What Every IPUMS MICS User Should Know

There are important differences between IPUMS MICS data and the original MICS data:

Each unit of analysis is a different datafile UNICEF MICS collects data about households and household members. In many of these samples, information about different people is found in different datafiles. In IPUMS MICS, we follow the UNICEF abbreviation system.

See the Sample Universe tab on the leftside menu for the universes typical for each of these units of analysis.

MICS is organized by Rounds Every 3-5 years, UNICEF MICS launches a new round of survey data collection. In the IPUMS MICS collection, we have all publically available samples from Round 3-6. Minor and major changes to the survey questionnaires occur between each round. See the Model Questionnaires tab on the leftside menu.

Weights should always be used to create statistics from MICS/IPUMS MICS data.

Most samples are nationally representative, but some samples are only representative at the sub-national level.

In many variables, respondents who did not complete the interview are included in NIU (not in universe).