Welcome to IPUMS MICS!
The Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) are the main source of information on health in the developing world. IPUMS MICS is designed to facilitate analysis of MICS data across time and space.
IPUMS MICS simplifies the use of MICS data, allowing researchers to easily explore comprehensive variable information, assess the feasibility of potential research before downloading data, and conduct pooled analyses with fully harmonized variables. IPUMS MICS is based on the original MICS data files; IPUMS MICS uses the original MICS data files as source material and does not distribute MICS data. When you request data from IPUMS MICS, you will download unaltered and original data from UNICEF, and will also be provided with a customized syntax file that will select and harmonize only the variables and samples that you have requested.
Getting Started
- Register an Account
- Browsing and Selecting Data
- Downloading and Unzipping an Extract
- What every IPUMS MICS user should know
About the Data
- Sample Descriptions: Available countries, years, and units of analysis
- Questionnaires and Reports: Country specific documents
- Subnational Sample Descriptions
Using the Data
- Sample Universes
- Linking between IPUMS MICS unit of analysis data files
- NEW: Variable names comparison between IPUMS and UNICEF
- NEW: User Note on IPUMS Global Health Interoperable Variables