_KG2005 and GEO1_KG2018.
A GIS map (in shapefile format) corresponding to GEO1_KG2014 is available on the GIS Boundary files page. The full set of geography variables for all MICS samples and countries can be found at IPUMS MICS Geography.
- Kyrgyzstan 2014: Women age 15-49
- Kyrgyzstan: 2014